I Introduction
In this short brochure, we will not talk about something distant and abstract, but about what is happening here, now, and also with you personally. This information is not written for entertainment or self-serving gain. Everything that is stated is the result of observations and analyses of facts, and not of any «illumination», «enlightenment» or other mystical phenomena to the author. Absolutely anyone who tries to question some «generally accepted» dogmas, principles, and concepts can reproduce these observations and facts. This information is vital for everyone who lives today and for those who will come after us. It requires not only careful reading, but also reflection, as well as wide dissemination among all segments of society, in order to prevent the impending catastrophe caused by ignorance, irresponsibility and mistaken choice of priorities in human society.
II Realities
Currently, the circumstances and situation of human civilization are such that many people do not live by real experience, knowledge and understanding of the world around them, but by false semantic patterns that are imperceptibly, as if in passing, embedded in consciousness from infancy to death. For this reason, the situation is moving further and further into the state of a non-stop inflating bubble, which, if the trend continues, will sooner or later burst. The planet is clogged with poorly developed biosphere production and consumption waste, toxic and other substances accumulate, depressing the well-being of the biosphere, people begin to die from the «fruits» of their own civilization. The climate is becoming dramatically unstable, and garbage is flooding the land, air, and water, poisoning and killing. People themselves, besotted by the ideas of superiority of one religion, nation, political, or social structure of society over others, violently attack each other in order to «defend their ideas.» Various kinds of conflicts break out quite easily and quickly, both between individuals and between groups, communities, and states, up to mass armed clashes and prolonged wars. Considering the technical capabilities of mankind to mutually destroy enemies and opponents, such a «doctrine» contradicts all common sense and principles of humanity. By our vital activity at the moment, we, representatives of the species «homo sapiens», create a real threat of self-destruction of our species.
III some statistics
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