Sophia Jarison from Windheim

Бесплатный фрагмент - Sophia Jarison from Windheim

Book 1

Объем: 64 бумажных стр.

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Chapter 1: The Knot of Destiny

The city of Windheim was like a corner of the world frozen in time, immersed in a mysterious atmosphere where every stone and every building held its own secrets. Narrow streets, paved with ancient stone, twisted in a labyrinth-like line of fate, winding around the houses. The eternal fog, like a delicate veil, enveloped the city, hiding it from view and giving it a mystical charm as if the air itself was imbued with magic.

The tall spires of ancient buildings, like the peaks of ancient swords, stretched into the sky, reminding me of forgotten eras and people whose footsteps had long since been erased in the sands of time.

Here, among these gloomy and majestic streets, breathing in the atmosphere of antiquity and unexplored mysteries, lived Sophia Jarison, the Master of Changing Fates. In her hands was the power to rewrite history and influence the invisible threads that connect people’s fates. In her world, reality and magic intertwined like a spider’s web.

Sofia stood at the window of her office, watching the rain run down the glass in thin threads, like the fates of the people she was trying to understand and change.

Her appearance harmonized softness and determination. Her long black hair fell to her shoulders, and her eyes, penetrating and deeply thoughtful, looked at the world as if they saw through it.

Sophia may have looked frail, but she had an inner strength that delighted and frightened at the same time.

In her normal state, Sophia’s hair was always black, with a deep matte sheen, as if reflecting the abyss of the night sky. It was black when Sophia was in a calm state of mind and her thoughts were collected.

But as soon as her soul was on fire with joy, her curls flashed with a golden glow, shimmering like sunlight. In moments of sadness, they turned a soft silver-blue color, like evening fog.

Anger made them scarlet-like flames. A state of exaltation gave them an exquisite white-gray tint, like hoarfrost in the light of the moon.

Each color was not just a reflection of her feelings, but also a signal to others, because the color of Sophia’s hair said more about her emotional state than she could express.

Her life was dedicated to white magic for the good of man and changing destinies. She could see how the slightest decision, even a seemingly insignificant one, led to huge changes.

Each time she made a decision, she wondered if she was doing the right thing. Sophia didn’t just use her magic to help people.

She sought answers to her agonizing questions of life and in books. Why was she given this ability? Does she have the right to interfere in other people’s lives? What is fate really: inevitability or choice?

Her search was rooted in her past. Her family history held the secret of her grandmother Agnia Ellis. Sophia’s grandmother was a renowned prophetess in Windheim.

Agnia’s name was spoken with respect and fear, for she predicted the future so accurately that many were afraid to hear her words. Her predictions were as accurate as lightning strikes, leaving people lost in speculation and fear, for they often came true as if fate itself had found hidden agendas in them.

It was said that she saw not just the future, but the whole stream of destinies that pierced the world and touched everyone who met on her path. Many sought her advice, though they were afraid to learn Agnia’s prophecy.

Sophia had always been indifferent to it. Perhaps because to her, it seemed like an ordinary thing, since she had been an unwilling participant in this magic since her birth.

She always remembered her grandmother’s eyes full of wisdom.

But magic was a rare guest in her parents’ home. Her father, a simple librarian, taught her to find answers in books.

And her mother, an herbalist, taught her to believe in the power of nature. Sophia learned the lessons of both: to seek truth in books and nature and to trust reason and her own senses over magic.

One quiet evening when Grandmother Agnia, sitting by the window, squinted at Sofia and said: «Your time will come. And you will change the world more than you can imagine. You can’t see it now, but your journey has already begun.

The time you are about to face will unlock your ability to give people what they have long lost. You will be able to help many find fortitude, inner peace, and hope, to find themselves…»

The words cut into her soul, giving her no peace of mind. Although Sophia did not understand the meaning of what was said at the time, these words did not leave her mind; they only raised questions.

How could the world be changed? How could she, an ordinary girl, change anything in this vast, unpredictable world? She tried to push these thoughts away, but they invariably returned.

Sophia didn’t realize that her life had already begun to change. What had seemed quiet and unnoticeable before, suddenly began to tense up like a taut string.

With each passing day, her world was no longer the same as she knew it. Could it be that her grandmother’s words were not prophetic for her?

But something gradually began to stir in Sofia’s soul, as if an invisible force was awakening.

Her grandmother’s prophecy was starting to get in the way of what she wanted to achieve.

Suddenly, Sophia felt a magical force inside her, as if a fire had been lit in her body and slowly but surely began to spread warmth through her veins. It was not something external or alien — on the contrary, she felt the power coming from within, from the very depths of her being.

First a faint pulse, like a heartbeat, then a violent flow, like a rising tide, taking over more and more space. She couldn’t control what was happening, but she felt that this power was part of her, and now nothing could take her back to the world where magic was just a memory from her childhood.

Thirty years had passed since then.

And now Sofia stood on the threshold of a new reality, in which her abilities could become the key that would open any doors and opportunities that she had not even dared to dream of before. Her grandmother’s prophecy was beginning to come true.

Chapter 2: The Ancient Folio

Today she picked up the ancient folio that lay on her desk. The beautiful leather binding and yellowed pages gave off the scent of antiquity and mystery. The lines beckoned to her, promising to reveal what she had been searching for so long.

The folio appeared to Sophia under strange circumstances. One day, while walking through the old part of Windheim, Sophia noticed a tiny bookshop she had never heard of before. Its sign, covered in dust and time, read: «Through Time and Fate».

The clerk, a short, grey-haired old man with eyes that sparkled like stars, greeted her with a silent nod and held out an ancient tome without saying a word.

The folio seemed too old even for this shop. The leather binding was covered with mysterious symbols and the pages whispered as if they had a life of their own. The old man asked nothing in return, only said: «The answer will come to you in time.»

And as Sophia left the shop, she turned to find that the shop was gone, and with it its mysterious owner.

The folio had been a part of her life ever since, but it wasn’t until recently that Sophia realized the book was connected to the mysterious code 2654 she’d discovered inside.

Leaning over its pages, she ran her fingers over the lines as if trying to extract answers from them.

2654. The four digits were written out in gold ink. Sophia thought about the old man’s words. «The answer will find you when the time is right.» Perhaps the code was the very key that was supposed to lead her to something special and meaningful.

Her first guess was that 2654 was an ancient access code. Perhaps the folio itself was a sealed artifact requiring a key to open hidden sections. She remembered how once in the Tower Labyrinth she had had to use a numerical code to open an ancient door.

— Maybe the book itself is the door,» she murmured, running her finger along the golden border around the code.

She imagined entering those numbers, whispering them like an incantation. But neither whispering nor touching the symbols changed anything. The folio remained silent, as if mocking her attempts.

Then Sophia moved on to her next thought. «What if it’s a cipher?» She had always been fascinated by the idea of encrypted messages that could only be unraveled by those with the ability to see more than just text. She began parsing the numbers one by one.

— Two, six, five, four… — she said aloud, almost in a chant.

«Could they be symbols? How do we use them? “ She recalled the teachings on the meaning of numbers. The number 2 symbolized duality: light and darkness, choice. The number 6 symbolizes harmony and balance. The number 5 has always been associated with freedom, and the number 4 with stability and foundation.

She continued to make theories about the number 2654. «Maybe it’s a time stamp,» she pondered. — Or is it an access code after all? Or maybe a coded message connected to an ancient order of magicians?»

And suddenly Sofia remembered: the old man’s words, the disappearing store, the magical flickering of the book — all of this was not accidental. Maybe this ordeal had been set in motion long before she’d opened the first page.

The folio, the store, and the mysterious numbers now merged into a single pattern. Sophia knew now: the answers were hidden inside the book. But behind every answer lurked a new question, and behind it a new challenge.

In the folio, she found mention of a mysterious order of mages, the Guardians of the Flows. They were known for their belief that every reality is bound and held together by numerical sequences, with codes such as 2654 acting as anchors connecting dimensions. «The code 2654 … the center point of all dimensions,» the words popped into her mind like part of a long-forgotten song:

In the pages of a folio, in the depths of the ages,

I found whispers of numbers, mysterious words.

«Two, six, five, four» — just numbers?

But in their dance was the magic of meaning.

They’re like stars on a night map,

Leading me to truth on the edge of truth.

Portals, spells, the flow of time —

And every answer is a new turn.

I hear the echoes of ancient times,

«Keepers of the Streams» whispering in my sleep.

The code is their covenant, the key to all doors,

But will I open the world or the abyss of shadows?

Let realities merge in a circle,

Peace and illusion are all here friends.

Will I step out to find myself?

Or by opening the portal, will I find myself?

«2654» are not just numbers,

They’re a link in the pattern of life and meaning.

Let them open doors to me through worlds and years,

Where the truth awaits like a bright star.

She recalled that according to the folio’s records, «2654» was mentioned as a fragment of the key to the Crossroads of Eternity, the place where all paths cross. But behind this power lurked danger. The Order of the Guardians had been destroyed centuries ago, and all their knowledge seemed to have faded into oblivion.

— If this code was so important that they protected it at the cost of their lives… What do I do with this knowledge now? — Sophia asked herself quietly, feeling the weight of the realization.

The code wasn’t an accident. It was left for something important, but was it her job to unravel the mystery? Or was she just continuing someone else’s ancient plan?

Chapter 3: Neron. Master of Changing Fates

A knock on the door made her flinch in surprise.

— Come in,» she said without turning around.

The door opened, and Neron, a top-ranked fate changer, entered the room. An aura of confidence enveloped his tall silhouette. His hair glistened slightly from the rain, and his eyes, deep and cold.

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