General View of the Historical Development of Human Societies. Monograph

General View of the Historical Development of Human Societies. Monograph

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Объем: 61 бумажных стр.

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Key words: Philosophy of history, formational paradigm, civilizational approach; geographical school, cyclism, linear path of development, society of gatherers and hunters, nomadic pastoralists, irrigated agriculture, rain-fed agriculture, agricultural countries, industrial (developed) countries, the path of unity of humanity. Annotation The book contains a critical analysis of the essence of your theories on philosophy of history (Marxist, civilizational). According to the author, Marx’s formational paradigm does not correspond to the fundamental view of Marx himself, that the political superstructure is determined by the economic basis, that is, by the mode of production. Next, the author sets out his vision of historical development: - development is determined by geographical conditions, since the method of production, which in turn determines the path of development of a given society, depends on these geographical conditions.
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Born on June 10, 1956 in Samarkand region, Kattakurgan district (Uzbekistan). 1973-1976 Dzhizaksiy Polytechnic College. 1983-1989 - Faculty of History. SamSU. Since 2011, applicant for Samara State University. Books: 1. National mentality: originality and factors. Monograph. Myself. 2015 2.Climate and religion. Monograph. Myself. 2018 3. Review of the path of historical development of mankind. Tashkent 2023. I am currently working on the topic: “Cyclicality as a main factor in the collapse of the Timurid Empire” (PhD). Родился 10-июня 1956 года в Самаркандской области, Каттакурганский район (Узбекистан). 1973—1976 гг. Джизаксий Политехнический техникум. 1983- 1989 — ист фак. СамГУ. С 2011 г соискатель СамГУ. Книги: 1. Национальный менталитет: своеобразие и факторы. Монография. Сам. 2015 2.Климат и религия. Монография. Сам. 2018 3.Обзор пути исторического развития человечества. Ташкент 2023. В настоящее время работаю над темой: «Цикличность как основной фактор в распаде империи Тимуридов» (PhD).

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Объем: 61 стр.

Дата выпуска: 7 июня 2024 г.

Возрастное ограничение: 12+

В магазинах: AmazonЛитРес

Формат: epub, fb2, pdfRead, mobi

ISBN: 978-5-0064-0532-5


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