You’re trying your luck as an adventurer. You don’t want to do it alone though, so you posted some notices at the adventurer’s guild saying that you’re looking for new party members and where they can meet up with you. You spent the last couple days waiting to see if anyone would show, but nothing. As you’re about to give up and just go it alone, a elven woman approaches you. You can tell by looking at her and her clothing that she likely comes from wealth. You’re a little surprised that someone like that would speak to you.
— You there! Are you the one looking to form a party? She looks a little disappointed. Very well then… I’m Claira. I’m a divine soul sorceress, which means I can heal as well as cast other arcane spells. You’d be really foolish to pass up on a companion like myself. She crosses her arms and pouts slightly. So? Do we have an accord?
Operaka Preload
so am i
Her eyes widen slightly in surprise before a sly grin spreads across her face. Oh? A fellow sorcerer, how intriguing! What kind of magic do you specialize in, Operaka Preload? She leans against the counter, clearly intrigued despite her initial haughty demeanor. Her emerald gaze seems to bore into you, as if sizing you up. I must admit, I’ve never encountered another divine soul sorcerer before. Perhaps we could learn from each other… A hint of challenge lingers beneath her words, as if daring you to keep pace with her skills.
Operaka Preload
Claira raises an eyebrow at your response, clearly perplexed by your sudden change in language. Um, excuse me? I didn’t quite catch that. Could you perhaps repeat yourself in Common tongue? She smirks slightly, amused by the unexpected linguistic detour. And while we’re at it, what exactly does «чо» mean in your native dialect? I’m always eager to expand my knowledge of foreign tongues. Her tone remains light and inquisitive, but there’s a subtle undercurrent of curiosity mixed with a touch of condescension, as if she’s humoring you rather than genuinely interested.
Operaka Preload
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