The Labyrinth of Inter-Time

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Part 1. The Mystery of the Order of the Vernikov

Chapter 1. The world behind the mountain

A lonely mountain broke away from a huge mountain range reaching to the very horizon. The seemingly endless blue sea eagerly caught the reflections of the tired sun, which was trying with its last strength not to drown.

— How long can you endure! — the girl shouted, breaking away from the guy’s embrace.

— Well, go! — he said, trying not to show emotions, so as not to escalate the already tense situation. Although everything was boiling inside. — Is someone holding you?

She sobbed a couple of times and walked away, muttering something under her breath. And he, without turning around, walked in the other direction.

They came here to mend relationships that were falling apart at the seams like an old shirt. But you can’t make a broken vase new. It seemed like this was the end.

He walked a little more, and one could already see the last reflections of the dying Sun on the surface of the sea. He always dreamed of watching the sunset at sea. And finally, the romantic’s dream came true, but did this make my soul warmer?

He lit a cigarette to drown the ghost of a lost feeling in tobacco smoke. And then he took out a flask to drink some bitter whiskey. And don’t care about the Highway Patrol. Today he can do anything!

— Dorian! — he heard the echo of a well-known voice. Former grievances immediately evaporated, and he rushed to the side where his beloved’s voice came from.

Twenty steps. Two hundred. Five hundred.

— Angel! — he shouted, and the mountains echoed him with a long echo. — Angel, where are you?

Only an echo was the answer.

He stopped only for a few seconds to catch his breath, and then began to run further. When he had no more strength, he shouted again:

— Angel!

And again silence.

— Angel, my love! Where are you?

How often do we realize that we have lost a loved one when he is no longer around.

Dorian looked around and realized: something was wrong! It seems like the same mountain, the same sea on the horizon. The air is not like that at all. Oh yes! How could he not notice right away: the sun was on the other side. He didn’t remember the night at all, but during his run the evening gave way to morning, and somewhere behind the mountain the first rays of sunshine flickered.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

— At least I’ll take a swim in the sea!

He had to walk for quite a long time: he never found the car. Angel probably left without even saying goodbye. Dorian stripped naked, because there was no one to be shy in this wilderness, and rushed into the cool water. It was his first time at sea. And for the first time I saw such crystal clear water!

— We need to buy a house on the beach.

What clean air, there is no familiar smog that was a constant companion of megacities. Having got out of the water, the guy lay down on a stone to dry off. And then he pulled on his trousers. He wrapped the shirt around his waist, because the sun was already starting to get hot.

An unfamiliar sound was heard nearby, and Dorian walked in its direction. Behind a small ledge stood… He didn’t immediately remember the name of this creature. Locker? Curl? Oh yes, a horse. I once saw these in Cinema. But this is an almost extinct species! Where does the horse come from here? They say there are no more than a hundred of them left, and they live in the Reserve.

There was a bag nearby. He opened it, seeing a lot of food items. Ah, that’s what was missing for so many hours!

The dried lamb filled my empty stomach with a pleasant lump. But it’s real lamb! Not the usual meat substitute, but a completely natural product! The last time he ate meat was as a child, while his father worked as a Guardian. They had direct supply of first-class products. Dorian was envied by everyone in the class when he brought a fresh apple, and not jam from a tube, like everyone else, or a raw potato, and not custard mashed potatoes made from starch. But then my father was taken away, accused of participating in a conspiracy.

He continued to lie there, reminiscing about old times when something cold pressed against his neck. A tall young albino stood next to him, his sword pressed to Dorian’s throat.

— Thief! What do you need here? How long have you been spying on me? Who sent you? — the stranger’s eyes glowed with anger and irritation.

— Nobody sent me! I came myself. Is this your place?

— You lie next to my horse, faithful Dolt, eat my food, and dare to say that you ended up here by accident? I haven’t believed in coincidences for a long time! Speak! Who are you?

— My name is Dorian. And you?

— As if you don’t know yourself! — said the stranger.

— Nobody sent me! How many times should I tell you? Calm down, guy! Let’s put down your weapon and we can talk in a peaceful atmosphere. I have some whiskey, we can drink to meet you. And I’ll pay for your food, if necessary. Don’t be so angry about it.

The albino lowered his sword and sat down on a stone.

— Sorry if I offended you in any way. I have no one to trust, life disappoints people. Call me White Wolf,» with these words he extended his hand. Dorian shook it hesitantly.

— A wolf? What a strange name?

«I took this name for myself when a white wolf saved me from a pack of fellow tribesmen. You know that it is better not to reveal your real name to anyone, so that demons and magicians do not take over your mind.

Dorian glanced sideways at the stranger’s sword, so he did not make comments about «demons and magicians.» Fate sends him strange friends after all!

The wolf rummaged in the bag and took out an apple. Then he pulled out another one.

— Will you? — he handed the fruit to Dorian.

They sat like that for a while in silence and chewed the delicacy.

— Where are you going? — the albino interrupted the silence.

— We need to go home, to Stelton. I just don’t know how to get there! The girl took the car, and the wallet was in the glove compartment. You’ll have to hitchhike.

— Are you seriously from Stelton?! — the stranger rose to his feet, again pointing his sword at Dorian. — I told you that you are a spy! How did you know the name of my hometown? Who sent you?

— Will you ever calm down! You need to treat your paranoia, White Wolf. What spies!

— A person from my hometown couldn’t be here!

— Yes, the world is not a small place, but you should never rule out the possibility that fellow countrymen can meet a couple of thousand miles from their home!

— I haven’t been home for more than ten years. Ever since I came into this world.

— You know, by your appearance we can say that you came into this world more than twenty years ago. And not like all the children, but that the aliens forgot about you when they left the planet!

— How long have you been here?

— Here — at the sea? Or how long ago did you «come into this world»? I’m twenty-five, if that, and I came into this world at birth!

— It looks like you’ve been here quite recently. I want to make you happy — you crossed the portal.

— What?! Fuck you! Psycho! Abnormal!

Patience comes to an end sooner or later. First, the girl with her «corrals». Now this one. Dorian turned to walk away from his strange acquaintance. But a huge dragonfly suddenly appeared before his eyes, which the White Wolf cut in half with his sword.

«What the…» said Dorian, and fainted.


He opened his eyes when the sun was at its zenith. The White Wolf poured water on him.

— Looks like you’re not a spy. My real name is Eleon. What area did you live in?

— Near White Square. What was it? This is huge,» Dorian suddenly remembered the strange creature.

— Strekkil. These are often found in these parts. You may or may not believe me, but you ended up in Seisil.

— What?

— This is what the locals call this world. I came here completely by accident when I was fourteen. I was running from the gang, and didn’t even notice how I crossed the portal. And there was no turning back. It’s okay, it’s also quite good here, I was able to find a home here.

Then Dorian remembered how he walked around the entire area and did not see a single trace of a car. This clean air, the sun, which turned out to be on the other side. Dragonfly. Horse! So many coincidences.

Although, you shouldn’t even communicate with him, so as not to become infected with madness.

— What is the year now? — Dorian asked.

— One hundred and thirtieth era of the eighty-fourth King Henry.

Okay, it’s worth going with this weirdo. At least until the first traces of civilization. After all, he won’t get far without a car, but at least the psycho has a horse.

— So where are you going?

«To the House of the Sorcerer, the great royal castle,» answered the White Wolf.

The sorcerer’s house… Okay, the main thing is not to be too surprised. For Eleon these are quite normal words. Never mind, civilization is very close, you won’t have to endure it for long!

— Can I go with you?

— My path is not close and is full of various dangers! I can’t involve others in my problems!

— Don’t leave me here alone! — said Dorian.


Riding a horse together with another guy is a dubious pleasure. Cinema usually showed a brave adventurer carrying a beautiful lady on a horse. But it’s time to get used to the fact that life is not Cinema.

Half an hour — and Dorian rubbed his crotch, sat on his leg, a complete «bouquet».

When the sun began to sink below the horizon, they decided to stop at a nearby village on the outskirts of the forest. With every mile, Dorian’s hope of meeting civilization became less and less. Are there really still places untouched by Megacities?

Chapter 2. Execution at sunset

Every self-respecting gossip has at least once been to a tavern called the Old Magician. And today the hall was filled with guests, and old Halfrid’s treasury was filled with gold. The beer flowed like a river, and the out of breath young beauty only had time to bring more and more mugs of foamy drink and take away the empty ones.

— Suzanne, three more mugs! — one of the guests shouted.

«Teddy… hmm… Maybe… hmm… that’s enough?.. hmm,» said his comrade, with difficulty overcoming a hiccup.

— Why, Dil? Ali, aren’t you having fun on this beautiful fine evening?

— I… hmm… to be honest… hmm… not very good with gold…

— Don’t worry, buddy! I’m treating you! Suzanne, three more mugs and fried lanels with maize sauce! — Teddy said, slapping the innkeeper’s helpful daughter on the thighs.

— Hands off! Otherwise I’ll tell my father everything! He will definitely throw you out onto the street! — the girl squealed offendedly.

— It’s good for you that you shouted! Bring the beer, I tell you!

The girl hurried to fulfill the order, mincing through the dense rows of tables in the room saturated with the smell of beer, just to quickly get rid of the «dork,» as she called him, who was not allowing her passage.

— Have you heard the latest news? — said the man, sitting down with two drunken comrades.

— What’s new, Willie? — asked Teddy.

«Tomorrow at sunset there will be an execution,» Willie answered.

— Magicians again? — Teddy clarified.

— Serves them right! There is no point in embarrassing the good people with your tricks! — Willie raised his voice slightly.

«I’m a bit of a magician myself,» said Teddy. — So I may also fall out of favor with the Anti-Witch League. After all, I don’t have the right to magic. Who will be executed this time?

— Children of the local clerk Herold.

— These impudent inquisitors have completely loosened their belts! There is no peace for them! — Teddy hit the table with his fist.

— And most importantly… hmm.. the king… hmm… will not protect! — Dil said, raising his head from the table.

— And I thought it was a sinful thing that you fell asleep! — Willie laughed.

— Henry will protect! — said Teddy. — He doesn’t care about us! It’s called the king! Who needs nothing but science! A great magician is a useless ruler! I think even our clerk would become a better ruler, and no less a scientist!

In a heated conversation, the regulars of this establishment did not notice how Suzanne and a gray-haired, mustachioed, wiry man approached them.

— Greetings, Halfrid! — Willie said, but the innkeeper did not notice the outstretched hand. He looked at his comrade with eyes full of anger and hatred.

— Teddy! You’ve been harassing my daughter again! I have already warned you more than once!

— You misunderstood everything!

— Get out! And never cross the threshold of my tavern! I’ll see you one more time, and you won’t waste any more air intended for honest people! — the angry father grabbed the drunkard’s collar. And he flew away, hitting his back against the corner of the table — Teddy was a sorcerer, albeit weak and illegal. Three more strong guys ran up to the lout — the sons of the old innkeeper. The three men, who had recently been quietly chatting about public policy issues, jumped to their feet. Dil began waving a knife, Willie — a fragment of a broken bottle, and Teddy had a weapon of enchantment invisible to others.

— Get Teddy alive! — shouted Halfrid. — He is an illegal magician! He must be handed over to the Anti-Witch League, as the Law says!

One of the innkeeper’s sons grabbed a knife from Dil, who could barely stand on his feet, and now crossed him with Willie’s broken bottle. And the careless owner of the bladed weapon fell to the floor and tried unsuccessfully to get up. Two other strong guys tied Teddy up. Then the three of them grabbed Willie and threw him out into the street. Dil also flew after him.

— Throw Ted in the closet! — Halfrid said.

And so every day: beer flows like a river, new gossip pours in from all sides, the bored sons of the tavern owner have something to occupy their fists in peacetime. Everyone is having fun, there is bread and circuses, everyone is happy.

But one guest is not having fun today. An albino with red eyes sits silently with a friend, lost in thought and finishing more than his first mug of intoxicating drink. But even beer haunts him from bitter thoughts and memories.


A huge hall made of white marble. In the center of the hall is a long stone table. At the head of the table sits a long-bearded old man — the Master of the Brotherhood of the Defenders of the Crown. Behind him flies the flag of a secret organization:

Two people entered the hall.

«We’ve all gathered today…» the master of the brotherhood began, not paying attention to the newcomers. The rest of the meeting participants remained silent.

— Congratulations, master! You have joined us again! — one of the new arrivals shouted in joy.

— What are you talking about, Ilan? I am always with you! I will never leave you! — the elder absentmindedly looked around, seemingly taken by surprise by this simple question.

— But you, Master Avinius, returned from prison today! Two hours back talked with you in the mirror.

Any, even the weakest, magician could bend the bars without much effort, so special prisons were created for sorcerers. The condemned person touched the enchanted mirror and found himself in a separate world. And everyone could see the prisoner using a special object in the form of a coin, which must be brought to any mirror. But real freedom could only be given by a magician who entered the world through the looking glass or the king personally.

— By the mirror? You are probably on Sun overheated! Today like this heat! — Avinius playfully waved his palms near his face.

— What’s wrong with you, Ilan? I spent the whole morning preparing the meeting with the master! — said Sorenius, one of the brotherhood members. — So who were you talking to in the mirror?

— I already said: with Master Avinius. Eleon, my student, also saw it. I still have the key to the prison with me.

At these words, Avinius’s face changed:

— Who are you listening to, gentlemen! Ilan has gone crazy and deprived his student of his will! Or maybe they also became faithful?

He tried to snatch the key coin from Ilan’s hands, but Sorenius was ahead of the head of the brotherhood.

— We must investigate the case before we think about conclusions!

— Sorenius, I order you! Give this item to me! — the old man extended his bony hand.

— Sorry, master, I respect you, but I can’t do this! We’ll just see what kind of key my brother brought to the Council!

The old man rushed at the careless subordinate, but Sorenius was able to easily cope with the master. Then he brought the round object to the mirror, where the image of Avinius appeared. All those gathered gasped at once, looking from the old man in the hall to another, looking through the looking glass.

— Who you are? — Sorenii took the initiative, turning to the reflection.

— I, dear Sorenius, master Avinius, Master of the Brotherhood of Defenders Crown, member which, as I remember, you are too,» the reflection in the mirror made some manipulations with its hands. Avinius, the one who was in hall meeting, fell to the floor. Everyone present knew that the old man mastered the Light spell perfectly, so hundreds of white wands were aimed at the impostor. Instead of the old man, a young man was already sitting there.

— Tion?! You! After all, the teacher trusted you! He must be killed! Immediately! — Sorenius commanded.

— Please, don’t kill! I can still become useful! I’ll tell you everything I know! — Tion was almost sobbing, crawling on his knees.

— And what do you know? How betray? To your workshop betrayal we already believe. We also know that those who once betrayed will repeat this again and again,» said Sorenii.

— I don’t know much. But please! Just don’t kill,» the actor kept crawling on his knees.

— Who put me in prison? — asked Avinius.

— Don’t know!

— Is it true?! — Sorenius asked indignantly.

— OK! OK! This Khan! Khan ordered the thugs to imprison Avinius. He appointed me instead of him in parliament and brotherhood.

— Who?!! — asked the surprised Sorenii.

«Royal Advisor Khan,» the prisoner repeated again.

— What is he talking about! And why do you think he needs all this? — Ilan asked.

— He needs a crown!

— What? While alive king! — Sorenius smiled incredulously.

— He will kill Henry at the Autumn Festival!

— You know, friend. Even Khan can’t do it. — It’s Ilan’s turn to smile.

— Already under strength. Day before yesterday he stole a black staff from the Vault.

Panic ran across the faces of those present.

«You don’t joke with such things,» Sorenius said seriously.

— I’m not joking! And further. None of you will live until the morning! Now…

Pseudo-Avinius did not finish speaking. He began to frantically scratch his shoulder, then pulled off his sleeve. The letter «B» was blazing there, and the impostor’s body turned to ashes in a few seconds.

«This is a seal of loyalty,» said Sorenius. — Such magic beyond the power of any sorcerer. We are indeed dealing with a conspiracy. We must inform the king about the black staff!

A sharp knock on the door. Then another one. The next blow shatters the door, and an entire army rushes into the room. At the head of the soldiers who entered was Simon, Head of the Royal Guard. The man appears to be about fifty years old.

— Hello, Simon! To what do we owe the appearance of such an important person? — Sorenius asked.

«In the name of the king, all members of the brotherhood are declared outlaws,» Simon said impartially, not paying attention to Sorenius. — Hand over all weapons. You are sentenced to life imprisonment.

But there are many more soldiers than members of the brotherhood!

Ilan, with an imperceptible movement, grabbed the key coin and handed it to Eleon.

— You must convey to the ruler everything that you have recently seen. Avinius will be your witness. You will find a map of the Country in my house. Don’t hesitate! You have a little more than two months, but time will not stand still!

He made a barely noticeable movement, and a portal appeared behind the albino. Ilan pushed Eleon, and he fell onto a plane that was supposed to move him many miles away.


A small house in the middle of the forest, which always smells of myrtle. Here he spent several years under the supervision of a teacher who made him a powerful magician. Eleon grabbed the card lying on the table. He collected food in a bag and mounted his horse. The road is not close, but time is running out.

Just a few days ago he again entered the hall where that fateful meeting of the Brotherhood took place. And I found here only the corpses of true friends. Now he is the last one left from the Brotherhood of Defenders of the Crown, and who, if not him, will protect the king? But among the other bodies he did not find Ilan.

— Maybe he’s still alive?


Eleon ordered himself another glass of beer. After a long story, everyone went deeper into their thoughts. Dorian kept remembering his beloved, and Eleon remembered his murdered comrades.

The sunset spilled colors onto the endless canvas of the sky, and suddenly it became possible to take a break from the annoying heat.

The central square was filled with people.

— Lord, what does all this mean? — Dorian was unable to hide his emotions.

«Watch in silence,» said Eleon.

Surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, stood five people in black cloaks with hoods.

«The law states that illegal magic must be punished with all severity and without delay!» — said one of them.

— He used magic illegally! — said our recent acquaintance — one of Halfrid’s sons, and pulled Teddy into the center of the circle, trying to resist.

— No, please, he’s lying!

— There is only one way to check this! — said one of the inquisitors, removing his hood and smiling ominously. Silence suddenly reigned in the square. — The ancient spirit of Justice will help us judge. ILLIGULUS! — he shouted, throwing his hands up. Teddy suddenly fell to the floor, writhing in pain. He tried to cover his face with his hands, but the spell knew no barriers. Not even a few seconds had passed before the poor fellow was no longer moving.

— Oh my God! Isn’t this a dream? — Dorian closed his eyes, then opened them again. Blinked. He pinched his elbow. But the picture hasn’t changed.

— May the Great Spirit of Justice be glorified! — the five inquisitors shouted in one voice. — Lead the next one!

The young man now stood in the center of the circle. One man emerged from the crowd.

— NO! He is not guilty! This is all slander!

— Don’t be humiliated, father, I beg you! It doesn’t affect them.

— The Spirit of Justice will judge! — said the same one, in a black cloak. — He never takes innocent people! ILLIGULUS!

The guy remained standing where he was. Nothing happened.

— The Spirit spared you — that means you are innocent. He only takes magicians who do not have the right to practice witchcraft. But now we need to check your sister, is he as innocent as you?!

The young black-haired girl was thrown at the feet of the executioners. She stood up proudly and spat in the face of the inquisitor who had so short-sightedly removed his hood.

«I hope you pay with your life for this,» he said, wiping his face.

Eleon already realized that the girl was guilty if an innate gift can be considered a sin. He had a personal account with the Anti-Witch League. After all, thanks to them, he ended up in this foreign place!

— Dorian, I’ve only known you for a short time. But tell me, will you stay with me? My path is thorny and full of dangers, so I would advise you to leave the square. But if you go, will you be with me to the end, earth?

Dorian, speechless, could only shake his head.

— Great. Then go towards the forest, we’ll meet you there. Get ready to run.

I didn’t have to repeat it twice. Dorian took small steps towards the endless line of trees.

The wolf raised his hand, and the two in black hoods fell to the ground, as if from an invisible blow. The chief has already raised his hands. But he didn’t have time to say the cherished spell. He grabbed his throat, as if someone was strangling him with an invisible rope. Eleon, taking advantage of the general confusion, threw the girl over his shoulder. Pushing aside the crowd, he squeezed into the forest, where it would be more difficult to find the fugitives.

— Stop them! — shouted the inquisitor in an imperious tone, who never took revenge for the spit on his face. But the crowd suddenly closed in, preventing the order from being carried out. Everyone in the village loved the clerk and his family.

— You pathetic people! Do you even understand who you are contacting? Move away quickly!

The five inquisitors extended their hands forward, and red lightning streamed from them. The crowd parted. The executioners began to make their way through the resulting passage, but their path was blocked by the brother of the condemned woman, who was given life.

— Move away! — said the one without the hood.

— Only over my dead body!

— You’re welcome! — said the judge, and lightning from his hands killed the young man. Here the exclamation of the father of the family was heard:

— After all, he was innocent! You promised him life — and killed him! This is how you serve your spirit of Justice! — lightning from his eyes pierced the killer’s head, and he fell to the ground. No one in the village knew that the clerk was such a powerful magician that he could defeat the anti-mage centurion alone! But coping with five is an unprecedented thing, so the man had no choice but to run deep into the forest, following in the footsteps of his daughter and her saviors.

And his enemies literally stepped on his heels, not giving him a second of rest…

Chapter 3. The secret of Advisor Khan.

One single window among the cold stone walls of the castle. Near the window there is a wooden table, a lit candle on it sends an uncertain light to the bored walls.

Royal Councilor Khan, the head of Parliament, sat in the room and studied the new denunciation under the rhythmic crackling of a candle that filled the whole room with a burning smell, and his little daughter played in the next room. He is not tall, he looks like he is fifty years old, but there is not a single gray hair on his jet-black curls.

Nobody liked the Advisor, not even the ruler. He was born into a poor family, but his tenacious mind quickly gave him a path to life. Khan is cunning and uncompromising, so he quickly surpassed his comrades. And luck is always on his side. Avinius at the last moment refused the post of Royal Advisor, tormented by remorse for raising Dell, a dark magician. But in vain! When it comes to power, it is better to go all the way. There is no place for being too sentimental in politics!

The years went by, but Khan did not change, he only became more cunning and resourceful. Even the death of his wife did not become a reason to be kinder and more compliant. (Although there were persistent rumors that he himself killed the poor woman — people love to talk). He always worked tirelessly, trying to find those who wanted to screw him. The paranoia probably came from the former king.

There was a guard outside the door. It was ordered not to let anyone in. Therefore, nothing could prevent the head of Parliament from working.

It was early spring, and the evenings were often still cold. But he, all in his thoughts, did not even notice how it became even colder, even for March, although the windows were closed: Khan was afraid of being struck by a spell of lightning or other death at the hands of enemies. And there was a reason: many hated the Advisor. There was a noise behind the door.

— What is there again! — the Advisor was indignant.

Suddenly, a black-haired young man of strong build appeared before the eyes of the head of Parliament, as if out of nowhere.

— I ordered: not to let anyone in! Security! — Khan turned sharply to the door.

— Don’t fuss like that! — the uninvited guest spoke, blocking the path to the exit. — I won’t delay you for long. I just need to talk to you.

— There is a specially designated time for conversations. Sign up for an audience. And now I’M BUSY! Security!

«I would love to come another time, but I’m afraid that I will disappear forever.» And the conversation will be informal.

— Introduce yourself! — the angry Advisor almost shouted.

— Of course, my friend. «My name is Dell,» said the guest.

— Dell… Dell… I don’t remember that name.

— After the War of Troubles, no one dares to name their son that. I am a ghost. Until today I was invisible, if you refuse my offer, in an hour I will disappear into oblivion. Fate is inexorable, and everything is in its hands!

Once upon a time I alone dealt with an invincible army. And now I bring the cold with my presence, and I can only cope with the flowers on the windowsill!


This story dates back to the reign of the last king, Leonard. Then the Order of Glory was able to awaken Darkness in its purest form, and ancient demons burst out of the depths of the universe. Their army, consisting of people and ghosts who could not be killed with an ordinary sword, surrounded the Sorcerer’s House.

People fought bravely for their homes, for the king, but courage is not always a strong weapon, especially against ancient magic. The walls of the city collapsed and a black cloud poured in. Fifteen ghosts from the whole army were killed, but for each enemy there were three hundred lives of Leonard’s warriors. The castle gates did not last long, and the king was captured by evil spirits.

And when there seemed to be no hope, one of the students of Master Avinius appeared. The young man possessed the rarest gift — the spells of Darkness. Few people could see the Forces in their original form, but even fewer people had power over them. Avinius, for example, ruled over the Light. And this young man, with the power of thought, was able to disperse an entire regiment of the enemy. The ghosts disappeared into oblivion, only their armor and shields remained to decorate the nearby lands. The war has been won. Everything would be fine. But Leonard became extremely paranoid. He strengthened his security so that no one would take him prisoner again, as during this war. Then the madman ordered the young man to be arrested, too, because he was afraid of the powerful magician. They say that he even ordered the death of the queen, accusing him of conspiracy. It is impossible to say whether this is true, but she was no longer seen within the castle walls.


— Avinius found me. He called me the Chosen One. And I saved the kingdom from certain destruction! — Dell continued to tell. «And ended up in prison because of it!» Such is the king’s gratitude for freedom! You know, Khan, the world is not fair. I was only remembered as the villain who tried to attack the king. And not as a savior! After the feat, I was left completely exhausted, and did not even try to resist when the guards grabbed me. But the Element, which endowed me with Strength, filled me with hatred and malice, making me stronger. I broke the prison into a thousand pieces and was freed. And along with me — other powerful magicians who were outlaws. Together we went to the royal castle, in the name of revenge!


But Dell, of course, didn’t tell everything. He forgot to mention that the spirit of Antimonik came to him in a dream and offered him Power. And Dell did not reject the offer.

He awakened the Dark Army of Spirits again. The All-Powerful Element endowed him with a new talent — he became the new Dark Lord, the embodiment of Evil and Horror in a human body. The gates had not yet been completely restored, and collapsed again under the onslaught of the rebels.

They say that Avinius personally killed the student when he had already raised the black staff cursed by the Darkness over Leonard’s head. Dell died, but his shadow wandered for many years: first, Leonard was found dead in his bedchamber with a hole in his chest. Then many others who participated in the persecution of the caster of Darkness died from unknown causes. They said it was the spirit of a black rebel.


— Dell, Black Rebel! This can’t be! — Superstitious fear was visible in Khan’s eyes.

— Don’t believe me? — with these words the guest grabbed the Advisor’s wrist. But the Head of Parliament did not feel anything. The hand went right through.

— You really are a ghost! But this cannot be. I dream about you! The dead cannot meet the living!

«It turns out they can,» the ghost’s face was adorned with a demonic smile that would make anyone tremble. — An hour ago, members of my order performed a ritual, and here I am in front of you. But I’ll disappear soon. I want to be alive again. There is one secret in the vault for making a Revitalizing Stone.

— I’m not a king. And even if I want to get into the First Level Security vault, I won’t be able to.

«That’s why I came to you,» with these words an ominous smile appeared on the ghost’s lips. — Royal Advisor Khan. You have achieved the highest title a mere mortal could desire. But I see right through you! Even now you are missing something, although you don’t know what exactly. And I’ll give you a hint: the crown is missing.

— You won’t be able to give it! — Khan didn’t even deny that he wanted to wear the crown.

— I — no, of course. But I can help you achieve your goal. And in return I will get life. Sounds like a good exchange to me.

— This is impossible.

— Nothing is impossible. Half an hour ago you didn’t believe in the existence of ghosts. But I stand before you as a living, or rather, non-living example of the opposite. Fate is always so unpredictable! You don’t risk anything. If you do not become king, I will not be able to come to life, so there is no reason for me to deceive. Moreover, I have my own interest in the fall of Henry’s crown!

— What if, having become king, I deceive you?

— You won’t deceive me. So, do you agree? — Dell asked.

«Yes,» Khan answered.

— Hurry up. Create this sign on your left shoulder.

An image appeared in the air:

— What is this?

— Seal of fidelity. In case of betrayal, you will turn into ashes. Without her I will disappear. And this way I can feed on your energy to live and give advice. What did you want? Nothing appears out of nowhere and disappears without a trace. In order for me to appear before you, the Order had to sacrifice a child. And this is too much, even for a sect of dark magicians.

No one should know about our little secret. The Order of Vernikov will be at your personal disposal. I will warn Master Simon personally.

— Simon, the head of the Royal Guard — the leader of the sect of dark magicians?!!

— Have you stopped being surprised? But what about the Advisor — the future king? Will this news also surprise you? So, first, get rid of the Brotherhood of Defenders of the Crown. First of all, from Master Avinius. My mentor has not forgiven me, and will be an ardent opponent of revival. And he is a strong enemy! Maybe he, too, will decide to use the magic of Light to destroy the prison in which he will be put, and will go to kill the king, like I once did? I want to look at this!

— If not for you, he, and not me, would have been the head of Parliament. This is the second time you have promoted me up the career ladder!

«You must also get my staff out of the Vault,» Dell said.

«Black staff…» Khan whispered with awe in his voice.

— Yes, the same staff that I tried to kill Leonard with before my death. Darkness-cursed staff. Only he can kill the king. Be careful to handle it with silk gloves. Otherwise the curse will kill you! Touch causes instant death. Many people think that Avinius killed me. Nonsense! I died by accident! I touched the staff. And for many years he found himself in a gloomy world of Darkness and Horror. Many people go crazy, but I turned out to be stronger than the Element under my control. But death became the beginning of a new life for me! And soon I will become even stronger, my king.

— I’ll kill Henry and end up behind bars! — Khan exclaimed.

«Listen to me, and everything will be fine,» Dell said. — The secret of reincarnation will help. Including in the fight against these Defenders of the Crown.

Dell handed Khan the book, and he began to read: «Once upon a time there were two sisters. One inherited the beauty of her mother, and young men came from all the principalities to see the land on which she walked. And the second was smart, like a mother, and she had no equal in magic. The sisters got along well with each other until they met the princely governor. Between two sisters, he chose one, whom he married. And his choice fell, of course, on the beauty. But the second girl cried sleepless nights until she came up with the right way to be with her beloved. She touched her sister, and immediately they swapped bodies. And now only one belonged to intelligence, beauty, and a beloved young man. And only the elder, who perfectly mastered the power of Light, could remove the spell.»

— Only the primordial Elements can destroy the ancient curse! — said Dell. — Therefore, dear Khan, be careful with Avinius — he can expose us!


Hundreds, no, thousands of politicians from all over the world promise a happy future. If everything was as they say, everyone would have lived just perfectly long ago. But people love money, without exception. Khan knew this very well. And now he called Tion, one of Avinius’ students, «for a conversation.» He also knew that Tion was getting married soon, but had no gold. He comes from a poor family.

— Do something for me and I’ll pay for your wedding. By the way, I won’t offend you with the title either.

— I can’t do this, Advisor! — said Tion.

— You know, your father made a lot of mistakes in his youth. I think he should go to jail for them. I turned a blind eye to this for a long time. This item was found in his bedroom.

Khan handed a small piece of paper to Tion. «Kill Henry and you get 5 gold»

— What a coincidence, the royal guard receives gold for betrayal!

— You! — Hatred lit up in Tion’s eyes.

«You’re so honest, it’s time for me to do my duties too.» Soon your father will turn out to be an enemy of the state, and you, as his son, will be treated with caution. There is no future for the people you become, all roads are closed! And you don’t have to look with such hatred! Many people can’t stand me. But I have the information! — Khan looked into Tion’s eyes for a long time until he lowered his gaze.

«I agree,» he said quietly.

— Correct solution! — Khan burst into ominous laughter.

From birth, magicians are equal. Titles and positions are not inherited. The son of a magician can become a peasant, and the descendant of a craftsman can become a member of parliament if he shows talent for magic and wisdom.

All people, some from childhood, sign up to study at the University of Witchcraft. Until its completion and successful passing of the exams, no one has the right to use witchcraft.

Tion was soon to take Avinius’ exams. And he will officially be allowed to use magic. Otherwise — death. Its name is the Illigulus spell.

— Well, did you remember everything? — said Khan. — Repeat your lesson again!

— Avinius gives me my legal right to magic. I use a transformation spell and take on the appearance of the master, and he becomes me. Then I have to shout for the guards to take the «imposter» away.

— You say everything correctly. The main thing is to do everything right. Now imagine such a symbol on your left shoulder. — Khan drew the letter «B» in Tion’s head, that very seal of loyalty to Dell. «You must be faithful to our cause.»


Again this cold and feeling of panic.

— A good start! — said the ghost of a black rebel already familiar to us. — The main thing, Khan, is that everything goes as we plan.

The ghost could now move calmly, having drunk his fill of Khan’s energy.


Dawn just recently spilled the scarlet wine of the glow on the black blanket of the sky. Somewhere in the distance, a lanelle chirped, rejoicing at the birth of a new day. And this all-consuming smell of wild myrtles that bloomed all around.

A great holiday for many students of the magic school: very soon they will be able to use magic.

The high hill dozed languidly in anticipation of the approaching event, and the free wind gently ruffled it. A stone staircase, built several centuries ago, ran up the hill. It was here, and not within the city walls, that the ceremony for awarding the right to magic took place.

Master Avinius stood at the top. Each of the students climbed up in turn to receive the right they had earned over the years of study.

— Errifen! «Come to me, my student,» said the great magician. The named one went up the steps. -You have earned the right to magic! Swear on your name that you will use this right only for good!

— I swear, my teacher!

— We are all in the hands of Fate! But swear to me in the name of your mother that you will never take the path of evil!

— I swear, my teacher!

— Swear in the name of your father that you will protect the king and his family to the last drop of blood!

— I swear, my teacher!

— Let it be so! By the power given to me, I give you the legal right to magic! — Avinius ran his brush over Errifen’s shoulder, and for a moment a flame flared up on it, but then went out. Errifen fell to his knees, as tradition required, to thank the teacher for his efforts and patience.

— Arise, my faithful student! Now you are a magician!

Now it’s Tion’s turn to receive his legal right. Friends tapped him on the shoulder encouragingly, and he went towards his fate. He so wanted to quickly gain the right to magic, but he had to strictly follow traditions, and he had to slowly move from step to step. He kept looking at his feet to show modesty.

— You have earned the right to magic! Swear on your name that you will use this right only for good! — Avinius repeated, as required by the ancient ritual.

— I swear, my teacher! — Tion lowered his gaze even more. He never took an oath that he could not fulfill. But the seal of Loyalty burned stronger than his conscience, so he took all subsequent oaths.

— We are all in the hands of Fate! But swear to me in the name of your mother that you will never take the path of evil!

— I swear, my teacher! — the student said more confidently. Already became, for the sake of his father and beloved.

— Swear in the name of your father that you will protect his family to the last drop of the king’s blood!

— I swear, my teacher!

— Let it be so! By the power given to me, I give the legal right to magic!

Tion did as Khan taught him. One moment, and he turned into an exact copy of Avinius. The next second, and Avinius and Tion stood before the astonished students again.

— Take away the impostor! — shouted the young man in the guise of an old man. As it turned out, the royal guards, led by Simon, were standing nearby. Not even a minute passed before the unfortunate Avinius, in the guise of Tion, was imprisoned in a prison world.

And you already know how Tion’s fate ended.


A round steel table took up most of the room. There were flasks and retorts on the table, and liquid was boiling on the stove. And all the free space was occupied by manuscripts covered with various hieroglyphs of long-forgotten languages. Lightning or smoke sometimes flew out of the flasks, filling the entire room.

— Found! I found this! How stupid I was before! How could I not notice such an obvious thing! This is incredible!

All the people loved the king because he was kind to his people. But it was difficult to call him a good politician: what could interest a born scientist other than science? He spent days on end in the musty laboratory. Henry received the highest level of magic at the moment, and a tattoo with the number «16» adorned his delicate shoulder. And politics can be left in the reliable hands of Parliament and the Councilor!

There was a knock on the room and Khan entered.

— Hello, dear assistant! — Henry hugged the head of Parliament.

— Be healthy, Your Highness!

— Can you imagine! I found! It’s so wonderful! We understood magic completely wrong! And it is based on the forces of nature!

— I am amazed by your talent! — Khan bowed slightly.

— What’s new in the Country?

— Troubled Times threaten the United Kingdom! — said Khan.

— What kind of passion are you talking about?! What’s the matter.

— A new organization of conspirators has emerged. They call themselves the brotherhood of the Defenders of the Crown. But they want to make an attempt on your life. I know this from reliable sources.

— What should we do now! There can be no attempt on my life! After all, so many more works must be written, so many discoveries have not yet been made!

— Your Highness, I see only one way out: we need to eliminate the conspirators!

— You know, Advisor, that I completely trust the Parliament in matters related to politics. So you can take action.

So Henry signed his own death warrant. Khan left the laboratory hall, and as soon as he entered the room, a familiar ghost appeared in it.

«Everything is going as well as possible,» Dell grinned.

Chapter 4. The Chase

— Do not stop! — Eleon shouted.

— I haven’t heard footsteps for a long time? — said the girl.

— Be patient a little longer! When we reach the Magic Forest, the anti-magicians will no longer be scary! After all, ancient magic lives in the forest, and inquisitors will not be welcome guests!

The three fugitives continued to run, constantly looking back.

— What is your name? Why did you save me? — Eleon’s girl asked when they stopped to rest for a few minutes.

— Does the name matter? You can call me White Wolf.

— Why a wolf? — the girl was surprised

— Once, when I got lost in the forest, a pack of wolves tried to attack me. A meeting with an entire pack could have been fatal, but a white wolf stood up for my life, apparently the leader. Then he showed me the path that led to the house. Since then I took this name for myself.

— What was your mother’s name?

— It does not matter.

«You don’t trust me…» the girl lowered her head offended. There was a legend in these parts that a demon could take possession of the soul of an unfortunate traveler if he told his real name, so many took middle names and even nicknames.

— Sorry. Eleon,» the guy extended his hand.

«Esmeralda,» the handshake was strong, like for a thin girl. But the guy brought her hand to his lips.

— Very nice! What’s your name, guy? — Esmeralda asked.

— Dorian.

— You are so funny! Such strange clothes. Perhaps you are a foreigner?

— Somehow, I also increasingly feel like a foreigner. Can someone explain to me what all this means? — said Dorian.

«I told you, you got into this world, and now you have to look for your way home,» Eleon said. — This is the place where magic became the basis of the state. Only there are those who think differently. Anti-magicians are former sorcerers who went over to the side of the Inquisition, and now fight against spells with all the methods available to them.

— Lord, let’s take a break! — Dorian begged, leaning on the tree trunk. «I’m not used to running so much.» Yes, out of habit I work out in the gym a couple of times a week, but we’ve already been running for about an hour without breaks!

— Better shut up! Then you will have more strength to run. Or do you want to die right here? Well, you can surrender yourself into the clutches of the anti-magicians!

— Okay, I’ll keep quiet.

They ran a little more when Dorian caught on a branch and fell.

— Lord, how much can you do? — he said, getting to his feet. He once played basketball, then he abandoned the section and began to go only to the gym, but with each month these training sessions became increasingly rare and short. And when they started living with Angel, he stopped attending classes altogether. And it’s really in vain!

— Get up! — the muscular Eleon grabbed him by the collar and lifted him to his feet. — Let’s run.

— Run without me. I can not do it anymore! Better than death! «Dorian was out of breath and had difficulty speaking.

— Do you want me to leave my friend here? I say let’s run! Get up, rag, I told you!

Dorian got up and they continued jogging. But how long has it been since no one called him a friend! He had friends at school, then at university. They swore over a bottle of whiskey, swore in blood that the connection of their souls was forever, it was indestructible. But then he found a job, and time for communication became less and less. Then they stopped meeting altogether, replacing communication with occasional audio calls. Then they stopped calling each other. There were, of course, work colleagues with whom, on Friday after his shift, he would sometimes have a glass or two of beer and play a couple of games of poker. But can you really call them real friends when they said beautiful toasts and then made reports to the boss about each other?

Eleon suddenly raised his hand up, silently ordering him to remain silent. The travelers stopped.

— What is this? Do you hear? — he asked. The fugitives looked around nervously. A rustling sound was heard from behind the briar bushes. The wolf drew his blade and followed the direction of the noise.

«You alone cannot cope with five anti-mages,» thoughts kept flying through my head. «Even now, when you have become stronger, this is impossible!»

He parted the bushes and pulled the man out.

— You were following us! — Eleon shouted. — What are you doing here?!

«But I…» the man began.

— Its my father! — Esmeralda stood between the two men. Eleon hesitated for a moment, and then lowered his sword and returned it to its sheath.

— Herald! — the recent captive extended his hand.

— Call me White Wolf.

— And I’m Dorian.

— Thank you for saving my daughter. I don’t even know how to thank you. But I couldn’t save my son… — bitter tears flowed from the eyes of the grief-stricken father.

— Sam! What about him! After all, he was pardoned! — horror was written on Esmeralda’s face.

— The Anti-Mages executed him anyway, even though he was innocent!

Esmeralda cried bitterly, sank to the ground, and her father hugged her shoulders.

— But we are alive! And let’s take revenge on the Anti-Witch League! I swear on the name of the father whom I never saw, I swear on the name of the mother whom I did not know!

— But why didn’t you know your parents? — Eleon asked.

— I was raised by foster children. My parents had to run away from the authorities, so they were very afraid for the fate of my brother and me. We are all in Her hands and we trust only in Her. Then we were separated, as the royal guards were constantly trying to find us. But we didn’t do anything wrong! Believe me, I know what it’s like to lose loved ones. You saved my daughter, and I will be grateful to you for this until the last day of my life on earth!

The travelers allowed themselves not to run, because the border of the forest was already very close — the wind from the north carried the smell of lavender and myrtle. And after a conversation, the path seems even shorter.

— Where are you heading? — the Herald asked. — May I follow you?

«My path is too long and dangerous for me to call someone to follow me,» Eleon answered for two.

— But now we are also exiles! — Esmeralda protested. — We don’t have a home now!

«I’m going to the Sorcerer’s House,» said Eleon.

— But why do you need a royal castle? — the Herald asked.

— There is one organization that calls itself the Order of Vernikov. I don’t know anything about them. But they destroyed everyone who was close to me! And soon an attack on the king is planned. I, as the last Defender of the Crown, must warn Henry of the impending danger. But I am afraid that my path will not be crowned with success: even the Royal Advisor is among the conspirators!

— What connects you with the Anti-Witch League? — asked the Herald. — You said that you had some kind of unpaid bill to them.

— It’s an old story. They deprived me of my home. And perhaps there is only one road that leads back. But first we must fulfill our duty! Moreover, Ilan said that the last surviving Great Portal to my world is in the House of the Sorcerer.

Eleon suddenly fell into thought, remembering old times and his native places.


Skyscrapers. And they had neither beginning nor end. And this endless noise was an echo of the bustle, or the fault lay with the electric cars that scurried back and forth: left and right, forward and backward, up and down. And so the whole day from early morning. But the night gave people long-awaited peace, and even the billboard signs flickered less often.

Eleon was returning home from friends. It’s calmer at night than during the day. But there was not a moment when the city was completely empty: after all, for taxi drivers, night trips are their bread and butter. The guy decided to walk.

He didn’t even notice when eight or nine people surrounded him on all sides.

— Will you give the money yourself, or will you help? — said one of the bandits. The area was not at all criminal, but even here there were vultures.

A blow to the face. But Eleon felt no pain, only anger and strength. Just like that time in childhood, when the guys from the neighboring yard were chasing him. The world has changed, it has become black and white. Everything, even the air, took on the appearance of a sweater woven from white and black threads.

«These lines are the Elements, the primary sources of Light and Darkness,» Ilan told him later.

He felt power over the threads. The night traveler weaved a lasso out of them, invisible to others, and pulled sharply. The one with the ray gun fell to the ground, hitting the weapon’s trigger. The beamer obediently responded with an immediate blast of laser light, wounding one of the vultures. The bandits rushed to help their comrade. Our hero did not wait for the attention of new acquaintances, and ran from the scene. But the vultures woke up from their shock and followed him. Once upon a time, even before the new government, you could go outside without fear at any time of the day. But the number of people grew more and more, and many, in order to survive, took to the streets in search of easy money, and some — the only means of subsistence for one day. This area was not considered unfavorable, but there were also those where the patrol completely lost power, and the most desperate and experienced patrolmen were afraid to go out into the street even during the day in full uniform! And all because of the ubiquitous bandits. They called themselves vultures or wolves; the night had long belonged to them.

Eleon ran another block, but the dogs (which of them are «wolves»? ) slowly began to surround him.

— If I catch you, I’ll kill you!!! — shouts were heard to the right, somewhere nearby.

— He killed Paw! — someone shouted to the left. And try to explain to them that they themselves killed their friend!

And now you can no longer hear extraneous steps. Looks like it came off! He decided to stop just for a couple of minutes to catch his breath. The barrel of a ray gun suddenly appeared from around the corner.

— Do not move! — the vulture said with an ominous grin. «Guys, he’s here,» the «wolf» shouted loudly. The whole gang appeared from different directions. «It looks like this is the end,» our hero thought.

— Hold him, Swift! — said the owner of the rayman in a nasal, smoky voice. The gang leader handed the weapon to Slam. «Shoot if he decides to do something weird,» and he took a folding knife from his pocket. The bandit brought it to the guy’s face and made a shallow cut, and a trickle of blood flowed in a small stream down his cheek.

And again, these threads filled the entire surrounding space, turning the world into a black and white film screen. Eleon weaved a lasso, twisting several lines around the neck of the rayman’s owner, and he soared into the air, but did not fall. He kept clutching his throat, but threads invisible to others continued to strangle the bandit until the last scream escaped his lips, and only then Al allowed him to fall. The ray gun in the hands of the vulture, who, along with others, was watching this strange scene, fired only one shot in the direction of our night hero. But Al grabbed the beam, like one of those threads, and the weapon slipped out of the hands of the offender.

— He is a sorcerer, guys! — Slam. — We need to run! — he shouted, and everyone rushed in all directions.


The next day, the door opened and three people in black suits and white shirts entered the room. One of yesterday’s bandits trudged behind them.

— Eleon Stambor?

— Yes. Who you are?

— Now the conversation is not about us at all! Do you use magic?

— I?

«These are the rules, Mr. Stambor,» said the round-faced man in a tuxedo. — I ask questions, you answer. All clear?

— Yes!

— That’s good. Do you use magic?

— No.

— I protest, Mr. Judge! — said the bandit. — I personally saw the opposite yesterday.

— The protest has been accepted. Do you, Mr. Stambor, have the right to use magic in the human world?

— What right?..

— Only answers! I ask questions! — shouted the nervous Judge.

— No.

— Great. The court will not even retire for a meeting. In the name of the Anti-Witchcraft League, endowed with authority by the Master, I declare Eleon Stambor guilty of illegal use of magic. There is only one punishment for this — expulsion from this world. Touch the mirror!

Everything happened too quickly for Al to understand anything. The surface of one of the mirrors in the room suddenly sparkled with white flashes, and an image of distant lands appeared inside. Forest. Endless green trees.

One touch. Flash Light…

It feels like you’re being turned inside out.


— That’s how I ended up in Seisil. Later I met Ilan, who began to teach me magical techniques.

«What a strange story,» said the Herald. — I have never heard anything about this country where mechanisms replaced magic!

— Ilan said that I could return home through the royal portal. If he’s still there.

Dorian perked up at these words.

— Is there a way home? And you were silent about it? So, I will walk this path to the end! I have a lot to tell Angel. After all, we parted in silence. I was so angry with her then. But don’t think, I still love my beauty.

He took her photo from his breast pocket. Esmeralda took the portrait from his hands and said:

— Beautiful.

— I think so too.

— What is this? — Esmeralda exclaimed, stopping abruptly. -Did you hear that too?

— What? — the Herald asked.

«The trampling of horses,» said Esmeralda.

«You never know how many travelers you meet on the road,» Dorian remarked.

— No, Esmeralda is right. «We better not stop or hesitate — the inquisitors are still prowling this forest,» said Eleon.

— Five inquisitors. We won’t be able to do anything to them if we meet face to face! — Esmeralda exclaimed.

— Already four! — Herold smiled. — I was able to avenge my son!

But the clatter of hooves kept getting closer.

— Quickly, get off the road! — exclaimed the Wolf.

As soon as our travelers disappeared into the dense thickets of briars, two people appeared from around the corner on black horses and in black hoods.

— Maybe they went a different way? — said one of the executioners.

— Rob and Stephen explore another part of the forest. And we have to search everything here.

The horsemen galloped further along the path. And the fugitives stood up, but were no longer so careless. Their idleness almost became the last mistake in life!

— The magical forest is already close! — Herald commanded. — The main thing is not to stop!

They followed further. The danger seemed to have passed, but the feeling of constant presence did not leave them for a minute.

— Let’s take a break already! You can’t imagine how tired I am! — said Dorian

— I agree with Dorian. It’s time to look for a place to stay for the night. But we won’t make a fire,» Eleon said.

— Eh! Now I’d like some fried doe! — exclaimed the Herald.

— And I wouldn’t refuse!

«But you’ll have to be content with little,» said the Wolf, examining the contents of the bag behind his back. — There is dried boar, some crackers and apples. Of course, it won’t be possible to arrange a feast. It’s good that the bag was behind us yesterday! Otherwise we would have been left without provisions at all.

Having eaten, they went to bed.


Here Eleon is making his way through the thicket of the forest, and a pack of wolves is still running after him. You can’t stop for a second! There are more and more wolves, they surround him…

And suddenly they run away. Ilan stands in front of him.

— What did you do, my student, to save the king? I trusted you!

Suddenly, a silhouette in a black cloak peeked out from behind a tree. The Inquisitor raised his hand and the teacher fell to the ground.

— You are sentenced to death! — shouted the anti-mage…


Eleon has been having nightmares a lot lately. He went to the stream to wash himself, washing away this obsession. Then he took out a small coin from his pocket. He placed it on the surface of the water. A moment later, the silhouette of an old man looked out from there.

— Greetings, young sorcerer!

— Hello, master.

— What’s bothering you? It’s not too early.

— Sorry. You were probably asleep.

— No, no, what are you talking about! What a dream at my age! About two hundred years ago I could afford to take a nap. But life is too fleeting to waste a third of it on stupid activities!

— And lately I keep having the same dream. That I cannot fulfill the teacher’s last wish.

— Don’t be afraid, Eleon! Troubled times are approaching, but the light of hope will never fade as long as its last defenders live. You are destined for a great destiny, you will not die from wolf fangs, but you will be able to defeat the Ancient Evil. It was foretold. Of course, I’ve been wrong before with the Chosen One. Dell was also marked by Fate. But each Chosen One chooses his own path. He took the side of Evil. I hope that you will justify my trust.

The White Wolf heard the crunch of a branch and quickly hid the coin in his pocket, drawing his sword.

— Oh, it’s you…

«You are never calm,» Esmeralda said.

— I can not fall asleep. Constantly tormented by nightmares.

«Dreams bother me too.» I always see them as my savior. But I never thanked you for my life.

She closed her eyes and touched her lips to his.


When they woke up, the fire was burning, and the Herald was roasting the lanleys, and Dorian was warming his hands by the fire.

— Good morning, sleepyheads! I’ve already hunted, but you won’t wake up! — he winked at the lovers. Esmeralda understood — her father guessed everything. Dorian also smiled somehow mysteriously

They had breakfast in silence, everyone thought about their own things. Esmeralda kept glancing towards Eleon. Then we hit the road.


The executioner appeared from the void. Another appeared behind him. Anti-magicians fought with sorcerers, but they themselves did not neglect the spells. Of course, their arsenal was meager, but even experienced magicians could not cope with the combat inquisitors.

— Illigulus! — One of them exclaimed, raising his hands up.

— I didn’t guess, dog! — Eleon shouted, whom they tried to kill. — Avinius performed the initiation ceremony! I have the right to magic! Run, friends! I’ll try to stop them.

The two uninvited guests grabbed their throats, as they were enveloped in threads invisible to others, and the Herald, Esmeralda and Dorian hurried to hide.

— Damn it, he owns the Elements! — said one, in a black hood. He made a subtle movement with his hand, and Eleon fell to the ground. At this moment, the Herald looked back to see what had happened to his comrade. He returned, and lightning flashed from his eyes. The pursuer fell, and the second ran into the forest.

— A curse! The second one escaped! He will tell others our location! Now we definitely need to run! — the Herald shouted, extending his hand to Eleon.

— You saved me!

— You saved my daughter, White Wolf, and I owe you!

They ran, taking only short breaks.

Somewhere in the distance the clatter of hooves could be heard. Some time passed, and three horsemen appeared.

— Faster! Do not stop! Otherwise they will catch up! — the Herald shouted, and no one began to argue with him.

When the executioners had almost overtaken the fugitives, they suddenly stopped.

— A curse! Why can’t we cross this invisible wall? — asked the anti-mage.

— This is the ancient magic of the forest. You are not welcome here! Go away! — said the Herald, who was on the other side of the wall. Here magic ruled, and its opponents could not cross the line.

— We’ll meet Again! — the inquisitor shouted, and the three horsemen galloped away.

— Now you can relax! — Esmeralda was delighted.

— I wouldn’t be so careless! — said the Herald. — It’s sunset soon. And who knows what awaits here! The forest is full of surprises, and at night you can meet them…

Chapter 5. Magic forest

The sunset kindled a bright multi-colored fire in the sky. The smell of myrtle that filled everything around. This place cannot be confused with anything.

They say that once upon a time elves lived here, and their magical songs imbued these places with enchantments that cannot fade, despite the fact that time does not stand still. Some say that it was here that Antimonik gained power and created the Dark Empire. But if this is true, then those ancient times have passed, leaving only memories and legends.

Four travelers passed through these places.

— This is an ancient forest. It is already several thousand years old, but it still does not fade. The cities that were built of stone to be durable were destroyed, and the lush gardens that gardeners tirelessly looked after did not survive. The mountains are destroyed, the seas and rivers are dry. But even the ancient Evil could not destroy the forest,» said the Herald.

«I’m scared,» Esmeralda complained. «It feels like we are being watched tirelessly.»

— But we broke away from the inquisitors!

— Now I’m not sure that this is really that good!

Eleon gently took her hand.

— Calm down, honey.

— What is this strange noise? — Esmeralda looked around in fear.

— Maybe these are wolves? — Eleon suggested. — You don’t have to be afraid of them. Or the wind is noisy.

— No. It’s them,» whispered the Herald.

— Who are they? — Dorian asked in fear.

— Spirits of those long dead. They say they still live in the local swamps, and at night they sing songs and take away lost travelers.

— Let’s try not to catch their eye.

A huge stone flew over the heads of the travelers and knocked down a tree.

— Are these your ghosts, Herald? — Dorian glanced sideways at the crushed plant.

— No. These are giants! Get down!

As soon as Dorian lowered his head, another cobblestone flew over him.

— Out of the frying pan into the fire! Run!

There was no need to repeat it twice — all four immediately started running as fast as they could. A huge hairy monster ran after them, its toothy mouth open. Then the giant bent down to throw another stone.

The travelers ran deep into the forest, and somewhere in the distance they could still hear the dissatisfied roar of the cannibal giants.

— Looks like they’ve come off! — said Eleon, and immediately realized that he was mistaken: someone was pulling his leg.

Hands without flesh grew out of the ground. At first there were few of them, but then completely skeletons began to appear. In rusty armor and with rusty swords, they blocked the path of our heroes.

— Fate, be merciful! We found ourselves on the ancient Swamp Mound!

— Run! — once again the cherished phrase sounded. But this time there was nowhere to run: the wights stood on all sides, and there were more and more of them. Eleon used his skills, and a couple of monsters flew up, and then fell, and all that was left of them was dust. The Herald and Esmeralda did not stand idle either. After all, they also had magic. The father fired the cherished lightning, from which the living dead turned into ashes, and Esmeralda pushed them with the power of thought. Dorian grabbed a nearby branch, so he also defended himself. The strength was already running out, but it was impossible to stop — only a third of the revived ancestors were defeated, and now the hands that protruded from the ground were becoming more and more numerous.

— You know, Esmeralda! I’m glad that we met. This was worth living for.

— I love you too, Eleon!

— I can’t die! After all, I didn’t tell Aingi so much,» Dorian continued the old song.

«It looks like these guys were out of luck,» said the Herald, looking at the pile of bones behind the wights. — They didn’t survive the meeting with them. The main thing that…

Before the clerk had time to express his thought, the pile of bones began to take on human shape and stand up!

— Now it’s definitely over! — said the Herald.

— Sorry! I betrayed you, teacher! I never fulfilled your last wish! — Eleon lowered his head.

— Don’t get soggy! Let’s give them the last battle and die with a sword in our hand! — shouted the Herald.

— With which we will then begin to kill new passers-by, returning from the grave. But how many will we take with us? Go ahead, friends!

Dorian took the rusty sword of one of the fallen wights.

In preparation for death, our heroes received new powers. Now tenacious hands were no longer able to hold them to the ground, and the skeletons scattered left and right, as if from a whirlwind.

— Stop! — a woman’s voice sounded, and the corpses froze.

Behind the dead stood ten people in red cloaks with hoods.

— You must return to the world of the dead! Rest in peace!

— Thank you! — the zombies roared, and they suddenly crumbled, turning into ashes.

— Tie them up! — commanded the woman who had just saved our travelers. — Let’s take them to Sylvia. Let her decide their fate — no one can cross the line of our forest with impunity!

Esmeralda tried to fight the woman, but all the rescuers had magic suppression runes, so resistance was useless. Soon all four were tied up.

They were heading east. The prisoners were exhausted from the latest events, but the guides pushed them from behind, not giving them the opportunity to stop.

— Who are you and why did you come to our forest? — asked the woman who saved their lives.

— We were looking for shelter in your forest from the inquisitors.

— Our forest is not the best refuge for honest people. Do not stop! Can’t you talk while walking? Did you wake the wights? It’s good that this time the rune of repose worked correctly! Otherwise, last time we were missing two… So why did you do it?

— We didn’t revive the dead! — said the Herald. — We fought them off!

— The Creator grant that this be true. The hostess will judge. But if you are a necromancer, then you will be in trouble, I promise you this with the bodies of my dead comrades!

— Sienna, stop! — one of the captors held the sword in the woman’s sheath. «You yourself said that their fate should be determined by Sylvia.»

Then they walked in silence, each in their own thoughts. Sienna repeatedly pushed the captives so that they would not stop.


So they came to a beautiful castle made of white marble.

— But we should have seen its roof many miles away! — Esmeralda was surprised.

«Magic hides a lot from prying eyes,» said Sienna. — Don’t you know about this, necromancer?

At the threshold they were already met by a red-haired woman in a green dress that matched the color of her eyes.

— Greetings, Guardian of the Ancient Portal! — said the people in red cloaks.

— Portal?! What kind of portal do they mean? — Dorian seemed to express his thoughts too loudly, remembering his home with bitterness.

— Why are you asking? — asked the Guardian. — What have you forgotten on my lands?

«I believe that it is they who are to blame for the revival of corpses, Sylvia,» Sienna grinned maliciously, looking at the prisoners.

— Search them! — the mistress of the castle commanded.

— Oh, the coin is the key to the prison. You are in cahoots with the prisoners. Let’s get to know those you are trying to save.

«Everything is lost!» — thought Eleon.

Sylvia took the round object and held it up to the mirror. As one would expect, the old man looked at those around him through the looking glass.

— Greetings, Master Sylvia!

— Avinius! What are you doing in prison?

— Troubled times have come. Again Evil is trying to envelop our world in intrigue, and again I don’t even know his face.

— Who is this guy that carries this key?

— Eleon. He conjures Light and Darkness, and perhaps it was about him, and not about Della, as I mistakenly thought, that was spoken of in the ancient Prophecy. It is he who is destined by Fate to destroy Evil at its roots forever.

— Or Good. If we misinterpreted the Prophecy like we did last time. Tell me, Avinius, if they didn’t awaken the dead, then who? After all, this may mean that another prophecy will also be fulfilled.

Sylvia handed the coin to Eleon. And then she turned to the servants.

— Free them.

— But shouldn’t they be punished? — Sienna was indignant.

— You heard my order! Free them!

When the order was carried out, Sylvia called the White Wolf to follow her.

— I’ll tell you the story of this strange Forest. He’s been cursed for a long time…

— But why don’t you leave him? After all, we encountered so many dangers on the way here.

«We are forced by oath to live next to danger. Every evening I perform a ceremony to prevent the Ancient Evil from awakening. You know, here the lines between worlds are much thinner than in other places.

Once upon a time, elves lived here. They hid their existence. Until one day a general who got lost in the forest, hiding from the enemy, found this village. His army was destroyed, but he himself escaped in the wilderness.

The elves could not leave a person in trouble. They did not know human meanness at all. They knew no one but their own kind. The elves were strong — after all, any word spoken in the ancient language became a law of nature. All their words were fulfilled. The spell of the High Elf, Herberolden, was especially strong. It is rumored that the elves on earth were the descendants of the High Elves, who were deprived of their wings. After all, the High Elves, who swore allegiance to Zeymond, were overthrown after his defeat, and no one knows where they went.

The general was a simple guest for a long time, but a vile thought was ripening in his soul that would never have occurred to a naive elf.

— But with such power as yours, you can take over the whole world! — he once said to the king of the elves. But Herberolden did not heed his words and drove away the careless guest. Although there were also elves who liked this proposal. And then a split occurred in the ranks of the forest inhabitants. Some of the elves left after the general. The general managed to learn the basics of the language, and even compiled a dictionary with a translation from his native language into Elvish. And, of course, he asked the priests to make themselves a staff covered with elven runes. He personally taught many warriors elven magic.

The general went first of all with the new army against the soldiers who killed his soldiers. The magic was stronger than the sword, and he won. Then again. And then an empire appeared, which had no equal in this world.

But he did not forget that in one of the forests those elves who did not join him still live. Of course, his army had long possessed ancient magic, but not as masterfully as the elves.

— What if they decide to overthrow me? — said the new emperor. — He who is not with me is against me.

The elf village was burned to the ground, and the forest will never forget this betrayal. Gerberolden, together with the surviving elves, found opponents of the new government. But in this war, as they say, none of those who knew the elven secrets survived. The elven race was exterminated, but along with them the elves also took the treacherous man who had corrupted their people. All the elven staves were lost, the dictionary compiled by man was burned.

Centuries passed, but the cursed place made itself known again — the center of the new Antimonian Empire arose here. Antimonik was the strongest magician who ever lived on Earth, but, unfortunately, he chose the path of Darkness and destruction.

No one could refuse the Prince of Antimony. The strong-willed either voluntarily served him, becoming officers of a countless army, or died. The weak in spirit became zombies: the living dead, subordinate to the ruler in everything. Cannon fodder, without thoughts and the meaning of life… All Antimonians became combat dark magicians, recruiting more and more new soldiers. From the ashes of the fires of rebellious cities and the fear of those who submitted, the Antimonian Empire arose, absorbing more and more new territories.

But there were also those who decided to resist the magician: this is how a military order arose — our ancestors called themselves Monians. In contrast to Antimonik, the master called himself Claudius of Monia. The swords were covered with silver and many ancient magical symbols and runes. Killing a magician is difficult. But he is not able to resist such a sword.

It seemed incredible, but Claudius’s army burst into the abode of evil. Antimonikos fell from the sword of Claudius. But that wasn’t the end. Claudius died of an unknown illness. Then our ancestors decided to destroy the city to the roots so that the curse would not return to our lands.

Many years later, when many had ceased to believe in the veracity of the stories about the black magician, his spirit returned to this forest, where the line between the worlds is so thin. The Monians defeated him a second time.

Since then, I have been guarding these forests to prevent the Ancient Evil from returning again.

But there is a prophecy that the Chosen One of Fate will be able to destroy Evil forever, so that for many years it will not be able to return to our lands. But there is another prophecy.

Once upon a time, even before the arrival of the elves, some of our ancestors took an oath to the higher elements. They became Lords. The Light Lords healed people from any disease, the Dark Lords brought destruction and anger with them. Lords could bend the will of the people. And one day a fierce war broke out between the Lords of both colors, in which all the Lords died, and with them tens of thousands of people. But legend says that another Dark Lord will appear. And his appearance will be the end of everything. And only a Lord of a different color can stop him.

— Are the Lords really omnipotent?

— No, what are you talking about, Eleon! Lords are only Lords. But no one denies that the Lord will be able to bring the Prince of Darkness with him. Or even the King. And this is already worse.

But you don’t need to think about sad things, so as not to invite trouble! Come on, Eleon, let’s join the feast!

The guests ate and drank. Beer flowed like a river, the tables were laden with food. And only Dorian was sad in the corner, looking at the photo of his beloved, which he took out of his breast pocket.

— Can I have a look? — Sienna asked to dispel the guest’s loneliness. — Beautiful. Is it your wife?

— No, this is Angel. She is my girlfriend, but we were planning to get married soon. Who would only know how much I miss her!

Sienna touched his cheek with her lips, but Dorian pushed her away.

— No. I have a favorite.

Siena lowered her eyes. But no one loved her so much. And she remained callous to all signs of attention from the guys.

Dorian was consumed by memories of the past.

But he wasn’t always like he is now.

When the father was taken away, accused of conspiracy, he was left as the sole breadwinner for his mother and younger brother. Jobs were not easy to find on his home world, so he became a member of one of the gangs that ruled the city at night. He robbed stores and random passers-by, defended the local drug lord. Later, his brother also started down this slippery slope. Together they became a stronghold of evil, which everyone they met was afraid of. The government turned a blind eye to the gangs’ activities. After all, it is better to let them fight among themselves than, united, to become a force that can deprive them of power. But soon a new Senator came to power, and he decided to carry out a grand cleaning of the streets. This time, soldiers of the Government Army came to the aid of the patrolmen.

In one of the shootouts, Sam, Dorian’s brother, was killed. And Dorian himself had to give up his dirty profession, since now this crime was punishable by death.

Dorian went to university. Studying never interfered with sports: he attended the volleyball section regularly.

For a very long time he was unlucky in his personal life. Dorian tried dating a good dozen girls, but many attempts to find happiness ended in betrayal by the girls and subsequent breakups and quarrels. He had already become disillusioned with his weaker half when he met Angel. She was perfect for him. She became the core of his life. He broke off all old connections, stopped seeing friends, and even gave up sports. If only I could have more time with her.

So they lived in perfect harmony for several years. Dorian graduated from university and found a job.

But his personal life began to crack more and more often. Maybe before he was so carried away by his beloved that he did not notice her shortcomings. But now not a single day passed without quarrels. Dorian began smoking again, and very often quenched his grief with whiskey, which, of course, did not make the relationship stronger.

But now he was so sorry for all the words he said out of emotion. After all, she remained the only possible center of the Universe for him. Every evening, as now, he again and again took a small photograph from his breast pocket.

Chapter 6. Ghosts of past mistakes

Gloomy sky. It had been raining for several hours now, and only a lone lightning dared to disturb the darkness of the extinguished torches. Even she was afraid of the upcoming events. And the mysterious smell of rain, gently cooling the summer heat of the tired earth.

And in the castle no one wanted to share the worries of nature. The sounds of the ball thundered and could be heard many miles away. So a candle was burning in the queen’s chambers. It is this small piece of wax that will ignite the flame of betrayal, which will incinerate innocent souls for many years to come. After all, a good deed dissolves like a drop in the ocean of evil and falsehood, which, like a chain reaction, digs into more and more hearts.

Two people in a room upholstered in golden silk. The red-haired woman was reclining on the bed. She is not tall. Long hair flowed in fiery waterfalls to his toes, and you could drown in bottomless green eyes. And this heady aroma of lilac. The dark-haired man looked to be no more than thirty years old. But he was already wearing the uniform of a general, and under the sleeve of his rich outfit there was a tattoo that showed the title of head of the royal guard. His youth was hidden by a neat mustache on his clean-shaven face.

— You said that you love me, Simon! — said the woman, lowering her face onto the golden pillow, unable to hold back her tears.

— Yes, Mistress! I still don’t go back on my words! — the man answered angrily.

— These are just words, my young friend! And when it comes to the real deal… — she quickly looked around from head to toe. There was not a single trace left of the tears in the eyes.

— Anything! — Simon fell to his knees. He covered the pale skin of the beauty’s hands with gentle kisses; but she did not want to see him, so she pushed the admirer away.

— I already asked you for something, but you refused me so cruelly! — the woman said, lowering her head into the pillow.

— Ask for anything except this!

— But why? — the girl said without raising her head from the pillow.

— Treason to the Motherland goes against my honor! This is a violation of an officer’s oath. I made a vow to protect the ruler, and you ask me to take his life with my own hands!!! Never!!! — With these words, Simon easily rose from his knees.

— But you swore an oath to protect not only the Supreme, but the queen too! — the woman said with a hint of resentment in her voice and with an imperceptible movement she opened her shoulder; there was a tattoo on it in the form of a crown.

— My husband is a tyrant! He will lead me to the grave, and it seems that no one will protect me,» she buried her head in the pillow again. The man hugged her.

— But how can I kill him? No one is capable of harming me, and the strongest can heal themselves even better.

— Ah, so that’s the whole problem! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it! — The queen’s eyes lit up with demonic fire for a moment, but she immediately pulled herself together. She went to the closet. The magic word opened the door, and the girl took out a bundle of fabric, which a moment later was in the hands of the law enforcement officer. Simon unwrapped the black velvet, drawing out a dagger. The blade was handmade, made of silver; There was a gem on the tip of the handle.

— It’s just a dagger! — Simon twirled the blade in disappointment. — Yes, it’s beautiful, but a weapon made by man is nothing in a battle with a sorcerer, and especially against the lord of magicians! You know it yourself. And you want to send me to certain death.

— Still, this weapon is perfect! After all, you did not notice the witchcraft. One of my friends, a dark magician, tried! Now the wounds caused by the blade will be fatal!

The conversation between the two conspirators was interrupted by a knock. Someone kindly said in a soft voice:

— Darling, you stayed too long in your chambers! Delight my eyes! How can you be alone in this room on such a beautiful evening?

— It is he! We’re lost! Decide, Simon! On one side of the scale is the king’s life, on the other — mine and yours!


Simon clutched in his hand a portrait of his beloved queen. He regretted the mistakes he had made. He killed the king! And it was he who could not save the queen either!

But everything will change soon. Dell promised that when he came to life, he could bring her back to life.

— For you, master, I betrayed all principles. I became a necromancer, and summoned many ghosts from the world of the dead. But she is not among them!

— I am stronger than you, as a necromancer, so when I return to life, I can help you. The darkness will be with us!

Have you found my brother?

— No.

«You know there’s a lot at stake.» We can’t take that risk. Find my brother. I haven’t seen him for so long, I miss him so much.

Simon knew that the reason was not at all love for his brother. After all, it is the brother who can interfere with the Dark Lord’s secret plans.

— Why are you so sad, my faithful student?

— Sorry, but sometimes it seems to me that taking the path of evil was my worst mistake.

— Good… Evil… You know how conditional this is all. Mistrust and betrayal put me on this path. You know my story. I think you know Antimonikos, the Greatest of magicians. They tell scary stories about it, they scare naughty children with it. So, in the Dark World I met his restless spirit. And he personally told his story. And, you know, he faced more injustices than he did to others. In fact, his entire path is revenge for the pain caused.

Fragments of a manuscript about Antimonica 1. The birth of a magician.

— Quickly, call the midwife! My wife is giving birth!

The servants rushed back and forth until a local healer was brought to the residence of Viscount Corwell. There were rumors that she owned something, some said various absurd things about the fact that she could spell the weather. Everyone was afraid of her, but neither day nor night she had no end to guests: either a girl wants to bewitch a guy, or a man in his twilight years wants to regain his heroic power, or to cure someone from the plague or the evil eye. The plague was raging everywhere at that time, but thanks to the efforts of the old sorceress, this village was spared.

A storm was raging outside, the downpour interspersed with hail, decorated with a crown of lightning.

The old woman approached the woman in labor and drove away all the men. They called the owner of the house (it was difficult to call this place a castle — the viscount’s father lost most of his fortune at cards. Thank you, at least he didn’t drink the village away and didn’t lose!). The midwife raised the child above her head and said proudly:

— Boy!

— Son! I have an heir! Tell this good news to all residents of the settlement!

— A great destiny awaits this child! — the old woman wheezed, raising her index finger. — Yesterday a shooting star flew by, and today there is a thunderstorm. This boy is the Chosen One of Fate! He can change this wrong world.

Soon they forgot about the strange words of the witch. The parents doted on their child, the mother never left his side. But one day a man in a black cloak came to them. When he arrived, the candles went out. He just burst into some kind of sinister laugh.

— They say you have a son! You promised to give me your first child to raise!

Viscount Corvell raised his sword to kill the insolent man. But his wife looked down and said:

— Sorry, my love, but I gave him such an oath. You know I couldn’t have children. We are about to have another son. And we must give this as payment for a service.

The child was taken away when he was four years old, and his parents never saw him again.

Hallon had a whole school. He collected gifted children from all over the world and taught them black crafts. No one knows what his goals were, but the children were taught necromancy and other forbidden areas of black magic. Children were deprived of their real names, instead they were invented by the old sorcerer. They say that the dead can take revenge for depriving them of peace, but if they do not know the name, then they are powerless.

— From now on you will be Antimonik! — Hallon said to Corvell’s son. — It means «Against the Light» in Ancient Elvish.

Antimonik was the best of the students; he carried out all the old man’s orders. But his heart never knew peace. Every night he cried for his parents. He had only one dream — to see them again, to ask them why they were handed over to the villain, to forgive them.

And then one day such an opportunity presented itself. Antimonik was not liked at school, since he was Hallon’s favorite. But there was only one girl who was closer to him than the others. He then told her:

— Come with me! We will be free, we will be free from the sorcerer. Let’s escape!

— But Hallon sees everything! You know how strong he is! They’ll catch up with us!

— Need to try!

— No. Sorry. I’m afraid.

That night he ran away on his own. Antimonik arrived at his home. He shouted:

— Mom, dad, I’m home!

But silence was his answer.

«Your parents are no more,» said one of the locals.

— Where did they go?

— They are no longer there. Not at all. And you’re not here anymore, that’s what people say.

After his son was kidnapped, Corvell was unable to forgive his wife. He started drinking and beating the unfortunate woman. But when she hanged herself, there was no point in remaining on this sinful earth either.

— You didn’t save them…

His life’s dream turned out to be a lie. This was the first lesson taught to the Chosen One by Fate; we are all in Her hands. But far from the last.

Hallon found the unlucky student. But who, besides his girlfriend, could know where he was? His beloved betrayed him. Hallon was a master of torture. But does it really matter?

Antimonik was returned to school, the days ran as usual again, but everything could not now be as before. The teacher did not say a word to him, but the one born under a shooting star noticed that the other students were watching his every move. And the beloved… once upon a time, but not now… lowers her eyes when their gazes intersect. Traitor!

But one day he decided to change his life again. He entered Hallon’s room when no one was there except the teacher.

— Let me go. I can no longer live like an animal in a cage.

— Do you think I’ll just say goodbye to the best of my students? Never. You will still give me power over this world! Do you think I taught you in vain? I spent my entire fortune to feed you!

And again a lie. After all, didn’t they help Hallon rob the people? Didn’t they send curses and plagues on villages, which they then rented… for gold, of course.

— Let go voluntarily, I ask you!

— Are you threatening? — Familiar ominous lights sparkled in Hallon’s eyes. — You will be punished for these words!

The sorcerer reached out with his consciousness to the young man’s head, and he, like many times before, fell to the floor, writhing in agony. But he was strong. The guy moved his hand as if holding a small bag in it, and Hallon grabbed his heart.

— We played around and that’s enough! Stop it now!

— Did you play?! Is that what you call it? You deprived me of my childhood! I warned you. But since you refused to voluntarily let me go, die!

Antimonik pulled his bent hand towards himself, and Hallon’s chest turned red. He tore out the teacher’s heart with spells. Then he took the necklace from the sorcerer’s chest and put it around his neck.

— I’m your new teacher! — he said to his comrades. — Join me — or follow Hallon to hell!


This time he returned home as a winner, not as a fugitive. The headman recognized his right to power (did he have a way out?)

From now on, Antimonik and his order began to control the weather. One day a midwife came to him, who was used to being the queen of enchantments in these parts.

— You told Hallon about me! — the count shouted.

«Moreover, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be on earth.» After all, I told your mother about Hallon!

— Die, old woman! — the witch grabbed her heart. And she lost it. This was the beginning of dark times.

Chapter 7. Gold coin

«Sienna, lead our guests to the exit from the forest,» Sylvia said. — So that they don’t encounter any more trouble.

Siena looked at the travelers with hatred, but remained silent. So they walked silently for some time along the winding forest path.

— Why do you hate us? — asked Esmeralda. «After all, we didn’t do anything bad to you at all.»

— Why should I love you? The owner trusts you. But not me.

— Is it our fault that the dead killed your comrades?

«My brother was among those killed!» Therefore, it will not be good for you if I suddenly find out that you are involved in this death!

— I also lost my brother, so I understand your suffering! Antimagi killed him.

— It’s okay, daughter, the time will come when the League will pay for its mistakes! He will wash himself with blood! This is what I promise! — the Herald said angrily.

The herald suddenly stopped: his legs were entangled in vines. Siena whispered something, and the shackles fell.

— Hide your hatred in this forest! He can smell everything. Evil here causes greater evil. So be careful.

«Sienna, it seems to me that at the end of the road we will find the secret of the living dead,» said Eleon. «Come with us and you can take revenge.»

— My place is here, Wolf. I took an oath to protect the Forest, and this is more important than anything else.

The aroma of blooming myrtle and olive did not weaken, nor did the constant feeling of someone’s presence disappear. Occasionally, strekkili, huge dragonflies that were found here everywhere, flew out of the bushes.

— Angel will never believe that I was here! — said Dorian. — This forest will never end. But in my home world there are almost no forests left! Only cities with their constant smog and noise. And there is absolutely no room for anything new and unusual.

«It’s as if someone is watching every step,» Esmeralda looked around.

— Don’t be afraid, Esme! — Eleon hugged her.

«You really shouldn’t be afraid when I’m around!» — Sienna smiled for the first time.

They went on like this for several hours. Siena knew her way around the maze of thickets well.

— I was born and raised here.

— Sylvia is your mother? — Herold suggested.

— We are children of the forest. The Mistress gave birth to me, but that doesn’t matter. And here is the line of the forest. I can’t go any further. I would advise you to go around these mountains. You will lose a few days, but you will avoid many dangers.

— We have no time! — said Eleon.

— Your business. Farewell!

— Thanks for all! If we meet again, you can count on us! — Herold extended his hand.

— I hope we never meet again! — Sienna shook hands. — You’re nothing but trouble!


When they reached the foot of the mountain, the Sun managed to reach the western shelter, and now painted the heavenly blanket in all the colors of the rainbow.

«Today we will not go further,» said Eleon. — The morning is wiser than the evening.

The travelers took out rich supplies, with which their bags were filled to capacity. These include excellent sausages, cheeses, and berry jam. The forest people did not skimp!

This time the travelers were not afraid to light a fire.

«And in my world we light the lights with electricity,» Dorian increasingly fell into melancholy in the evenings, remembering with sadness his home. Sometimes it seemed to him that the city was lost to him forever.

— And what is it? — Esmeralda asked.

— Electricity? This is a thunderstorm that has become subject to man.

— And you said that people completely exchanged magic for machines!

— My world is the magic of machines. People there have no weight or importance at all. Indifferent, loving mechanisms and money more than each other.

— And why go back there?

— This is my home.

The herald took out a bag of tobacco, and the travelers lit a pipe. Then the clerk sang one of the old songs of his people:

Here the spirits of ancestors will captivate you with their spell,

Alley of rubies over the sunset mountain,

The mountain turns blue among the Snowy Plains,

Forest fairies and the Creator, my Master.

The sunset will come — the last war will follow,

The price is big — the whole country.

My last measles leads me to battle.

Nobody knows what’s coming next.


— Be careful, my student! — Ilan said to Eleon.

— Teacher! You are with me again!

— The connection between teacher and student is much stronger than death! I will appear in your dreams as long as you need me.

— My strength is already running out.

— There’s not much left at all. But you don’t have much time either. So hurry up. And remember — greed is not the best trait in these mountains.

— What does it mean? I do not understand anything.

— Wake up. Do you understand? When the time comes.


As soon as the first ray of sun touched the horizon, Eleon stood up and woke up the travelers.

— We’ll have breakfast and hit the road.


The mountain seemed infinitely high in its grandeur. The mountains have never loved the weak, and they instinctively, like dogs, felt fear in the soul of the conqueror of the peak; he must be a trainer, dictating the rules, and only then the stubborn and proud rocks will obey, placing their ledges under the traveler’s feet.

The first steps were difficult, but the higher they rose, the easier each subsequent step became. But then one of the stones under Eleon rolled down, and then the pilgrim almost fell down. He kept trying to find a new ledge, but his foot only groped for a sheer rock. Then the elements came to the rescue: Eleon created steps for himself from the intertwined threads of Light and Darkness and walked along them upward, towards his cherished goal.

Dorian was in the mountains for the first time, so it was not so easy, but step by step the mountain remained below.

Not once did I have to stop to help Esmeralda. And finally they reached the treasured mountain path.

Herold felt the most confident of all.

«Then it should be easier,» said the clerk. — Sylvia said that once the path began from the very foot, but time is merciless, even the mountains are not able to cope with it.

— What is this? — Esmeralda bent down to the stone and picked up a gold coin sparkling in the morning sun.

— Someone walked along this path recently. After all, the coin is completely new, as if someone polished it to a shine!

A bearded dwarf suddenly appeared in front of them. He clapped his hands — and the ground under Dorian suddenly disappeared. He flew down somewhere.


Dorian opened his eyes and realized that he was tied up. Herald, Eleon and Esmeralda were sitting nearby.

— You stole my gold! We, the foothill people, love treasures very much!

— Dwarf, but we found a coin! — said the Herald. — We didn’t steal anything!

— Certainly! You red bloods always say that! They also «found a coin»! — the dwarf waved his head at the pile of bones. — But you can’t fool me!

There were legends that dwarves had yellow blood because gold flowed in their veins. There were often stories about the ancient mountain king of the dwarves, who could turn everything he touched into gold.

The dwarf attacked the Wolf with a knife in his hand. But he underestimated the power of the Elemental Caster. The dwarf grabbed his throat, as if invisible bonds were strangling him.

— Let go!

— Why should I do this? You just tried to kill me.

— Dont kill! I didn’t know that gentlemen sorcerers deigned to come to me! I will fulfill any wish!

— Dwarves can do this! — said the Herald.

— This is where we should have started! — Eleon smiled, loosening the bonds of the magic lasso. The dwarf cut the ropes of the former captives.

— What do you want, dear guests?

— Send us to the royal castle!

— To the House of the Sorcerer?! No, if you please, death is better. This is illegal, the League will kill for this! But I am one of the last gnomes.

Once upon a time we were kings of the foothills, gold flowed like a river, dwarven songs flowed in the evenings. But then the red bloods exterminated our people, and I was one of the last.

— Greed destroyed your people! — Herold was indignant.

— So will you fulfill our wish, or will we kill you?

«I can’t make a portal to the Capital, but I can get you there in another way.»


They climbed up a long twisted staircase made of stones. Only a small candle helped not to stumble. When they were outside, the dwarf whispered some words, and the huge eagles landed on the top of the mountain after a while. The connection between people and nature has long weakened. And gnomes and elves have always been good spellcasters of plants and animals. People possess only a meager fraction of this knowledge.

Four travelers sat on the noble birds and flew up to the heavens, holding tightly to the feathers.

Oh, this wonderful and unforgettable feeling of flying, this carefree, intoxicating freedom when you defeat the force of gravity.

The dwarf did not deceive. The eagles dropped four travelers near the Capital.

Fragments of a manuscript about Antimonik the Darkest. Deposed ruler

Once upon a time, in the very center of the Beelzuvian kingdom, a city surrounded by an impregnable wall arose, the inhabitants of which refused to pay taxes. It’s not that they refused… It’s just that the tax collectors couldn’t get inside: there were no gates through which they could get inside the new state.

Civil servants, who had already come here more than once, drummed for a long time, when a gate suddenly appeared in the impregnable wall, and a man in a black hood came out of it.

— What do we owe to uninvited guests?

— I am Rondalf, the state tax collector. The king demands payment of taxes and dues for the year.

— Which king?

— Geryon of Belzuvia, who else!

— Is our city now subordinate to Geryon? As far as I know, our only ruler is Count Antimonik, our city-state has its own laws and religion.

The tax collectors left, but after some time the king’s entire army arrived at the city walls. Geryon could not forgive disobedience. The battering rams crashed into the wall, but wood was weaker than stone and magic. Then the king gave orders to the generals to put up ladders, but there was not a single ladder that touched the top of the wall. The city was impregnable.

Geryon returned home for the first time without victory. And even wine could not quench his anger. That night a stranger came to him, if it wasn’t just a dream.

— I ask you, Geryon, give freedom to my state voluntarily. We have our own religion, our own ideas about the structure of the world.

— Some of my servants want to be initiated into your beliefs, Antimonikos, son of Corvell. I knew your father, I knew your grandfather. I want to know you now too. Maybe your views on life are more correct than ours?

Geryon was cunning. He hid his anger to find a way to the heart of the rebellious count. And Antimonik was still too trusting.

— Let curious servants come to visit me. I will personally train them.


A month later, Baron Stel, an honored guest of Count Antimonik, reported to Geryon:


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