Nicolas and the World Around

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The only wish

Nicolas couldn’t sleep for a long time, lying in his soft bed, covered with blankets and toys. The trees rustled softly outside the window, and the moon cast a soft light on his room. Smiling in the darkness, he remembered looking at the stars with his grandfather yesterday and hearing exciting stories about the constellations.

Inside him, a desire to see that magic again flared up. Carefully, Nicolas tiptoed out from under the blankets and went to the window. He looked out at the street, which seemed mysterious and inviting in the silence of the night.

Clutching his small telescope in his hands, Nicolas quietly opened the door and, catching his breath, stepped out into the cool night. Stepping onto the soft grass of the courtyard, he felt the magic dissipate around him.

He had always dreamed of seeing the stars closer than through the window. He climbed the small hill behind the house, sat on the grass, and looked up into the vast sky, studded with sparkling stars.

Nicolas opened his small telescope and squinted into the distance. Each star seemed to him a real spark of magic, flashing in the vastness of the dark sky. He admired the way they twinkled like graceful dancers on a celestial stage.

Suddenly he noticed one particular star that shone the brightest. “This must be a very important star,” thought Nicolas and pointed his telescope at it. At that moment, as if he had heard a call, he closed his eyes and said softly: “May this star fulfill my wish to see the cosmos.”

Breathing in the fresh night air, Nicolas felt his heart beat faster with excitement. He had always believed that stars were not just celestial bodies, but whole worlds of possibilities and dreams. It was important to not only try to see them, but to understand their mysteries. His grandfather had always said that the stars could listen, and it was only necessary to formulate the right wish.

Keeping the image of the bright star in his mind, Nicolas thought about what he would like to do if he could go into space. He imagined hurtling along a rainbow of light to distant planets where strange but beautiful creatures grew and where flowers exuded fragrances that Earth did not know. Thoughts of space adventures filled his imagination, allowing him to forget for a moment the usual boring reality.

“Oh, how I wish I could see another galaxy!” — he said in a whisper as he continued to gaze into the night sky. He pressed his eye to the telescope again. However, the star he had noticed earlier suddenly began flashing even brighter, as if responding to his words. Nicolas’s feet felt as if they were frozen to the ground as he noticed a glowing cloud forming around it, like a mysterious window to another world.

From somewhere in the back of Nicolas’ mind grew tension and intense excitement. “No, this isn’t just a play of the imagination,” he thought. “It means something more!” Overwhelmed with new hope, he clasped his eyes again and asked the star to reveal to him not only the beauty of the heavens, but also the mysteries of space that mankind dreamed of discovering.

As he said his words, it was as if a white veil had been lifted from the sky. The soaring stars began to join together to form brilliant lines, as if they were creating a map of a whole new world. Nicolas couldn’t believe his eyes. “What is it?” — he blurted out. The wave of excitement he felt again, and working his mind, he immersed himself in the cosmic wonder that opened up before him.

When Nicolas opened his eyes, he felt that something had changed around him. Suddenly, a soft glow coming from the ground caught his attention. Looking down, he noticed an unusual stone lying on the grass. Intrigued, Nicolas walked closer and reached out his hand and gently touched this magical stone. He was surprised at how warm and pleasant it felt in his palms.

As he picked up the stone, Nicolas suddenly felt a wave of energy wash over him. He pressed it to his chest, and his thoughts of stars and space became even more vivid and clear. “What is this miracle?” — he thought. The stone seemed alive, as if it knew about Nicolas’s dream and was ready to help it come true.

Holding onto the stone, he decided it was a sign that he should take it with him. It was necessary to solve its mystery. As soon as he put the stone in his pocket, he felt as if he had made a bargain with the sky, and everything around him was filled with anticipation.

Nicolas walked back up the hill, once again snuggling into the soft grass. His gaze went to the bright star he had noticed earlier, and he clasped his eyes again, saying in silence, “Star, I have taken this stone. Save it for me, and show me the cosmos!”

When he returned home, Nicolas looked at it for a long time, marveling at its bright lights. He noticed that the stone glowed brighter when he thought about his dreams: about traveling to other planets, about dragons, and about magical creatures. That same night, as Nicolas fell asleep, the stone began to shimmer even more, as if responding to his wishes.

The morning came quietly and serenely. The rays of the sun shone through the curtains in Nicolas’s room, gently warming his face.

The classic morning bustle had taken possession of the house. “Nicolas! Time to get up!” — came his mom’s voice from the kitchen. He quickly sat up on the bed. The boy rushed straight from bed to the bathroom, washing and dressing with incredible speed. He pulled on his favorite jeans and a bright T-shirt, and then suddenly remembered the rock.

Putting on his sweater, he glanced around the room once more and slipped the magic stone into his jeans pocket without thinking. “Just in case,” he thought. Despite his slight drowsiness, he felt a new excitement brewing inside him.

When he came downstairs, Nicolas saw the family already gathered. Grandpa was sitting at the table with a proud look, telling something to his sister, who was listening to him with great curiosity, and his father was pouring coffee for his mother with a smile. The morning sunlight was streaming through the window, creating a cozy atmosphere.

“Good morning, Nicolas!” — His mother addressed him with a smile. “How did you sleep?”

“Good morning, I’m… well!” — Perplexed as to how to explain the magic of the night, Nicolas replied. Sitting down at the table, he picked up his breakfast and started devouring his favorite pancakes with jam, happy to have all his loved ones around.

Nicolas was enjoying his breakfast when suddenly he felt something cold and heavy slip from his pocket. A second later, the stone, shining brightly in the morning sun, fell to the floor. His younger sister, Agnes, immediately gave a groan, ran up to him, and, seating herself on his lap, exclaimed joyfully: “Look, Nicolas! How racy!”

“That’s my rock!” — replied Nicolas, holding out his hand to take it back. But his mother, raising her eyebrows meaningly, said: “Agnes, give the stone to your brother. He brought it with him, and it is his stone.”

Agnes reluctantly handed over the stone, but Nicolas noticed that her eyes were glowing with delight. He knew that this stone was not simple and he wanted to share its magic with his sister, just not now. At that moment, his grandfather, who had been watching everything that was happening with interest, quietly said: “You know, stones can hold many secrets.

Agnes, with a discontented sigh, returned the stone to Nicola, but her curious gaze never left him. Breakfast continued in a warm and cozy way. Grandpa continued to tell stories from his childhood, which were always full of adventures and little things that created an atmosphere of magic.

“When I was your age,” Grandpa began, “I found a stone in the woods that I thought was magical. Many people said that stones could come to life in the sunlight, and this one was special.” Nicolas listened intently, heeding every word. He felt his imagination playing out, transporting him to those distant times when his grandfather had been like him — full of dreams and mystery.

Dad, joining the conversation, laid out the toasts in front of him and said: “You know, there is a folk legend that every stone contains a particle of earth energy. Some even believe that they can grant wishes.”

Nicolas stared at his plate, thinking about his father’s words. He remembered finding this stone on a walk in the woods-it was special, different from the others.

Finished with the coffee, Mom suggested we spend today outdoors. “How about we go to the park?” — She asked. “We could take our picnic!” — she added, and the room was flooded with a friendly “yay!” that erupted from everyone.

After breakfast, Grandpa invited Nicolas into his study. Nicolas followed him eagerly, believing that something special was stored there. In his study there were shelves filled with old books and unusual objects. In one corner were colorful bottles in which small models of ships floated.

“These ships, Nicolas, are only a part of what I want to tell you about,” Grandfather began with a smile. “Do you know that your stone has its own secrets? It is a moonstone that gathers the light of the moon. On the night of a full moon, it can grant your wish, but only one.

Nicolas’s eyes lit up. He had always dreamed of a real adventure. “How does it work, Grandpa?”

“Moonstone responds to pure desire. You must be willing and think only of what is truly important to you. But remember, Nicolas, not every wish can lead to happiness. Always weigh the consequences of your requests.”

“I’ll try!” — replied Nicolas enthusiastically, imagining what miracles could happen if he used the power of the stone.

Grandpa put a hand on his shoulder. “Know that despite all the magic, the most important thing is your family and how you take care of each other. Got it?”

“Got it, grandpa! I’ll be sure to think about my wish.” — Nicolas was determined to think of something special.

After the discussion with his grandfather, Nicolas left the study full of inspiration and new ideas. His mind was buzzing with thoughts about what wish he should make. Every step took him back to that wonderful evening when he looked at the starry sky and felt his soul fill with anticipation of something amazing. How he wished he could experience it again, but this time with true magic!

Finding a spot in the garden, Nicolas sat down on the grass and began to ponder. He knew he was ready to make a wish, but how to choose something that would make him truly happy? He thought of his friends. They had fun together, and Nicolas would ask that they always remain best friends. But then his thoughts returned to the moments spent with his family. He realized that it was the shared moments with his family that gave meaning to his life.

At this time his sister Agnes, full of curiosity, came and sat down beside him. “What are you doing, Nicolas? What are you thinking about?” — She asked, inclining her head.

Nicolas wondered for a moment if he should share his secrets with her. “I…” — he began, but then decided to tell, at least a little. “I’m thinking about what wish to make when there’s a full moon.”

Agness opened her eyes in admiration. “Really? What are you thinking about?” — She asked with genuine interest.

“I wish I had more wishes. But I guess I’d like to be an astronaut and find extraterrestrial life!” — Nicolas replied.

Agnes laughed ringingly, falling playfully on her brother, saying: “And if you find aliens, can I be the first to know about it?”

Nicolas smiled softly, ruffling her hair, “Of course.”


In the park they played ball, laughed and enjoyed the warm sunny day. Agnes was as energetic as ever and ran around tirelessly trying to catch the ball. Nicolas, on the other hand, with the moonstone in his pocket, felt special. He knew that this stone could fulfill his most cherished dreams, but he did not dare to use it yet.

Soon the mom decided to go out for ice cream, leaving the kids alone. “Don’t miss me, I’ll be back soon!” — she shouted as she left. As soon as mom left, Agnes, noticing the rock that Nicolas was holding, asked curiously: “Can I hold it?”

“No, that’s my rock!” — replied Nicolas, hiding it behind his back. Agnes, unwilling to yield, reached for it, and an argument ensued between them. Soon they began to jostle, and as a result the moonstone slipped out of Nicolas’ hands and, as if it had a will of its own, flew into the tall bushes.

“Oh no!” — Nicolas exclaimed, dashing after the stone. He crept through the thick branches and finally saw another boy, his age, holding the stone in his hands, twirling it between his fingers. Nicolas felt his heart beat faster. “Hey, that’s my rock!” — he shouted, trying to take it away.

But when he saw the boy’s face, Nicolas stopped. The one had sad eyes, and he looked like something was bothering him. “Please don’t take him away,” the boy said in a quiet voice. “I found him here, and he’s so beautiful. I just wanted to look at it.”

Nicolas froze, realizing that this stone might not only be important to him, but to the other boy as well.

“Who are you? Why are you so sad?” — He asked, stepping closer. The boy sighed and answered:

“I’m Oliver. I just moved to this town and haven’t had a chance to make friends yet. I often play by myself, and today I was just walking in the park. When I saw this rock, it inspired me.”

Nicolas considered Oliver’s words. He felt sorry for the boy who looked so lonely. “Look, I understand how it is. I feel lonely sometimes, too, especially when everyone else is busy doing their own thing,” Nicolas said.

Oliver looked at him hopefully. “Do you really think so? I don’t have anyone here to play with.”

“Maybe we can play together?” — Nicolas suggested, pointing to the moonstone in Oliver’s hands. “This stone is amazing. It gathers the light of the moon and can fulfill dreams, but only during the full moon.”

“Really? How does it work?” Oliver figured out what he could ask of the stone. Thoughts of how he would change his life filled his head.

“During full moons, when the light of the moon is at its brightest, the stone can grant a wish. I haven’t decided to use it yet,” Nicolas explained, feeling his own excitement grow stronger at the thought of a future wish.

Oliver was interested. “Why don’t we try using him together? Perhaps he’ll fulfill our mutual desire to be friends.”

Nicolas trembled with excitement. “But he can only grant one wish a night.”

“I know. But if we become friends, maybe we won’t need any wishing,” Oliver said, then added: “What are you wishing for?”

Nicolas thought for a moment. “I dream of having adventures. To explore the world, to see new places, and to have loyal friends to share it with.”

“May I wish it?” — Oliver asked. “I wish for that too. I wish I had friends to have fun with and not feel lonely.” “Maybe we could play before mom comes back with ice cream? Let’s see what else the rock can do,” Nicolas suggested.

They began to discuss exactly how they would like to spend their time. At that moment, a bold idea popped into Nicolas’ head. “What if we try to go on a little adventure right now?” “Which one?” — Oliver raised his eyebrows.

Nicolas looked around, then pointed to an old abandoned house at the edge of the park. “Over there, behind the bushes, they say there’s an abandoned house. People even whisper that ghosts live in it. There could be a lot of interesting things in there!”

Oliver whistled. “That sounds great!”

Nicolas nodded, and they both picked up the moonstone, which again sparkled in the boy’s hands, pointing in the direction. The friends decided to set off in the direction of the mysterious cabin, forgetting their differences.

Nicolas could feel their bond growing stronger, and with each step they were getting closer to true friendship.

But before they could reach the house, their attention was caught by the bright light that radiated from the moonstone. “What is it?” — Oliver marveled as the stone began to vibrate in their hands.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from deep within the bushes, interrupting their conversation. They froze in place, turning around warily. What might lie ahead of them?

Nicolas and Oliver stood on the doorstep of an abandoned house that seemed very old and neglected. Its dilapidated walls were covered with green mold stains, and the window frames had lost their former luster and were now framed by cobwebs. The moonstone seemed to beckon them with its mysterious light, giving the atmosphere something wonderful.

“Let’s go inside!” — Nicolas suggested, stepping forward confidently. Oliver hesitated a little, but looking at the gleaming stone, he too made up his mind. They pushed the door, which opened with a pitiful creak, and immediately the stale stench of damp and mold wafted into their noses.

They stepped cautiously across the threshold, and Nicolas, hiding the moonstone in his pocket, looked into the dark corners of the room. It was empty inside: old, broken chairs were lying on the floor, and the walls were decorated only with scraps of old newspapers, probably left over from the time when people had lived here.

“It’s so creepy in here,” — Oliver said quietly, looking around, but there was excitement in his voice. “Do you think it’s really haunted?”

“More likely it’s just a rumor,” — Nicolas replied. — “But it’s still best to be cautious.”

They began to look around the room, and every movement was accompanied by an echo, as if the house was responding to their presence. Suddenly, on an old table, Nicolas noticed a strange object, a box covered with a layer of dust. He moved closer and opened it. Inside were antique toys — carved wooden figures and dusty balls that might once have been children’s favorite toys.

Suddenly the light of the moonstone flashed even brighter, and they both turned around. “Look!” — Oliver exclaimed, pointing to the darkened wall. A shadow resembling a human figure began to loom in it. Nicolas’s heart beat faster, as if he sensed that something was wrong, and it was at that moment that the surrounding time seemed to stop.

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