The best product

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The best product

The best product in the world is a dream.

According to this, the best business is selling dreams.

Dreams are different.

Look at how they now work on earning dreams, for example, cars — a person wanted to move and move quickly, an airplane, rockets, ships, even a bicycle also came from a dream.

Dreams of one kind or another are simply sold to everyone in the world with the greatest success.

You can say that we have only just realized this, so know that if you pay for the broadcasting of mass media, they will tell you anything you want or they will tell you what you will pay for yourself.

Washing powder also came from a dream to earn money, because if you remember how clothes were washed earlier, then everyone will immediately say that, having soaped with ordinary soap and pozhamkav, washed off, received clean clothes.

Manufacturers of washing powder simply advertised their washing powder so that they simply began to buy it.

All dishwashing detergents will more than replace the cheapest of all detergents — the most ordinary soda.

Soda can also wash your hands of strong fat, which even ordinary soap can be washed off for a long time.

If you don’t believe it, then just try it and see for yourself — sodium bicarbonate will wash away at least engine oil with dirt from your hands.

Selling is the simplest thing that can enrich you.

You don’t even have to invent anything, it’s enough for you to be on the market and they will bring to you for sale what you will sell or you will bring what you will sell yourself.

The seller, unlike the manufacturer, can earn more only because of the law of supply and demand.

The manufacturer produced at one price, the cost price, and set one price for the goods.

The seller purchased the product and advertised it and sold it at a higher price, but there was more demand on the market.

And the price of the goods went up, that is, the goods began to be sold much more expensive than the seller originally sold.

And as a result, until the seller satisfied the demand, the product did not begin to decline in price.

Having joyful buyers, accordingly, the joyful seller sold more and more, and at a more favorable price, satisfying the demand.

This is the law: the higher the demand, the higher the price due to a decrease in supply, and vice versa, the lower the demand, the lower the price due to the available surplus supply.

Training is also a kind of dream to have what you want.

Look at how many professions meet the needs.

There is another law here: need is a solvent need.

All needs are different and represent an individual’s education and level of knowledge of one kind or another.

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