Fatal Passion

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I stood in front of the window and looked at the incessant flow of water. It is now night, and a heavy downpour has begun outside. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. It was only for a moment, but it was enough for me to see his figure in the reflection.

Chris stopped in the doorway and did not approach me. I turned to look at him. I needed to see his face, his look. He used to look at me with admiration, undisguised lust, but now he was serious. His eyebrows almost met on the bridge of his nose, and his gaze flashed lightning.

«Does it still hurt?» I looked down at my bandaged side, I didn’t feel any pain. Physical pain is not important right now. The only thing that matters to me right now is him, so I shook my head negatively, «you have to tell me the truth. The whole truth. Your games are over, Andy. That’s the only way I can protect you.»

He’s right, I have to open up to him, trust him. But it’s too dangerous, he doesn’t understand it. I am not in the house of the person that I care about. I’m in a predator’s den right now, too vulnerable. I was taught not to trust anyone. I have to take it all on my own, if I can’t, it will be weakness, and weakness kills. But I’m tired, tired of this whole war. I want to open up, tell everything, beg for help, beg for him to be there. And when did a simple entertainment turn into something more? I ran from it like from a fire. I ran away from him, but I came back every time. Maybe it’s worth the risk, maybe it’s worth opening up to him.

«You’re right. It’s time to tell you the truth.»

Chapter 1

«We’ve been stuck here for several days now,» Enrique was always impatient, but now we can’t rush, «well, finally.»

I looked at the entrance of an expensive hotel, three massive figures got out of the car. Each of us has an imprint of what we’ve done on our face, and these three look like models, damn them. The Black brothers, all of them, are handsome, but they do not hide their inner cruelty. That’s why they’re called monsters, monsters. And I came here to arrange for support. I am a part of the cartel, well, as a part, its head, if I can destroy the «brother’. And I need help, and who can help better than the hellhounds. That’s exactly what we called them.

«Nothing will work out» it was clear right away, they did not come here by chance and as soon as Martin Ross and his eldest son appeared in my field of vision, everything became even clearer: «they are here to negotiate. We’ll have to wait for another moment.»

«It’s dangerous to contact them on their own territory.» Enrique turned on the ’caring daddy’ mode, which often cheered me up.

Enrique is only ten years older than me, he was once my mentor, then my friend and confidant. My father assigned him to me when I turned fourteen. Other girls were hired teachers, governesses, and I got a thug. I also studied etiquette, I had classes at a Catholic school, I was taught how to run a business, both legal and not. It was for the second case that I needed Enrique. He was twenty-four at the time, and I was very small against the background of this handsome man, who was not even spoiled by a scar on his face. I could fall in love with him, but the irony is that I’m just not capable of that feeling.

When I was seventeen, I had an affair, it lasted two years, and then my father died. And the former lovers began to fight for power. It would have been much easier to share it, but each of us didn’t want that. Antonio believed that I would become a domestic wife who did not interfere in my husband’s affairs, and I wanted him to disappear from my life and my clan forever. After spending many hours discussing the situation, the heads of the families shared our responsibilities. Antonio handled exactly half of the business, and I handled half of it. And everyone understood that it was a shaky truce, everyone was waiting for the bomb to go off. And I very recklessly underestimated my opponent, he played his role too well. One day, when I flew to a meeting, he seized power.

This day was a bloodbath, he killed every person who was on my side. I was furious, but I couldn’t do anything then, the only thing I could do was disappear. I literally disappeared, disappeared from all radars, only the faithful Enrique remained with me, for which I am grateful to him. After all, he could have curried favor by bringing me back, but he didn’t do it. One day, sitting in a cheap hotel, he said that I was the best thing in his life. And there was no sexual connotation in those words.

It took me months to start getting people on my side again. It was difficult, many believed that I was no longer alive, others were too afraid of Antonio. Everything is happening too slowly, which is why I’m here now. I wanted to meet with Alexander Black and offer him cooperation. His family is the closest, it would be stupid to go to Italians or Romanians. There will be no benefit for them, but there is a chance to negotiate with Black, our territories border, and I was ready to offer him a very tasty morsel, I was ready to sacrifice a small part. There was another option to seduce him, although I do not think that such a person allows a member to command himself. He’s too focused, he’s in control of everything. If he ever gets a wife, I don’t envy her.

There was another option, Martin Ross. But I just can’t stand this piece of shit. We are all not angels and have done things for which we have a ticket to hell. But Ross will get there without waiting in line, on a direct flight to the damn cauldron. He is ready to sell, frame, destroy anyone who gets in his way in the pursuit of power. This always happens, if he was ready to do anything to get this power, then now he is ready to do anything to keep it and it will always be not enough for him. Offer him a bigger piece, and he will gladly sell his ally. I’m afraid to imagine what his children look like, and he has five of them, and if they look at least a little like their father, then… I don’t even want to think about what kind of disaster this will result in.

«Okay, let’s move on to plan B, we’ll have to trudge into Black territory. Have you bought a place?» Enrique nodded silently, I could see that this idea did not appeal to him, but the choice was not great.

Very soon, I will have to step out of the shadows. Antonio was already beginning to suspect something was wrong. But when I open up to me, they’ll start hunting me. It’s not just going to be about power plays, I took something very important from Antonio, for him. And as soon as he hears about my return, he will want her back with all his might. I had no doubt about that.

The car trip took quite a long time, it’s a pity there is no private plane, not yet. I’m fighting for power, not wealth, but it’s hard to argue with the fact that money is never superfluous. When I got out of the car, in the underground garage of a very prestigious high-rise building, I had to stretch my muscles for ten minutes. Absolutely everything is numb, even my ass is numb. I feel like a pampered girl.

«Couldn’t you find something simpler?» An elite building is not a place where you can get lost. A lot of cameras, security, I think, since these residents are not even guarded by the president. I asked him to rent a house or a small apartment, not a huge apartment. There’s only a penthouse above us, I’m surprised he didn’t buy it. To walk, so to walk.

«The penthouse above us belongs to the Blacks. We’ve connected to the cameras on the floor, they’re not as secure as they think they are. If you end up in that apartment, then you can easily escape. We also got the code from their apartment. You just run to the back stairs, go down to the floor below, and we replace the picture, you just disappear, disappear. Just three minutes at a brisk pace and you’ll be here. The apartment is reserved for an elderly couple, but if they start breaking in, I’ve made you a shelter. There is a room in your bedroom behind the closet, it allows you to hide. But if everything goes according to plan, you won’t need it. Andrea, do you really want this?» his voice sounded worried, «if we start, there will be no turning back. Maybe we should give up on this, we’ll rush to some island and live a normal life.»

«There is no way back, you should have asked me this question eight months ago, when Antonio killed half of our people.»

«You would have refused, then you were all about the desire to kill. Anger has clouded your mind, but now, before it’s too late, can you stop?» I’ve thought about it many times, to go somewhere and start a new, normal life. But I’m crazy, and I’d rather spend my whole life fighting than running away. No one will force me to change my decision. I will tear my enemies to the last, it’s not for nothing that they call me a she-wolf.

Having sorted out our few belongings and ordered dinner, we sat down to develop a plan for further action. A report came in from my spies, with details of the meeting between Black and Ross. They signed a truce and a commodity agreement. Ross will be able to transport his stuff through the Black territory, and he also sold them some of the goods, paying for everything… Well, who would doubt it… his daughter. An engagement took place between Alexander and Martin’s only daughter Katarina. Martin was not Italian, but his daughter has an Italian name, the origin of his second wife is not known at all, her biography has been competently cleaned. It feels like she didn’t exist before she met Ross, she didn’t even have a last name. It’s interesting, of course, but I don’t have time to dig into it.

We punched a girl, she’s only six months younger than me, she also studied at a Catholic school for girls, is involved in a charity fund and that’s it. There was nothing else, she was being held like a princess in a tower. A boring, monotonous life, and now in a month she will become Mrs. Black. I’m sorry for the girl, but now we’re sure she won’t bother us.

We ruled out the plan to seduce Alexander right away, so that he would help me, I had to become someone important to him, and not a one-night stand. And why take a mistress when you’re about to have a young wife? There’s no need to be right, but Alexander seems to have a serious crush on her. After all, the wedding did not happen in a month, but only a week.

«Do you have a solution?» yes, today I figured out how to finally approach Alexander. If we start honest negotiations, he’ll just tell me to go to hell, right now he doesn’t care about anyone but his petite wife.

«I’m getting closer to Chris, he’s second only to his brother in the family and, as surveillance shows, he’s a sucker for female attention. The main thing is to hook him, strengthen your position next to him. To pull off something unusual, to get interested» there is a small problem with this, I had only one partner, both in sex and in relationships. But our hookup couldn’t be called a relationship. And now I need to achieve exactly this «I will improvise.»

«It will end badly. I’ve heard that this guy is actually an unpredictable nutcase. With the help of his spree, he controls his predatory urges, and you want to fixate him on yourself. It’s dangerous.»

«This is a chance, and I won’t let it go. Let’s go,» I grabbed my jacket from the armchair and headed for the exit, «I need to go shopping. Today I’m going hunting.»

«This phrase belongs to men.»

«I didn’t know you were a sexist» Enrique smiled for just a second, and then frowned again.

I found a gorgeous dress in one of the brand stores. It was black, skin-tight like a second skin, and it was knee-length, but it was offset by an open back and a heart-shaped neckline on the chest. You can’t wear underwear under such a dress, but it’s even better. Nature has rewarded me with very good forms. Appetizing breasts of the third size beckoned to her.

I let my hair down, it was thick, like any Spaniard, but a rare color. I was blonde, I got this color from my mother. It was too rare to ruin everything with painting. Although I stood out too much, I wasn’t going to change anything. But my eyes were brown, and there was a strong contrast. I know that my appearance attracts and I often use it.

«Be careful,» I put on high heels and took my purse.

«I’m always careful.»

«You and him are a dangerous combination, you’re both unstable. Keep your urges to yourself and don’t kill him if he gets under your skirt» he looked me up and down» and he definitely wants to do it. He has already arrived at the club, it’s a ten-minute drive from here, I ordered a taxi. Have time to get his attention first, there are a lot of people there.»

I nodded and went to the exit. I’m not going to be late. It may sound very cocky, but I’m pretty sure that dark eyes will be fixed on me today.

Chapter 2

My brother got married. A man who said that he would not tie the knot until there was a need for a blood heir, would never climb into this swamp called «marriage». And for several days now, he has not left the bed in which he is basking with his young wife. Well, now I definitely don’t need to get married, Alec will have his own children plus three more brothers. I’m the second after Alec, and he could «ask» me to get married, stupidly force me if he pressed. And now I am completely free in this regard.

At first, I was not thrilled with this idea, as I imagined that some woman would walk around my house and establish her own rules, I already shuddered. But the little one doesn’t seem to be a bad girl, a little intimidated, but we’ll fix that. And eventually we’ll get rid of her dad. A piece of shit, not a man, many will be glad if he disappears. And Kat, don’t even get upset, in general, it’s worth a girl to unleash her potential, and she will fit perfectly into our company of jerks. She’s cool and cooks deliciously, today she set the table for breakfast, and I don’t remember the last time I ate homemade food.

We don’t like strangers around us, we don’t let anyone near us. We have a couple of soldiers to guard, and they are a couple of kilometers away from here, not helpless, able to defend themselves. But the entertainment in this house has come to an end, not that I used to bring girls here, but at least I had the opportunity. And now just the penthouse and our brothels. You can always stay with a chick, but I don’t like it, I have to get up then go to my place, and so I called Madame a taxi and rest easy.

So today, I saw enough of the rabbit brother and realized that I hadn’t fucked anyone for a week. I decided to go to the club today and pick someone up there. It would have been easier to show up at a brothel, but I didn’t want to have a dick. Filming a girl in a club, there is also an option to be the hundredth of her, whores, even though they take money for it. No, I don’t mind that a girl has experience, I don’t mind that girls are looking for pleasure for themselves, but those who spread their legs, realizing their main goal, to find a rich daddy, annoy me. I find them when I’m raging to relieve the tension. They are waiting for a night of love, but they only face a hard fuck. In the end, I throw in a couple of hundred for rudeness and get only a feigned insult in return. Every woman is corrupt and that’s a fact.

Upon arrival at the club, I immediately went to my office. Instead of a wall there is a huge darkened window. I can see everyone from my seat, no one can see me. I always liked watching the guests, as over time the girls relax more and more, the dancing gets hotter and the whole club turns into one big bacchanal. Sex and passion are flying in the air, the smell of excitement is overwhelming.

I spent all my youth in clubs, so now I am responsible for this part of our business. The first time my father took me to a club, when I was fourteen, he asked me if I could take a girl off. Of course, it was impossible, but I desperately wanted to prove to him that it was not so. That evening ended with my fiasco, my father laughed for a long time and called me a loser who would jerk off for the rest of his days. After that, I set out to never find myself in a similar situation. And while this was happening, no girl could refuse me.

And now I have a goal for this evening, a gorgeous blonde. The black dress contrasted perfectly with her hair, which fell down her back. It’s a pity that they are not natural, too thick, but I already imagine how I will twist them in my hand while I enter her from behind. She turned around with a cocktail in her hand and it seemed to me that she looked directly at me, it was impossible, as well as to take her eyes off her. The club is dark and now her eyes seemed black, just like mine. I’ve always said that our eyes are black, just like our soul. And looking into exactly the same eyes, I realized why darkness is so attractive.

The girl was beautiful, with a shock of black eyelashes, a thin nose and perfect lips. The lower lip was slightly plumper than the upper one, and I imagined how perfect they would look around my penis. And this traitor immediately came to life, the choice of the target was clearly approved, with a strong painful boner. Let’s put it down to the lack of sex lately.

While I was distracted by my thoughts, the beauty was already heading to the dance floor. Every man was looking at her, and she knew it. But I didn’t want anyone else to look at her. Something possessive slipped through me, which is stupid. Today I will be with this candy, and tomorrow I will forget it.

I got downstairs on time, some asshole was about to roll his balls up to my girl. My girl? Okay, I’ll think about it later. I wasn’t as wide as my brother, but it’s hard not to notice me in the crowd either, so I sent a murderous look at him and headed towards the girl. The guy turned out to be no fool, even though he was drunk, but he took off right away, like many men around us.

The girl clearly noticed the change in her surroundings, but did not react in any way. She kept swinging her sexy hips from side to side. My hands itched to touch them, and I did not deny myself the pleasure. I slowly ran my hands down her back, from her shoulder blades to her ass, and then placed them on her hips. She flinched slightly, but didn’t stop me. I adjusted to it, and in rhythm with the music we started dancing together.

I pushed her hair back, exposing her neck and nuzzled her neck. I was literally overwhelmed by the scent of flowers, with a hint of cinnamon. A dizzying fragrance, it is like the most piquant delicacy. I immediately wanted to taste it, and everywhere. It’s been a long time since I went down to the girls, but today there will be a clear exception, because my mouth is watering, it was only worth imagining the pink pussy of this beauty. It will be exactly pink, neat. Only such a girl can have such a thing.

«You’re beautiful,» he whispered in her ear.

«I know» is self-confident. The voice is melodious, there is a slight arrogance in the intonation.

«Spend the night with me,» I was surprised at my own words. It sounded more like an order than a request. And I wasn’t going to speak so bluntly, I wanted to move slowly. I wanted to shower her with compliments, give her a couple of smiles and a few perfectly arousing touches. Only now everything is not going according to plan, the inner beast has decided to go outside right now.

«Is this a question or a statement? In the first case, I need to answer and this answer will be negative, and in the second case, you probably decide everything for me.» she turned her beautiful face at me and besyata danced in her eyes. So I won’t give her a choice today.

«Let’s go,» I took her by the hand and led her to the exit. She didn’t resist, the whole situation seemed to amuse her.

We went out to the parking lot, and I put her in the car, on the way to the penthouse, the stranger did not say a word. I was only rewarded with a few looks that were full of lust and desire. Mutually sweet, mutually.

Now I can see her eyes closer, they are brown in color, dark with an admixture of amber. But I’m more interested in the second eyes, the ones that look invitingly out of the neckline. They’re beautiful and I’m sure they’re elastic, three, unless, of course, there’s a stupid lining. I put my hand on her leg and started tracing patterns. Lifting the dress higher and higher each time. Her breathing quickened, and I reached for her panties… Oh my god...They’re all soaked. There is a real flood, I moved my gaze to my chest and saw the clear outline of the nipples...She’s not wearing any fucking underwear… I want to see them.

We pulled into the parking lot, I would like to undress her right here, but I understand that there are too many cameras around, and only I should see such a treasure. I flew out of the car, realizing that my mind was slowly but surely leaving me, giving place to lust. Candy got out of the car, and I slung her over my shoulder, acting like a caveman. I took my prey and carried it to the cave.

Well, if you can call a huge penthouse a cave. Like our huge house, we share the penthouse with our brothers. None of us have ever thought of living separately, maybe it’s strange, but we’ve spent our whole lives together and we’re not going to break up. It’s calmer this way, it makes us stronger, but we are men and we like everyone to have their own territory. We got the mansion from our parents, it’s a family nest, but we chose the penthouse ourselves. It should be a place where you could just spend the night and maybe bring a girl for one night, you only need a couple of rooms, but we don’t know how to do that. A huge living room with panoramic windows, a kitchen, guest bedrooms downstairs and three huge master bedrooms. I had to combine several rooms into one.

I enter the code and enter the apartment, without wasting time, I immediately go up to the second floor and enter my room. I put the blonde on her feet, without wasting a second, I cling to her lips and immediately deepen the kiss. She responds to me with the same passion, with the same desire, with the same dissatisfaction. It’s perfect, I want to see it all. I break off the kiss and turn her back to me, find the zipper and unbutton the dress. It flies down, giving me a view of her perfect buttocks, the tango she wears does not hide the round hemispheres. Rush.

I turn the girl over to me and almost moan out loud, perfect pink papillae are looking at me now, they have invitingly stood up, and the elastic roundness also looks perfect. God, this woman is a walking sex. I press my lips to what beckons me. I suck and bite the nipple a little, I hear a blissful moan that seems to have escaped from the depths of my soul. This spurs me on, I double my torture by moving to another nipple. She grabbed my head, pulling my hair hard, I thought she would push me away, but no, she pulled me closer to her, and I don’t mind.

I picked her up in my arms and threw her on the sofa, falling back to the pink peak and running my hand into her panties, where there was already a real flood. I realized that this remaining piece of clothing was only bothering me and just tore her panties. She screamed, most likely her thighs burned now, but I did not give her a reason to pull away and began to run my fingers in circles around the clitoris. Now she started moaning even louder, I wonder how much louder she will become when I enter her.

Leaving the clitoris alone, I inserted two fingers inside her pussy at once, which instantly fell into the trap of warm tightness. She didn’t feel like a virgin, but she wasn’t very experienced either. I started stroking her bump with my thumb and felt the walls inside her pussy tremble. She’s close, damn close. I increased the pace and pressed my lips to her lips, absorbing her scream, absorbing the orgasm that rolled over her. I pulled out my fingers and licked them, it’s the best nectar I’ve tasted. I got up and started to take off my clothes, at this time the stranger should move away from her orgasm. When I was completely naked, I went to the bed and looked at my prey. Her hair was spread out on the bed, her face was burning, her breathing was short, and her eyes were still clouded. As soon as she looked at me, I gave a new order.

«On your knees.»

Chapter 3

«On your knees» is Chris’s order.

I’m not ready for this, initially the plan was different. I had to get his attention, but not let him get close to my body. I needed to be something more than a girl for one night, but next to this man, all the brakes came off. Just looking at him makes your skin melt. And what he did to my body cannot be described in words, I don’t remember ever being so loud. And now the whole plan is going to hell, because I want to get on my knees myself.

And that’s exactly what I’m doing. I carefully get off the bed and kneel in front of this perfect man. His dignity is right in front of my eyes, and I do not know what to do. I never got down on my knees in front of Antonio, it wasn’t the kind of relationship we had that I would set myself up like that. I trusted him with my body, but I always kept a gun under my pillow, now I’m completely open to a man, even though he’s nobody to me. An outsider whom I personally let too close to me.

«Good girl,» Chris stroked my cheek, «have you ever pleasured a man this way?» I shook my head.

And, what a word to please, I’m not a cheap girl, but I had to pull myself together, because I understood that he did not know me and treats me the same as others. But the thought of Chris with other girls started to annoy me. Jealousy? Nonsense, I have known him for five minutes at most and I have no right to be jealous of this man, he is not mine and will never be mine.

«God, knowing that I’m going to be the first in that sweet mouth makes me insanely hard. Run your tongue from the base to the head of the next order and I obey again. I run my tongue from the base to the head and circle it several times in a circle, studying it and tasting it. I have no aversion, his cock is salty-spicy, tastes like a real sin. If I have the opportunity, I will circle all his muscles with my tongue and lips «now take it in your mouth, just take your time and be careful with your teeth» in the flight of my imagination, I even forgot that I was busy right now. Obeying the order again, I took the head in my mouth, I tried to circle it while it was in my mouth, and damn, it wasn’t that easy. I slowly began to absorb him into myself, centimeter by centimeter, «God, yeah…» his moan pushed me to start more active actions, and I began to move faster, not forgetting to suck in my cheeks. The penis hardened even more and began to throb, I knew that his orgasm was close and was going to move away, but a strong hand grabbed my head, preventing me from pulling away «swallow» I had no choice and feeling a strong stream of viscous liquid, and then another and another, I tried to swallow. As if it can be done with such a club in your mouth, I begin to sympathize with the, whore yet they have a difficult job.

After my first blowjob in my life was over, Chris lifted me off his knees and kissed me, penetrating his tongue into my mouth. At first, I just stood there, motionless, probably frozen with shock. I would never have thought that Chris was the kind of person who would not disdain to kiss a girl after a blowjob.

«Your lips on my dick, it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen. The blowjob was good, but it can get better.» I didn’t expect praise, but his words hurt me a little. «It can get better,» look at this connoisseur of feminine skills, «I would really like to give you a favor and taste this pussy, but my balls will just explode if I don’t enter you.»

It feels like this is not happening to me. I’m like a rubber doll, I didn’t say a word, allowing my body to be used. And that’s the irony, I don’t mind at all.

Chris turned me around, putting my hands on the bed, he pressed on my lower back, forcing me to bend. I heard Chris tear open the condom wrapper from behind, and my body started to tense up because I couldn’t control the situation, but I didn’t have time. Chris entered me completely in one strong jerk, it turns out that I got so excited giving him a blowjob that his cock easily entered me. I’ve never been so ready for someone. It was overwhelming and equally frightening.

Chris started moving fast and hard, I didn’t expect him to rush into battle right away. Men need time to recover from orgasm, and I at least expected a slow pace. But the man surprised me here, it seemed that he had not finished less than five minutes ago. Although, what do I know about the male body.

The man did not slow down, moving like a piston. I could feel beads of sweat accumulating on my lower back, and they also flowed down my neck and chest. I don’t know how much time has passed, but I began to feel a wave of orgasm begin to rise in me. And just as I was about to cum, Chris stopped and pulled out of me.

«Get on the bed and get on all fours» he accompanied the new order with a ringing slap on my ass, which made me gasp, but again I did not argue. I’m not in charge today, I gave the reins to a man and I don’t regret it. «Lean on your elbows, it’ll be easier this way.» He was right, my hands were terribly numb. Except, as it turned out, this pose is too open. I directly felt that the man was studying me. «Beautiful view, I could have admired this picture for hours. Hmm, maybe it’s true to create such a picture for myself later, I’ll ask Kat later.»

Kat? He was thinking about another girl while he was in bed with me. I’m certainly not vain… Yes, who am I kidding, I always strive to be the best. And if I had a knife with me, I would certainly use it. Yes, who is he to treat me like that. I turned my head sideways to see his face. Christopher Black- and that says it all, sex and vice in its purest form and a dangerous predator inside. He entered me again, forcing me to literally put all thoughts out of my head.

Fast pace again, but what is it, is he even human? If he suddenly stopped and said that he was a robot, I wouldn’t be surprised, it’s easier to believe than that a human can’t be so hardy. I couldn’t even scream because there wasn’t enough air, I just whimpered, biting the blanket. Chris accelerated even more, now I’m sure for sure that he’s not human, and also that he’s going to come now and I don’t have time to catch up with him. Apparently the man realized this too, as he reached between my legs and groped my clitoris, began to rub it hard. It was exactly what I needed, because his actions quickly brought me to the edge and the orgasm covered me with my head.

«Damn,» I thought after the second orgasm the man would be happier, «the condom broke,» ah, that was the reason for his concern.

«I can’t have children» was the first thing I said since Chris brought me to his apartment. And for the life of me, I didn’t understand why I told him the truth, the truth that used to choke me, tearing me apart. And now I’m calmly talking about it with an outsider «but if you infected me with some bullshit, I’ll kill you» the answer was a muffled laugh, it’s unlikely that the man understood that I was serious.

«This is the first time in my life that I fucked someone without protection. And given your peculiarity, if you’re not lying, you’re more likely to infect me with something.» I stared at him with a serious look.

«I’m taking care of my health.» You have nothing to worry about. And I’m not a liar,» a liar, a terrible liar, but now I’m telling the truth.

«Everyone lies,» he said philosophically.

«I agree, but I suggest we postpone our dispute. I need to take a shower.» I started to get out of bed, not bothering to cover myself with something.

«I’d love to keep you company,» he had a boyish smile on his face, and I raised one eyebrow.

«I don’t remember inviting you with me.»

«Well, if we assume that this apartment is mine, then, as the owner, I invite you to keep me company in the shower.» he got out of bed, also not bothering to cover himself and bowed to me holding out his hand. It was so ridiculous that I laughed.

«Just don’t bother, you’re a gentleman,» I teased him.

Of course, he is not a gentleman, which he proved to me in his heart. I should have realized that everything was going to have sex again when Chris offered to soap me up, but apparently my mind was so clouded that I didn’t notice the catch. This time it was sensual, slow sex. This is how they make love, but the place for this action is definitely not in the soul, which kills all the romance, so to speak. The first time, I spent more than an hour in the shower, which is understandable, after the previous two times, both me and the man needed more time to recover.

When we came out of the bathroom, I just threw off the towel and got under the covers. Chris stood up and just looked at me.

«Don’t look like that, I’m not going home now. Somehow you’ll get over this fact, I’ll sleep and go. Don’t worry, I won’t confess my love in the morning,» he chuckled at the last phrase.

«I wasn’t going to kick you out, you’re just wet and most likely the whole bed will be wet too.» he was right, but I just don’t have the strength to completely remove moisture from my body.

«Honey, this bed got wet before I did,» I winked at him and got comfortable.

«I can count on a morning blowjob, since there will be such a beauty next to me in the morning, it’s a sin to deny yourself the pleasure.» he lay down next to me under the blanket and hugged me, putting his hand on my chest.

«I don’t know, I may not be in the best mood in the morning. Who knows, maybe I’ll bite off your dignity if you put it in my mouth.» Chris laughed hoarsely.

«Maybe I’ll take a chance.»

That was the last thing I heard that night. My strength finally left me, and I fell asleep. The strange thing was that I really fell asleep soundly, I don’t trust many people, and I shouldn’t trust Black at all, but in his arms I felt absolutely calm. They seemed so dear to me, and tonight felt so right. It’s like we’ve been together for a long time and falling asleep next to each other has become a habit. I only slept for a couple of hours, it was just beginning to get light outside the window. I allowed myself to admire the sleeping man for a while and got out of bed. Quickly packing up my things, I was about to leave when the idea of a perfect, small revenge came to my mind. I found a piece of paper on the table and took a pen out of my bag and quickly wrote a small message.

«Thanks for the night, but it could have been better…»

Chapter 4

The awakening was so-so, my head was a little sore due to lack of sleep. Yes, the beauty survived me like a lemon last night. My muscles ached, confirming a pleasant pastime, I hadn’t tried so hard in a long time. I tried a lot and sex got boring somehow, there was not a single girl that I would want again. But the stranger of the night, this is something special, she gave herself to me so passionately, so sincerely. I still remember the taste of it on my fingers, I definitely need to try it again. Good idea, I’ll start right now.

But I was disappointed. There was no candy next to me, just a pathetic piece of paper, it cheered me up sharply and I probably felt disappointed, but after reading it, I got angry. «It could have been better…", that’s the audacity. Of course, maybe she is more experienced, I am one hundred percent sure of my abilities. I picked up the phone and dialed the assistant, he answered immediately after the second ring.

«Darel, send me yesterday’s camera footage. Entrance, bar and dance floor» the girl lit up on the video, so this is my chance to find her. People like her are constantly hanging out on social media, there is only one caveat… I was so carried away that I stupidly didn’t even ask for a name...idiot.

«For the whole evening or a certain time?»

«The period from nine to ten.»

«I will send it as soon as I find myself at the workplace or is it urgent?» the usual working day begins around five in the evening, the club is preparing to receive visitors. I didn’t want to wait, but chasing a guy to work because of some chick is also wrong.

«Don’t worry, it can wait.»

I ended the call, glancing at my watch out of the corner of my eye. I even make it home in time for breakfast. I wasn’t in a hurry before, but now that Kat lives with us, I’ll have to come home more often. I don’t know how long this will last, but while my brother’s wife is getting used to us, I think it’s worth encouraging her, at least with her presence. And my brother is delighted with his young wife, he is in a great mood, which I have not seen him for a long time. I don’t really know if I’ve ever seen it. He’s such a closed person, although he’s far from the youngest, only he knows what’s going on in Dane’s head.

After taking a refreshing shower, which was needed solely for cheerfulness. For some reason, I didn’t want to wash away the smell of a stranger. It’s strange, I usually quickly get rid of the smell of cheap or expensive perfumes that ladies pour on themselves in liters. But I wanted to keep this pure, natural fragrance. Maybe the candy was sprayed with pheromones, I have no other explanation. Well, I couldn’t fall for this girl, this hot, sexy girl. No, it’s crazy.

I dressed quickly, right on my wet body. The mood was at zero, I was expecting great sex in the morning, but I got a punch in the gut. I went out to the parking lot and got into the car and realized that it was open. Fortunately, the complex is well guarded, otherwise yesterday the whole brain swam into the penis. I don’t like that I was so relaxed yesterday. I could have been killed and I wouldn’t even have noticed the threat.

Tin, I think I’ll spend a couple more nights with this stranger and she’ll let me go. Although, once you find out information about her and see how many people she was with, stupidly for the money and she will immediately let me go. But for some reason I want to believe that she’s not like that. Asshole, she spent the night with me without even asking my name. There are two options here, either she knew who I was and coveted a big jackpot, or she doesn’t care who she sleeps with at all. Both options did not suit me, but there were no others. This is definitely not love at first sight, this bullshit does not exist, as well as love in principle. I learned this lesson as a child, thanks to my parents. On the way, my mood only worsened, I was terribly hungry, I hope these blockheads guessed to order delivery. I hope more for the younger one, the older one most likely does not get out of bed, at this rate he will soon make himself a small copy.

«He didn’t spend the night today, apparently he was hunting» it was at this moment that I entered the dining room «what’s wrong with your face?»

«Bad morning» the younger one teased me, I looked around at everyone, and paid special attention to their food. Still, I’m damn hungry «what are you eating?»

«I made an egg roll, do you want it?» I nodded, and Kat quickly ran into the kitchen, brought a plate and put it in front of me. «Bon appetit.»

«Thank you» mumbled to himself.

«So are you going to tell me what happened?» Alec looked at me with his hawkish gaze, this brat always reads me easily.

«I spent the night with a girl,» I reluctantly began to tell.

«And it was that bad?» Dane looked at me with a smile, we always tease each other about girls, «and said that you were the best.»

«No, everything was fine» I looked sternly at my brother, then exhaled and in one breath said «she’s the first one who ran away from me in the morning and more» I took out a piece of paper and put it on the table.

Alec opened the note and after reading it began to laugh, Dane had the same reaction when Kat was handed a piece of paper and she read what was written, and she also involuntarily burst out laughing.

«But I didn’t expect a little one from you.» Well, seriously, she’s a woman who could support me. I thought now there is at least one normal person in our family, but no, it seems that jokes are inevitable here too.

«I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. Does it really hurt you?» I didn’t say anything, «I just probably need to do better next time.»

«I don’t have next times» I don’t know why I talked to her about such things openly. She just inspires confidence, no matter how manipulative she is, «usually girls are only for one night.»

«Maybe that’s the calculation» I turned my gaze to her and arched an eyebrow, «why? She’s intrigued you, and your ego definitely wants to get back at you. I think that’s what she wanted, find her and that’s it.» That’s what I didn’t think about, a good version.

«There’s a catch,» I looked at the brothers, «I don’t even know her name.»

This caused another fit of laughter at the table.

«That’s enough for you,» I attacked my food, «by the way, it’s very tasty.»

Alec was the first to move away from laughter.

«Just let’s be clear, did you take off the girl?» I nodded «spent the night with her» nodded again «she left you in the morning» I rolled my eyes"and you don’t even know her name? When you get to know each other, don’t you ask for a name? Or there during sex, «I’m Chris by the way, what’s your name?».»

«They usually call him right away, but she didn’t. I decided that it was even better.» I’m not going to say that I wanted her so much that I didn’t even think to find out her name.

«But I didn’t guess» Alec was clearly amused by this «okay, finish up and get yourself in order, you have a fight soon, but you’re not in shape right now» the fight is just a week away. He’s right, I’m out of shape, but I don’t admit it.

«I’m in shape,» Alec is already making me sweat.

«That’s what we’ll check out.» Damn, judging by the expression on his face, I’ve been provided with joint sparring.

«Will you be back in the evening? I wanted to cook fish for dinner.»

«We have a lot to do today, but I think we can make it to dinner by seven o’clock.» Alec pulled his wife to him and bit into his lips with a possessive kiss. It was too hot.

«God, I’m eating,» I moaned. They know how to trivialize everything, my God, but this is just the beginning.

«So he’s already finished,» and again he bit into his wife’s lips.

My psyche is not ready for such a show, so I took my plate and fled to the kitchen. As soon as Alec was able to break away from his wife, we headed to the gym. The hall was truly huge, our soldiers were engaged here, every member of the mafia should keep himself in shape. Alec has made training a mandatory process for everyone, whether you are a child or already in years, whether you are an ordinary soldier or a captain. Everyone should be able to protect themselves, my brother paid special attention to children’s groups. Even as a boss, he can’t get involved in family affairs, but this way he can prepare the guys for the harsh life in the mafia.

At one time, Alec had to grow up quickly, our father loved to use his children as a punching bag. The older brother could not go against his father directly, but he was able to take over most of the punishments, I was a child and did not understand much. It was only when I became a teenager that I realized what a sacrifice my brother had made and what a strong imprint it had left on him.

Right now the whole room is completely empty, I don’t care if I’m being watched like the others, but sometimes we need privacy when one brother is beating the crap out of the other. Apparently, this is exactly the case.

«And why don’t we make a gym at home?» it would be easier that way.

«We will do it, but later. There’s no time for that right now.» Alec, as always, is collected.

After going to the locker room, I took off all my clothes, putting on only light shorts. I did not bandage my hands, I like to see marks on them. I’m probably some kind of psycho in this, every mark on my body, and there are many of them, gives me pleasure. It’s not as much pleasure as a masochist feels, I just know that everyone who left their mark on my body is already in the grave. Starting with dear daddy, it’s just a pity that he didn’t go to the next world through my efforts.

«Ready» Alec was standing in the middle of the ring, ready to spar. I’ll bet you a hundred that he’ll beat me up today.

«I bet a grand he’ll smear you.»

«Thanks brother, I always enjoy your support.» Dane just shrugged his shoulders.

«This is a fact, and I cannot ignore the facts. So what are you arguing about?»

«Fuck you…» I like to argue with my brother, but only when I’m at least fifty percent sure of winning, and now I know that I don’t even have one.

«Come on, I don’t want to use you like a pear.»

That’s just exactly what happened, I seriously felt like a pear. I’m not a bad fighter, actually one of the best, but only this dude can easily take me down. He knows me like crazy, so he uses it. Theoretically, I can defeat him, but for this I have to completely lose my temper, only then I will not be able to take responsibility for the consequences. And I will never go for it, I will never go against my brother, and this asshole definitely has a block, not letting go. It’s probably a good thing, but I don’t understand it.

«Pull yourself together, you’re like a slob,» my brother shouts to me, between blows, «you should already be able to fight, controlling your actions, and not depend on blind rage.»

«It’s not interesting, brother,» I tried to slip away from a new blow, but got tripped up, «but that’s not fair.»

«I I didn’t say that I would fight honestly.» he walked out of the ring, and I just lay there like an asterisk. «Get up, you still have to spar with Dane.»

«Did I tell you how much I love you?» I said sarcastically.

«Of course you think about me every spare minute.»

By the end of our six-hour workout, I could be squeezed. It would be better to spend the whole day in bed with some beauty. The image of the stranger popped into my mind.

Chapter 5

I went to the locker room and took out my phone and found a few missed ones from my assistant. I hope he sent me a video, I want to search for a stranger now. By and large, of course, I need to rest, a night without sleep, sparring with my brothers, tired as a dog. But I need to find a girl or I won’t calm down. I dialed the number.

«Darel, did you send me the videos?»

«That’s why I called…„there was a hitch“ here...in general...this is the case…»

«Let’s not delay, in fact,» I don’t like this conversation.

«There was a system failure last night,» he fell silent again, and I wanted to yell at him, «we don’t have data for last night. I’ve called our specialists to fix this misunderstanding.»

«Fix it right now. The club cannot work without cameras and let them restore the data for yesterday. Let them do what they want, but I have to have this data.»

I dropped the call and threw my phone somewhere to the side. Yes, what is it, for the first time in my life, I decided to find out who I spent the night with, and here is such a bummer. Well, never mind, she showed up once and a second time, I know such people, she will still run after me, like all of them.

«Where are the towels? I didn’t take mine.» Dane came out of the shower naked.

«In that closet over there,» I pointed behind my back, «there on the top shelf,» he nodded and squeezed through to the closet, «God, man, you should at least cover yourself with your hand.»

«As if you didn’t see something there… though… you probably haven’t seen such sizes.» He burst out laughing, it’s strange that Dane showed his feelings most often in our jokes.

«I may surprise you, but I can see perfectly well what’s between my legs.»

In the evening, a family dinner was waiting for us, with the most authentic homemade food. My brother’s wife is a real kitchen fairy, it was unexpected and unusual. To be honest, initially I thought that Kat was the perfect trophy wife. Only a girl walking around in a tracksuit clearly does not look like a lady and it impresses. It was a wonderful evening filled with sincere conversations and fun.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a rest with my family, we all relaxed, we usually had a quick snack and went about our business. Business does not stand still, both legal and illegal. The second one requires constant attention, people are circling around like kites, just waiting for us to make a mistake, but they won’t wait. The three of us hold power tightly and are ready to rush at our enemies at any moment, destroying them at the root. Everyone can try to take power, but even if someone gets rid of the three of us, they won’t be able to take power into their own hands.

Not many people know that there are not three brothers, but four. Adam is our dark horse. Initially, our father did not want anyone to know what a «scum» his relative was. And then we decided not to reveal the family secret ourselves. And it was Adam’s decision, if he wanted to officially join the family, we would have supported him, but as he said, «I’d rather cover your damn asses.» So for the next week, he’ll be covering our asses, guarding Kat during the day, doing business in the evening. This is what allows us to relax now.

It’s been a hell of a long day, but I found the strength to contact my assistant. The specialists restored the cameras, it turned out to be a banal short circuit of the system. A simple surge of electricity shut down the entire system. Everything was returned to working condition and made sure that this did not happen again. I wonder why they didn’t do this from the very beginning, when we improved our establishment? However, it is impossible to restore the video from last night, because it has not been destroyed, and initially there was no shooting. It’s a pity, really a pity.

The week flew by unnoticed, I gave myself up to training, most of the time I did not think about my night visitor. Just before going to bed, the moments of our intimacy surfaced, I wanted to snuggle up to her again, inhale her scent. It wasn’t even about physical intimacy, but I pushed those visions away every time. After the fight, I will definitely find someone to have fun with, stop thinking about who is unclear.

Finally, this evening has come, I have accumulated enough rage to win the fight with ease, so I didn’t have an ounce of worry, I don’t think I’ve ever worried about it at all. I know myself, I know my capabilities, everything will be easy. But Alec was not himself, of course, he pretended that everything was fine, but some nervousness was observed in his movements. Today was the first evening when he and his wife will appear before our people. He wanted everything to be perfect.

«Are they sure they’ll fit?» he was holding the jewelry he had picked up for his wife. The catch is that he didn’t know what she would be wearing. Adam only told him the color scheme, I offered diamonds, they look like everything, but Alec is a perfectionist.

«They will definitely fit. You’ve already asked a hundred times, is the great Alexander Black the one who inspires terror worried?» If Adam had been an ordinary soldier, Alec would have shot him by now. And so he just burns with his eyes.

Alec and Adam were standing with their backs to the stairs and did not see Kat start to descend.

«Damn, my brothers will have to stay with you every step of the way. Or this evening will end with a bloody show.» She was dazzling in her blue dress. Statuesque, graceful and incredibly beautiful. The true queen of this city.

Kat and Alec started exchanging those devouring glances again. Even I, who have seen a lot, feel uncomfortable in their presence. So we left the couple and went to the car. It’s the newlyweds’ night, so we decided to go separately from them. They should appear together, these are the old traditions.

I threw my gym bag into the backseat and got in there too. I’ll start setting up for the evening while we’re on our way.

«How many people do you think will die today?» Adam broke the silence.

«Alec won’t kill our people because of sidelong glances. It’s not logical.» Dane is our walking logic.

«Firstly, Alec is not logical,» I began, «secondly, he is a terrible owner, and thirdly, there will definitely be a corpse today.»

When we arrived at the arena, all eyes turned to us. We looked like the perfect family. I may be a little vain, but it’s a fact. I caught a lot of glances, male respect and female desire were obvious. Although most of the men looked at Kat and devoured her with their eyes. There were not only mafia members here, but also ordinary businessmen who were useful to us in one area or another. Judging by the predatory expression on his brother’s face, someone is definitely going to die today.

I went to the locker room, I need to stretch my muscles and get ready for the fight. Even if I am one hundred percent confident in myself, I need to do everything right. I will undoubtedly win today, but I don’t want to get injured, stupidly because of the lack of preparation. Of course, it would be more comfortable to watch the fights from the gym, drinking cold whiskey, rather than in a stuffy, sweat-soaked locker room. It’s not small, there are places to throw things, huge showers and plasma on the wall. All Arena fights are recorded, we literally watch everything live. And of course we earn on this, thank God to the one who invented the darknet.

Several fighters were already warming up, they were the first to perform. When I entered, they stopped for a moment and bowed their heads in respect. No matter how vain an asshole I was, I didn’t like these bows. They even made me a little nervous, people think that if they don’t show visible respect, it will piss me off. Yes, I absolutely don’t care, these are remnants of the past. I am neither hot nor cold from the fact that someone will not pay their respects. I prefer actions, not this pretense.

I changed my clothes and started my warm-up, I had nowhere to hurry, so I calmly stretched my muscles. Almost everyone was in the locker room, but my opponent was missing. Two fights had already passed, and my opponent had not deigned to show up, and this made me angry. When the third couple entered the ring, the missing one finally showed up.

«I’m sorry,» but I didn’t hear any remorse in his voice. «I met an excellent girl. I will definitely fail her tonight.»

«If you can move,» I gave him my crazy smile, I know that it unsettles many people.

«For the sake of such a chick, you can try» I did not listen further.

Five fights are over, it’s our turn. I was the last to enter the ring to the deafening roar of the crowd. I rarely enter the ring, but as they say aptly. And the occasion is special today, I will definitely not lose face and try to give people a show. The gong sounded, and the fight began.

I fought like a predator, confidently cornering my prey. Even the weight of my opponent couldn’t stop me. Pinning him against the wall, I start hitting him hard in the body, damn it, it doesn’t seem to work, this fight will end too quickly. I was thinking that everything was coming to an end when I noticed a familiar figure at the bar, my stranger. A second’s hesitation was enough for the opponent to get out of the trap.

I glanced at the counter again. She was standing again in black, only this time in a short dress. Her hair was loose, I will never stop admiring this contrast. She was holding a glass of wine in her hand, looking very sexy, but there was genuine anxiety on her face. I wanted to cheer her up, smile and show her that I am the best. After all, I know exactly who she’s rooting for today.

«I noticed her too and don’t hope, this chick will leave with me today.»

«Better shut your mouth,» I said through clenched teeth.

«We both understand that you have a lot of women. And I noticed this one first, I’ll pull it on my dick, which will still beg me to continue. And if I come out victorious, she will definitely swallow up to the very…» I did not listen further. I just lost it.

In just a couple of strokes, I knocked this carrion to the floor and began to finish it off with special zeal. I couldn’t stop striking again and again… One had only to imagine how this nobody touches the divine body of a candy and all the fuses were blown off completely. The guy didn’t react anymore, but I kept beating him up. There was blood all around, a lot of blood. Somewhere in my subconscious, I knew it was time to stop, the guy was clearly not a tenant anymore, but I couldn’t. Only two guards were able to pull me away from the already apparently lifeless body.

I was covered from head to toe in a sticky liquid that I’m sure would hardly leave my body. The judge jumped up to me and raised my hand up, the guards had already moved away from me when they realized that I was bringing my mind back. Probably, from the outside, I seemed like a wild beast, a monster. That’s how I was, that’s my nature and I’m not going to change that. Everything suits me, I know my nature and accept it. I am a monster and I am ready to kill anyone who dares to encroach on what belongs to me. And I don’t care if the person knew about it or not.

I raised my head and began to look around the room, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find what I was looking for. She ran away. Again.

Chapter 6

I didn’t know if I’d been able to catch Chris’s attention or if I’d stayed in the «one-night stand’ status. The amazing thing was that it could really hurt me. Not because of plans and everything else, but purely feminine. I don’t know how many people go through this, spend a great night, and then go for a walk, you don’t mean anything to me. Sometimes it seems to me that this has broken more women than physical violence. Seriously, injuries heal, and all possible failures are broken, thousands of complexes come to the surface at once.

However, I was lucky. Judging by the fact that already that evening, technicians arrived at his club to fix the cameras, he was looking for me. But I knew for sure that in this way, he would not be able to figure me out. I’m not allowed to shine, for a start it would be strange that the woman he’s looking for is listed as dead. And then he’ll figure out who I am and what I’m up to.

«And when are you going to ask him for help?» Enrique was sitting with his face buried in his laptop. «I mean, how long are you going to play with him, we have other people who need attention. Do you understand that?»

«It’s too early to talk about this now, I think it won’t take more than a month, there’s no point in dragging this game out. And Enrique, I still remember about my duties, don’t remind me about them, schedule a meeting with Guillermo in a week.»

«Fights in a week.»

«What fights?» I love fights, but now I can’t understand what it’s about.

«Black arranges fights in honor of his wife» how cute, mafiosi are such romantics. I’m not sure his wife needs such a holiday. Although, for example, I would like it, but this girl is not me. «your handsome man is declared in the main battle. I thought you’d like to see it.»

«You’re right.» There’s no way I’m going to miss it. I’ve already seen several of his fights, via the darknet, and it was impressive. It was even a little frightening, there was a feeling that it was a wild beast, not a man. I know that feeling when the mind completely shuts down, giving power to naked instincts, «then make an appointment the day after the fights.»

«Won’t you need to sleep it off?» he arched an eyebrow and grinned.

«Don’t do this,» I waved my hand at his face, «I won’t spend the night with him anymore, he can quickly get enough. And then he will find another one to while away the evenings,» and I don’t like this idea at all.

«Are you to him or is he to you? I still don’t understand why Antonio lasted so long.»

«I’m not going to discuss my relationship with this bastard. It’s better not to remind me that we were together once.»

«It’s hard to spend two years with a person and then hate him» I hate this topic, perhaps it’s time to put an end to this issue.

«Let’s make a deal, I’m saying this for the first and last time. This topic will come up again and I will cut off your tongue.» I made the sweetest smile. In fact, we both understand that I value Enrique too much to do anything to him. «I never loved Antonio, hatred didn’t come out of nowhere, it always was.»

«Damn woman, now I have a lot of questions.»

«I’m afraid I’ll leave them unanswered.»

The week passes quickly, Pooh and there was nothing. Only before, I had nightmares at night, and now I have erotic dreams with an obnoxious but handsome man. Just one night spent together, and this asshole invaded my subconscious. In these dreams, I obey him, always. I fulfill literally every wish of his, it is affected by the fact that he dominated our first night. I didn’t let anyone boss me around, but I let him. I wake up covered in sweat and with terrible dissatisfaction. I constantly find myself wondering if that night was one of many or the only one. I’m going to find out today.

I adjusted my cocktail dress, I still like the contrast of the black dress with blonde hair. I allowed myself to wear a short dress so that Chris would notice me even from the ring.

«Did you get me an invitation?» It was a private evening, it’s not so easy to get to.

«A certain Ms. Silver won’t be able to enjoy tonight.»

«Was she alone? Husband, lover?» I don’t want too much attention.

«No one, I think that’s where she was going to find a lover. She got a position in society from her ex-husband. We are currently looking for a new sponsor. Just today, she was overcome by a shameful illness.»

«Did you put laxatives in her?» It’s kind of funny.

«History is silent» Ernesto handed me an invitation card, he still had a knife in his hands, but I refused the weapon again.

Maybe it’s stupid, but even if Chris decides to attack me, no knife will save me. No amount of my skills will save me, I soberly assess my capabilities and clearly understand the danger of my actions. But life without risk is not interesting.

I called myself a taxi, but this time premium class. Today, I’m going to act like a rich woman again. I didn’t like hanging out with rich people when I needed to. All those arrogant asses were annoying, but now no one knows me, so it’s going to be funny.

I came out in front of a huge building, it looked quite luxurious. They expertly turned the banquet hall into an Arena. The scope of this event is simply huge. I went inside and gave my invitation card, they let me in without asking any questions. In the middle of the huge room there was a cage for fighting, there were tables around, there was also a second floor with more enclosed booths. There was also a bar and not one, two bar counters were from different ends of the hall. It was to them that I went, so as not to get lost in the crowd, because the whole hall was packed, an unrealistic number of people. There is literally nowhere to fall in the hall. I arrived at the moment when the show had already started, everyone was absorbed in the beginning of the fights and did not notice me. Almost all.

«What a beautiful lady» a bald man approached me, judging by the marks on his hands and a slight scar on his head, it can be assumed that he himself participates in such entertainment. I looked at him, but did not answer, completely ignoring his «can I buy you a drink» I did not answer again and only picked up a glass of wine that the bartender had just put «just like the snow queen. I think I’ll give you a lot of time today, I think after I win the main fight, you’ll be more talkative. Write down all the drinks of this lady, on my account.»

He left, and I began to peer at his retreating figure. So this is Chris’s current opponent, objectively judging he has no chance. He looks bigger than my man, of course, but I know how Chris fights, today the bald guy is not going to get anything. Wait, my man? What nonsense.

I watched the fights, but without much interest, knowing that something grandiose was planned, the rest fades into the background. From time to time I glanced up to see the rest of the Blacks sitting in the booth. As I thought, the fights didn’t make a special impression on Alexander’s wife, but I couldn’t help but notice that the girl was very beautiful. There are many beautiful women around, but they are more artificial. Katarina, on the other hand, had genuine, natural beauty. Even I could become invisible against her background and it wouldn’t bother me in any way. A small note of jealousy arose in me when I realized that Chris was living with such a beauty. No, of course, I understand that Alexander will not let anyone near his wife. But this stupid thought still settled in my head.

It’s finally time for the final fight. The fighters entered the ring and I involuntarily admired the handsome man, I had already seen him naked and now there are fewer areas of skin open, but still I can’t take my eyes off his amazing body. He plays with his muscles and in the spotlight and it turns me on.

The fight began and Chris began to drive the opponent, as I predicted, he did not have a chance. Only at one moment did everything change, I literally felt Chris’s gaze on me all over my skin. He hung there for only a split second, examining me, but it was enough for his opponent to get out of the trap. Now I was reproaching myself for wanting to get his attention, attracted damn. The bald man also paid attention to me and the fighters had a short conversation. As in slow motion, I saw how much Chris’s pupil dilated, you don’t have to be a seer to predict the outcome of a fight. His body trembled from the rage pounding inside, I guess he won’t stop until the opponent is alive. Now Chris’s emotions have taken over his mind. He began to strike wildly, knocked down his opponent and just finished him off without stopping. I looked up at the top for just a second. Katarina and I met each other’s eyes, now her expression was serious and to some extent understanding, she seemed to know more than anyone else.

The realization of this fact knocked me out of my rut, I put down my glass and walked away from the hall. Except I didn’t leave, I slipped into the fighters’ locker room. It was empty, everyone else had left the place. Already on the screen, I saw Chris being dragged away from the dead body, or rather the mess that was left of it. Chris was recognized as the winner, he looked around the hall, but did not find the one he was looking for.

When he left the stage, I hid in the shower, foolishly wanted to surprise him. God, I’m such a fool, he probably thought I’d run away. I heard the door open, followed by a loud crash. The bench flew into the wall, he just threw it as if it weighed nothing. I was about to leave when I heard the door open again.

«What the fuck are you doing?» The voice belonged to his older brother.

«Well, I said that someone was going to die today, I really didn’t think it was by my hand. Sorry...it just blew the roof off a little bit.»

«A little fucking?! A little bit?! Shit, you’ve been specifically ripped off. The fight was not declared as deadly and your opponent did not bring a bad profit. And did you not think about the fact that there are a lot of unprepared people in the hall?! What did the bastard tell you that you nailed him?!»

«Nothing. I just didn’t like him from the very beginning.»

«Fuck, how simple everything is with you. Get yourself cleaned up while I deal with the cunt that you’ve arranged.»

«I’m listening boss.»

«Shut the fuck up.»

I heard footsteps leaving, the door slammed, and I heard a heavy sigh.

«You were great.» I came out of my hiding place. Chris was sitting with his back to me.

«Have you come to present the winner?» he abruptly stood up and turned around.

A powerful man, covered in blood, he looked like a god of war. Probably, my psyche is also broken, but this view only ignited a fire in me. I wanted to run my hands over his abs, shoulders, smearing brown drops. Chris grinned at the look on my face, the asshole knew exactly how I felt.

«You deserve to be gifted.» My voice sounded hoarse, my mouth was dry. More than anything, I wanted to snuggle up to him and bite into his lips.

«Then show me my prize. Get undressed.»

Chapter 7

Without taking my eyes off Chris, I slowly put my hands behind my back and began to pull down the zipper. There was a dead silence in the room, in which the sound of the lightning was clearly heard. When I got to the bottom, I just let go of my hands and the dress fell at my feet.

Chris’s eyes flash with excitement, I think he didn’t expect to see me naked right away. Now I’m wearing shoes and a thin thong, and my breasts are bare. I like his reaction to my body, the bulge in his pants is not hidden at all, behind the thin fabric of his shorts.

«More?» I ask and pick up my panties myself.

"Yeah...show me your pussy, I’ve already forgotten what it looks like.» His words turn me on even more.

«Someone promised to taste me and didn’t fulfill it,» I thought only he knows how to use vulgar phrases.

«Do you want me to eat your pussy?» I take off my panties and start walking up to Chris, «right here in the open locker room, with the crowd behind this door, do you want me to get on my knees and taste my sweet girl?» I went to his room and put one foot on the bench.

«No, I don’t want to…» she ran her hand down to the folds and spread them with her fingers so that he could see how much he turned me on. «I dream about it.»

«Fuck» Chris throws my hand away and sits down on his knees in front of me- what a spoiled girl. I like.

And that’s how I like it. Especially how imperiously he covers my folds with his mouth and kisses, a damn French kiss with my pussy. He runs his tongue from the entrance to the clitoris and captures it in his mouth, sucking. God… a groan escapes from somewhere in the depths of the soul. In Chris’s actions, there is not a drop of slowness or, I don’t know, tenderness. He methodically grabs my clitoris, this is an attack on my self-control. Strong, fast tongue slides do not leave me indifferent, I understand that this will be the fastest orgasm of my life.

My muscles start to contract, I shake, and at that moment, this asshole stops. Is he serious? Start bringing me to a climax quickly and stop? He’s a sadist.

«Not so fast, sweetie,» he runs his tongue along the folds again, «weak. I want to feel your sweetness better.»

After these words, Chris pushes his tongue right into me, he rolls it into a tube giving a unique feeling. My eyes are already rolling with pleasure. Chris has set his rhythm, God… He’s just fucking with my tongue.

«Look at me» is a new order and I obey.

Our eyes meet, and I see my reflection. Only now, looking around, I realize that my thighs are smeared with blood. It’s so strange that we’re all covered in blood and it doesn’t belong to any of us and it doesn’t bother at all. We are definitely two psychos. Only now is not the situation to think about everything.

I’m at the limit again, a couple more moves… I’m asking for a couple of moves… I don’t even know if I’m thinking about it or saying it out loud, but Chris answers me.

"Now...now...come on,» he sucks the clitoris sharply again and at the same time enters me with two fingers at once.

It’s like I’m falling apart, having an orgasm. Long and strong, my legs are shaking and I’m afraid I’m going to fall. Chris does not let me fall, intercepting me with one hand, and the other continues to enter me. His fingers are like a piston. I see he’s not a fan of slow sex at all, no light caresses, just strong thrusts. And with any part of the body, be it his tongue, fingers or penis. That’s the last one I miss.

«I think it’s worth washing up,» I said slowly, and Chris froze. He examined us.

«I think you’re right,» he slowly pulled his fingers out of me and licked them. How sexy it is, «but don’t think that you got rid of me.»

«What makes you think that I want to get rid of you. We’ve only just started,» she winked at him and kicked off her shoes and headed towards the showers.

«Insatiable cat» I went into the first booth and Chris pushed me and followed me naked. He turned on a stream of warm water, I would have liked cold water to cool down, but I didn’t say anything. He took a shower gel and poured it on his hands, began to run over my body, turning red spots into pink streaks. «I’m sorry about that,» he ran his hand over the inside of my thigh again, «I can be a little intemperate sometimes.»

«It’s okay. I won’t say that this is normal,«although it’s quite normal for me, but I won’t talk about it so openly, «but I can handle it.»

«Where did you fall on my head from?» he got up and handed me the gel, «can you help?» and the eyes are cunning.

«Of course.»

I squeezed out a large amount of gel, realizing that the area for work is huge. Only I didn’t start with the chest, but went down to his feet. Slowly she began to lead from the bottom up, making massaging movements to wash away the blood and relax the muscles. Chris began to relax under my hands. When I reached the groin, I quickly bypassed this strategically important area and immediately switched to the press, which caused a stifled laugh and involuntarily smiled myself.

I ran my hands over my abs and chest and when everything was washed, I brought my arms back hugging Chris. But my hands had a life of their own, because I didn’t start soaping my back, but went down to my buttocks. This ass, I never would have thought that I would like to crumple the male hemispheres. But it’s an indescribable thrill, especially when he’s straining his muscles. I thought I’d scream like a snotty girl.

However, taking all my will into my fist, I took control of my limbs. Raising my hands higher and higher, I smeared the foam in the hope that everything would wash away. It would have been more convenient to face his back, but I couldn’t get away from the hypnotizing gaze. I flexed the hard muscles of my back, then moved on to my neck. I liked feeling in charge right now, and I really liked the way this killing machine turned into almost a purring cat.

I buried my face in his hair and gave him a little push in my direction. He didn’t need more, he immediately bit into my lips. The wild rush was back, it seemed like he could turn on half a turn. His taste is pure buzz. Chris’s tongue was in my mouth, trying to dominate there, and I again submit to his pressure.

He grabs me by the buttocks and lifts me up. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist and his cock, already ready for everything, is squeezed right between our bodies. Feeling like a March cat, I rubbed lightly against this unit. The moist, velvety skin of his penis glided beautifully over my folds, giving unearthly pleasure.

I don’t know if he was talking to me or my pussy, but I nodded, «I hope you understand that I won’t be gentle,» I nodded again, «and I’m clean, I passed the tests after our sex. I hope you’re not kidding me, you won’t like the consequences.»

«I’m not kidding...please» the last thing I want to talk about right now is my flaw.

«Well, if the lady asks,» he lifted me up a little and abruptly entered.

But even the fact that I was very aroused, dripping with natural lubricant, did not allow Chris to enter me completely. It took a few thrusts for me to feel that he was all over me. And as soon as it happened, Chris gave me a light, almost weightless kiss before starting to drive into my supple body.

It was powerful, this man doesn’t need acceleration, he immediately picks up the right speed. His hands dig into my skin so hard that I’m guaranteed bruises. But I’m not complaining, it turns out I like it very much. I’m afraid Chris will end up being the best lover I’ve ever had. Now is not the time for such thoughts, and I turn off my mind completely giving myself up to the sensations.

Chris is moving faster and faster, and judging by his clenched teeth and ragged breathing, he is at the limit. I understand that after having already experienced an orgasm, I will not be able to cum so quickly in a natural way. I need stimulation and since my partner’s hands are busy, I pull one of my hands down from his shoulders and start teasing his clitoris. The effect is almost instantaneous, I am again overwhelmed by orgasm and judging by the vibration inside me, Chris goes after me.

«Aaaah…» a truly loud moan escapes from me and Chris quickly shuts my mouth with his hand. It was only now that I heard the door slam.

«Kriiiis» I don’t recognize this voice, so it’s not Alexander.

«Dane, I’m coming out now. Wait for me at the bar.» So this is another brother.

«Come on, Alec is running out of patience. He’s kind of crazy right now. Even I can’t subdue him. So the bar is closed for us today, we are waiting for you in the office.»

«Big Boss is in business,» Chris joked, and I kept all my composure so as not to laugh. Not a joke, but the whole absurdity of the situation. After all, if his brother had come here, a strange and very frank picture would have appeared before his eyes.

As soon as we heard the distinctive sound of the door closing, Chris lowered me down.

«Go, I’ll catch up,» I whispered to the man, realizing that I needed to wash up. And this action is, well, completely unsexy, so that he watches me.

«Okay,» he nodded, as if he understood what I needed, «I’ll get you a towel.»

With that, he left. I quickly carried out all the hygiene procedures and jumped out in time to get into a soft trap. Chris wrapped me up like a small child and carried me to the benches. I noticed that my dress and underwear were already folded on the bench, and my shoes were neatly placed next to it.

«Has your brother seen my stuff?» well, no one would notice the scattered women’s clothes in the men’s locker room.

«I’m sure of it.» He didn’t look puzzled.

«Then why did you shut me up?» if he didn’t want to hide his connection, why shut me up.

«I just didn’t want my brother to go to your voice» Chris started to wipe me with a towel «no one would resist your sweet moans, but even my brothers can’t see this beautiful body» and what to say about others or doesn’t he care? «no one» he emphasized this word «will not see this body anymore, I repeat once again» he grabbed my chin and pointed at himself «no one but me will see this body anymore.»

In any other situation, I would break the arm of the person who grabbed me, and also sets conditions. It was only now that I was ready to melt into a puddle from his words. Damn, I need to collect my thoughts, it’s better to leave now.

«Now I’m going to deal with my brother,» he moved away from me, and opened the locker and took out his trousers. From his pocket he fished out a key card allowing me to enter the penthouse. «You will go to the apartment and wait for me there. You will keep this card, and if you betray me and give it to others, I will kill you.» He was absolutely serious. And I would like to refuse now, refer to business and leave, but holding the card in my hand, I say…

«I’ll be waiting for you…»

Chapter 8

While I was cleaning up, Chris called me a taxi. Before slipping out of the locker room, I enjoyed a long, passionate kiss. I ran out of the locker room trying not to catch anyone’s eye. It was almost unreal, I still ran into the guards on the way out, but they didn’t tell me anything, just grunted knowingly, examining the whole body with a lustful look. It doesn’t take a genius to find out who they thought I was. Fortunately, I’ve never cared about someone else’s opinion, it’s easier that way. The only opinion I care about is my own.

I quickly got into the car and tried to put all thoughts aside so as not to change my mind. I shouldn’t be going there right now, and especially I shouldn’t be spending the night with Chris, but my body is desperately screaming for me to shut my mind and give power to my body. She definitely wanted this man, it’s already starting to seem to me that this is not just a game. It’s all a long abstinence, that’s right. I can say this as much as I want, but the truth is that before Chris, I didn’t care about intimacy at all, I didn’t need sex the way I wanted it now. Maybe it’s all about this guy’s skills, it’s because of them that my body responds to him. It’s a simple physiology.

I got out of the taxi and headed through the main entrance, the concierge will then report that I have arrived at the place. I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the last floor. Usually such buildings are arranged so that the elevator gets directly into the apartment. However, the Blacks made a partition, well, if a concrete wall can be called a partition. Like an armored door, you can only get inside if you know the code or have a card.

I got out of the elevator and bumped into Enrique, which is a bad sign.

«And what are you doing here?» I don’t think he came here to stop me.

«I’m sorry to interrupt your plans,» but according to his expression, he’s not the least bit sorry, «Guillermo’s people contacted me, he’s already left for the meeting place. Maybe he did it on purpose, or the guy has real memory problems, the age is still.»

Guillermo was about seventy, I can’t imagine how he could even live to that age. He even outlived his only son, I know that now he is dealing with grandchildren, there are like four of them. If I remember the weather correctly, their mother went pregnant all the time, horror.

«Give me fifteen minutes.»

«Five minutes» I arched an eyebrow «the way is not close, but you still need to change» I looked down at my dress and realized that he was right.

I went into the apartment and went straight to the living room. I tried to find paper and a pen, I spent a lot of time on it, but still found what I wanted.

In general, it was possible not to leave any messages, but simply disappear, it would be more correct. But for some reason I wanted to leave a note, let it be our little ritual. Something that connects us. Stupid? Maybe. But I’d like him to know that I didn’t run away. And even more, I wanted him to wait for me. Now this is one hundred percent nonsense.



I want to stay more than anything right now, but circumstances are different.

I may surprise you now, but I have to leave for work.

You may not believe me, but I’m not a money hunter and I earn my own living.

I do not know how long I will be gone and I understand that I cannot ask you for anything.

But I will ask.

Wait for me, please…

Your stranger


I left the letter on the table and put a bottle of whiskey next to it. Sex and booze clear the mind, and once the first one is gone…

My feet carried me to the room where we were last time. Not a room, but a man’s abode, it is clear that there has never been a woman here. Of course, there were no women here, but the female hand is not visible in the interior. And it warms my soul. I wanted to take something for myself as a souvenir.

I went into the wardrobe and ran my hands over the hanging clothes, choosing an ordinary white shirt, ordinary except for the initials embroidered on the cuff. I grabbed her and ran to the exit.

Entering my own apartment, I quickly ran to the shower. I didn’t want to wash off Chris’s smell, but it’s not very comfortable to go sweaty after sex to a meeting. After getting out of the shower, I dried my hair and put it in a high ponytail.

Running out, I quickly found my favorite leather pants in the closet and put them on along with a men’s shirt. I had to roll up my sleeves, the item of men’s wardrobe was too big for me, and I also put a wide belt on my waist. To top it off, black ankle boots.

«You’re late,» Enrique glared at me, «only you can wear heels to a showdown.»

«This is not a showdown,» I corrected him, «but negotiations.»

«In the middle of the desert with a bunch of armed people,» I just shrugged.

Enrique picked up the things he had packed in advance, and we quickly headed to the car. Already when I was leaving the city, I realized that the guy was constantly throwing strange glances in my direction.

«What’s wrong?» I closed my eyes wearily.

«You didn’t take other people’s things before. You even refused to wear my things.»

«What are you getting at?» A heart-to-heart conversation is not what I need right now.

«You get attached to him. It will be difficult later.»

«Don’t talk nonsense, Enrique. It’s just that a man has good taste, I like designer clothes, and I just don’t like your things.»

«Antonio wore designer clothes» I didn’t even have time to think about what I was doing. It just happened mechanically. I abruptly straightened my arm and hit Enrique in the adam’s apple. He coughed and braked sharply, and it was only by a miracle that I managed not to hit myself and at the same time maintain a straight face.

«We agreed that we would never discuss this.»

«Yes, I understand… I got it…» I had to wait until he regained his breath to continue on the road. «You’re kind of nervous. I thought you got your discharge today, although your attitude is perfectly suited to this situation.»

«Shut up already» in fact, I was ashamed of my outburst. I didn’t want to hurt Enrique. He’s still my right-hand man, but I’m not going to apologize. There is a line that should not be crossed, and Enrique is constantly trying to cross it.

We spent the rest of the way in silence. I even fell asleep for a while and, which pleased me, without dreams. I heard a few more people join our car.

I asked, without opening my eyes, I had no strength. And how was I going to indulge in a man’s embrace all night?

«My own. You have about an hour to take a nap.»

«Great.» I fell asleep.

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder.

«Andrea, wake up.»

«Are we there yet?» With difficulty, I opened my eyes.

«We’re almost there. Will you show up right away or will I go out first?»

«Come out first, I want to hear what he has to say first,» I need to find out if Guillermo is devoted to my brother.

We came to an empty, desolate land. Home, sweet home.

Enrique picked up the beretta and nodded to me and got out of the car. Turning around, I saw men with guns in their hands also starting to get out of our other cars. Our car was tinted, I couldn’t be seen. I opened the window a little to hear the conversation outside.

An older man, Guillermo, came to the meeting. He was tall but thin, and the gray in his hair clearly showed his age. He was leaning on a cane and didn’t seem to be afraid of anything, if he calmly stood in front of Enrique, not having a weapon in his hands. His men clearly didn’t share the same carelessness in pointing guns at my men.

«Enrique Perez, I haven’t seen you for a long time, boy.» The voice belonging to this man was hoarse, I would say that his owner smoked a lot. «Did you really start the war. Why do you need this.»

«Greetings, Guillermo. War is inevitable. Or you took HIS side, decided to forgive the murder of your son.»

«Watch your mouth, boy. I will never forgive Gonzalez that day, ever. Don’t doubt it. The problem is who exactly is going against him now. People won’t follow you, now you look like a mad dog that lost its owner. We all feel sorry for Andrea, but the girl knew what she was getting into. Women are not like us. Their destiny is to keep our hearth, not to fight.»

I did not hide anymore and opened the car door. Several people jerked and turned their weapons on me. I got out of the car slowly, enjoying the emotions on the faces of those around me. My people bowed their heads slightly to show their respect, but Guillermo’s people had shock and incomprehension on their faces. However, Guillermo himself did not seem surprised, he had a grin on his lips and mischief in his eyes.

«Also tell me that a woman belongs in the kitchen, not at the common table,» I began instead of greeting.

«I’m glad the rumors weren’t true, but you’ve been gone too long, girl.»

«Who said I wasn’t? Just because I didn’t show up doesn’t mean I stepped aside. While you were sitting in your houses, turning a blind eye to all my brother’s antics, I was gathering strength.»

«But now you have too little of it. Your brother is leading this race.» Several of his men chuckled. My blood is starting to boil inside me. This meeting will not end well.

«I think you’ve figured out why you’re here now. Only I can be the head of our clan, everyone must recognize my authority.»

«Can you say that while kneeling in front of me?» It became quiet around.

The voice came from somewhere behind. I didn’t see who it belonged to, I could only say that it wasn’t the tenant. I will never tolerate disrespect for myself.

«Can you come out and tell me this to my face?»

«Easily» the men parted, letting one fearless pass. Average height, average build, the only thing that was full was self-confidence. He stood in front of me, and I pulled one hand back, palm up. «I can easily express a general opinion. A whore can’t run a clan, and everyone knows the rumors that brother and sister were very close.»

I felt a knife put in my hand. Without wasting a second, I grabbed the man by the neck and plunged the knife into his stomach. The others jerked in our direction, but Guillermo raised his hand to stop them. The man fell to his knees and there were wheezes, I lifted his head so that he could see my face.

«I will not forgive anyone for disrespect,» I pulled out a knife and ran it through the traitor’s throat, «I hope that the lesson will be learned. Guillermo, I thought you were teaching soldiers respect.»

«The message is clear,» he did not hesitate or justify himself, «I will follow you and bring several families with me, but…«well, where without it «first you have to weaken your brother. He will have several large arms shipments… I think you know what to do.»

«Send me the information. I hope our next conversation will be more productive.»

We did not return that evening, and after receiving the information, it became clear that I would stay here for a long time. I could only hope that the man would still wait for me.

Chapter 9

I watched as the girl ran out of the locker room and leaned her forehead against the locker. What is this woman doing to me? And why am I so driven by her? I made myself look decent, even calmed down. It’s amazing how sex clears the brain. But I still can’t figure out why I gave her the key to the apartment. And how did it end up in my things anyway, because I don’t carry it with me, and here it was lying in my things. The owner spoke in me, I have never experienced this before. The brain simply refuses to understand that this woman can be with someone else. Mine, period. I don’t know how long, but as long as she’s with me, no one will come near her.

I went to the office, and Dane was sitting inside. He was wearily rubbing his temples while sitting on a chair. There was a feeling that he was so fucked up, but I hadn’t noticed this before.

There was no grin in his voice, only interest.

«Quite» I did not go into details.

«It wasn’t just another girl, was it?» he looked at me carefully.

«I’m not ready to discuss this right now, or maybe even at all,» I added the last in a whisper.

«Alec will need answers, I won’t talk about what I saw. But many people saw what happened in the ring.»

«Many people think I’m crazy. Tonight will only convince them of that.» I shrugged my shoulders.

Alec came into the office and looked even worse than me.

«Did he tell you?» he looked at Dane, but he just shook his head, «what the hell happened to you?»

«You repeat, Dane has been taking my brain out for an hour, don’t start and you, let’s not mention that I spent most of that time inside a charming beauty.»

«Don’t start Fuck, you staged a bloody fight, and it wasn’t announced. You killed one of our fighters for nothing. You better explain what happened to you or I’ll kick your ass.» Big and scary, big brother.

«That’s enough for you. I didn’t like his face and that’s it.» I don’t want to discuss this any further.

«Let’s assume that I believed you, you’re on edge right now, but this conversation isn’t ending, it’s being postponed.»

Alec’s phone rang.

«I’m listening.»

It’s been a long time since I’ve been so angry as I am now after all I’ve heard. It turned out that our good girl is Kat, not a good girl. She is absolutely the same as us. A genius, a manipulator, a bitch and a top-notch killer. I did not expect such a turnaround. For us, a woman is a gentle creature, a keeper of the hearth, a mother. We protect women not only from external threats, but also hide most of our lives from them, because, as history shows, women adore power.

After receiving the information, I got up and poured whiskey into my glass.

«Now I understand who your wife reminds me of,«I didn’t want to believe it myself,«our mother.»

Fortunately, Alec did without lectures today, he himself has a lot of problems. I couldn’t wait to head back to my room. I knew that they were waiting for me, for the first time someone besides my brothers was waiting for me. I wonder if she’s sitting downstairs or if she went straight to the bedroom. I could already imagine her flawless skin touching my sheets. In my mind, she appears completely naked in front of me.

Now I understand that as soon as I see this girl, all the blood leaves the brain and is transfused to another organ. It completely turns off the brain, because how else to explain that I did not recognize her name again. I didn’t find out anything about her at all. I’m losing my grip.

Alec kicked my brother and me out, and already at the exit I decided to ask my brother for help.

«Dane…» he turned around, «you have access to the penthouse cameras, right?»

«Naturally. Do you need them?»

«Yes. You can also find information on the photo. I don’t want to involve others.»

«I can, but if you tell me your first and last name, it will make the task much easier.» knowing her name, I wouldn’t need his help. Damn, I’ll have to admit that I’m an idiot.

«I do not know him.» The expression on his brother’s face was priceless.

«Still?» he tried to hide his laughter.

«So will you help me?» I don’t want to be ridiculed right now.

"Uh...Haa..khr… yes, of course,» he could barely contain his laughter and in the end could not contain it.

I turned around and headed for my car. It’s a twenty-minute drive to the apartment, I’ve reduced the time to ten minutes. And I lost so much time, so I literally ran to the apartment without wasting any time. I need to relax now, I need this girl right now.

I flew into the apartment, but an unpleasant surprise awaited me. The lights were on exclusively in the living room. I found a bottle of whiskey and a note on the table. The girl had to leave, and I didn’t know how I felt about it. I was probably a little confused, she wrote that she needed to leave for work. She asked me to wait for her, but who is she to me so that I remain faithful to her. Maybe the best lover and now my dick wants her, but that doesn’t mean that this will last long. I’m not going to wait weeks for a girl I don’t know anything about. As an exception, I can hold out for a week, but this is my maximum.

I sat down on the couch and started drinking straight from the bottle. All the time I was pouring the swill into myself, I was looking at that damn note. «Your stranger… your stranger… your stranger…» Where did I get myself into. I’m staring like an idiot at the note that the GIRL left me in MY house. How the fuck did two minor encounters start turning me into a pussy?!

I was so fucked up that I fell asleep right on the couch.

I woke up from the fact that my whole body was numb. My head was pounding, and there was a desert in my mouth. Damn, I was the only one who drained the bottle yesterday. I picked up the phone and found a few missed ones from Adam. I typed it in.

«Tell me that you woke me up for a reason.» Don’t admit that it was the drier that woke me up.

«Alec still hasn’t shown up at home. He just called me in the morning and said that now I will be in the mansion 24/7, I need to distribute my work. I do not know how long Alec will sulk.»

«Alec has reasons to do this» in this situation, I was on my brother’s side «I thought you would understand exactly why he was doing this.»

«Because there were traitors in my family?» damn, I shouldn’t I had to mention it.

«I didn’t mean to…»

«I know, it doesn’t bother me. And it never hurt, relax, dude. But the truth is, Kat didn’t betray Alec, and she never will. She’s just a bullied girl who had to learn a life that wasn’t meant for her.»

«Don’t go against your brother,» I issued a warning.

«Fuck, I will never go against Alec. But that doesn’t mean I’ll keep quiet when he’s wrong. He has to get his head out of his ass or he’ll fuck it up.»

«It’s his business, I won’t interfere in it» his wife won’t leave him anyway, and their personal relationship is only their business.

«Will you distribute my work?» I felt Adam didn’t agree with me, but he didn’t pursue the subject any further.

«I’m going to the club now and pick up the lists of debtors.» I dropped the call.

This was a passing duty for us. Alec usually did it, but sometimes he’d throw it at us. The work is not difficult, but dreary. We need to check a lot of data, and then distribute the people. Okay, I’ll get to work, it kind of worked with Alec.

That’s how our new family life began. Alec was completely immersed in his work and pulled us along with him. I’m not saying that I’m lazy, but sometimes I need to rest. My brother thought that rest was for weaklings. All he did was fill me up with work. There wasn’t even time to eat.

I hardly talked to my brother’s wife, and to be honest, I didn’t even see her until Adam gave Dane and me a kick. It turns out that the girl cooked dinner for everyone every evening, as before, and in the morning she just threw it away. Then I felt like a real asshole. And you can’t explain to her now that we don’t show up at home the way her hubby overwhelmed us with work. I had to send everyone out into the woods and go home for dinner. This is certainly not like the evenings we spent last week. It was fun then, but now everyone was silent.

My brother, by the way, never showed up. His wife was slowly but surely withering away. In fact, I didn’t notice that it had been a month. For a whole month, and my stranger never showed up. I stopped by the apartment several times to make sure nothing had changed. Last time I noticed that one of my shirts was missing. Now I was hoping that I would come back and she would appear on the spot. But, of course, I wasn’t waiting for a shirt, I was waiting for a girl.

The irony was that I was still faithful to her, but not on purpose. I was so busy with work that I just didn’t have time to look for a girl for the night, and our girls, a very ancient profession, just stopped exciting me. Because of this, I periodically broke down, I even took some of Adam’s work on myself to let off steam.

The family was full of shit. We all lived under the same roof as strangers. Everyone has their own problems and everyone tries not to meddle in the affairs of others. Alec is generally blacker than a cloud, it was affected by the fact that he and his wife moved to different bedrooms. They used to fuck at least sometimes, he was more or less tolerant. One day his wife gave a real performance. The girl really got ripped off, and Adam got dealt.

We hurriedly left the living room, where we could already hear the showdown, in raised tones. The brother will deal with his wife on his own. Dane called me to his place to talk.

«Let them figure it out for themselves, brother,» I began when I went to him, «this is not our business.»

«You, as always, took a detached position. Is that so like you?» was his tone really judgmental?

«What do you think I should do? Start fucking your brother’s brain? If you can’t hear, his wife is doing a great job with it.»

«The family is splitting up, today I asked Alec if he would get a divorce?» my eyebrows went up in surprise, «he said he would never let her go. He needs her, but he’s too stubborn to admit it.»

«You’re right, but it’s still their business. Is that all you wanted to tell me?» he hesitated a little. My brother hesitated, this is something new.

«There is such a thing...Do you remember you asked me to find your girlfriend?»

«Did you find her?» is that the excitement in my voice? Inspiration? Well, I really need good sex right now.

«Not really…» He paused as if he couldn’t find the words «well…»

«Yes, tell me already,» well, he’s pulling.

«I didn’t find the girl because she wasn’t in the video. This girl never existed.»


Chapter 10

«What are you talking about now? Are you saying that I’m crazy?» She definitely should have been on camera.

«I’m not saying that you’re crazy. I’m just saying that there was no girl on the cameras. However, on the evening that you arrived with her, both of you were not on the camera» I don’t understand anything» at the moment when you entered the empty corridor on video. In the morning, the same situation, there is no record of the girl coming out, but you can see how you came out in the morning.»

«Do you want to say that someone broke into our security system?» it seemed to me that this was unrealistic.

«This is a fact. But that’s not what I wanted to talk about, but about the girl herself. She is clearly not who she claims to be, her image does not just disappear. She may be hiding or working for our enemies. Be careful with her, or better go far away.» I’m not sure I could have done it anymore.

«I heard you,» I turned around and headed for the exit.

«But you’ll do it your way,» and that’s a fucking fact.

I went into my room and calmly walked up to the table, picked it up and threw it against the wall.

It doesn’t fucking happen that way. Why exactly the woman I liked was a traitor. Shit, I don’t want to believe it. I’d rather think about her being on the run. She’d rather be a girl in trouble than sent by TV. As soon as she shows up, and she will, I will ask her everything. And for the cameras, and for the fucking waiting.

One has only to remember this perfect body and the penis immediately tightens, and if you remember her submissiveness, you can cum in your pants. That’s never been the case with a woman, but here it’s some kind of obsession. It’s been a month of abstinence, he’s going to start talking like that soon. Should I kill someone? It seemed easier to do that now than to sleep with someone. It’s like Candy branded my dick, I don’t want others.

However, I’m tired of waiting, still a couple of days and I’m going hunting.

But horseradish is there, not hunting. If I thought my brother was out of his mind before, now his brakes have finally come off. I had to pull myself together, two deranged psychos, this family can’t stand it right now. At the end of October, we were all invited to an event dedicated to the birthday of one of our captains. Alec was supposed to appear with his wife in his arms and we were all worried about how this event would go.

I didn’t want to interfere in their relationship, but I understood that this nonsense needed to be ended already. It was the first time I saw a man slowly wither before my eyes. I’ve seen my brother suffer, but damn pride prevents them from talking. They look like wolves at each other, and as soon as one turns away, the longing in the other’s eyes is visible. I knew that my brother would not let his wife go, but I had to push him, get him emotional.

I couldn’t miss this chance. Kat and Alec hadn’t been together for more than five minutes, and now they were going to spend the whole evening together. And now she wasn’t wearing a tracksuit, but a beautiful dress. Honestly, this girl was gorgeous, mine of course is more beautiful. Fuck, what am I thinking, I don’t have a girlfriend.

I was struck by the change in Kat. The girl behaved well in public. She played the role of a happy wife, and my brother’s cheekbones played. He was squeezing them with such force that I thought I would soon hear teeth crunching. Unsurprisingly, the girl attracted attention to herself, unconsciously, but the men were watching her anyway. They tried to do it unnoticeably, but Alec seemed to catch any movement. It wasn’t the best time to pull the bull by the horns, but I just don’t know how to stop.

«When will you make up?» I looked towards his wife.

«We are not in a mess,» he said, as if he had cut off, as if everyone around was blind.

«You’ve been married for more than two months and you don’t even communicate.» Why would you start all this?

«It’s none of your business» is always the same answer. Dane said he also tried to talk to him, but his brother also shut him up.

«You’re wrong, you asked to accept her into the family, and we accepted, and everything was fine for about five minutes, but now our family is splitting up. You didn’t even notice yourself that you were distancing yourself not only from her, but also from us.» Didn’t he realize that he was ruining everything? We were interrupted, and I did not continue the conversation. I won’t hear anything significant anyway.

I hated such events with all my heart. At the moment, I was envious of lucky Adam. He’s definitely having fun right now, I can imagine how he broke up after two months out of work. He is a thug, just like us, adrenaline flows in his blood, he has the same thirst for blood. Today he’ll be able to let his monster out, and I’m stuck at a boring party where everyone grovels in front of you.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kat walking away towards the garden. And as soon as I was about to follow her, I realized that I wasn’t the only one who made this decision. However, this person was not my brother. The youngest son of the host of the event followed my younger sister, so to speak. As soon as I noticed it, I lost it. All the rage that had accumulated in recent months burst out.

I didn’t know the kid’s motives, and I didn’t need to. He should not approach this woman, no one except the family has the right to do so. I wouldn’t let any man get close to my woman and Alec is the same. If he had gotten to them first, he would have just ripped the guy apart. And Kat would have been hurt, especially now that they were estranged.

I just wanted to dilute their company, but the picture that appeared in front of me knocked out all the fuses. Men have poor control over their impulses, especially young ones. In youth, you can easily mess up, in youth you can take risks. And now the guy risked his life because he put his hand up to Kat’s face.

I acted on my instincts and just took the guy down. Let him thank me for not sticking a knife in him, and I really wanted to do it. Then events developed at such a speed that my brain refused to perceive it. I was covered in a pall of rage and all I knew at the moment was that Alec was here and he would figure it out on his own. Alec’s words bring me out of this state.

«Calm down, Walker, I won’t kill your son,» he exhales with relief, «but I can’t leave it like this.»

He nodded at me and I don’t need more encouragement. The guy stretched out his hand to the wrong girl, so he must remember that this is not allowed. I wring the kid’s hand harder and the crunch of breaking bones can be heard.

«No one has the right to touch my wife. I hope the lesson has been learned.»

This is my brother, the man I’ve been looking up to all my life. No one has the right to approach his family, he will tear anyone up. We’ve been through so much shit together that we act the same way. First we beat, then we figure it out.

Alec took his wife’s hand and they headed out. Dane came up to me.

«It’s probably better for us not to go home now,» I agree with him on that. Now there will be such a stormy showdown that it’s better to wait it out somewhere. One thing I was sure of, no matter how angry Alec was, he would never hurt his wife.

«But there’s no point in staying here either. I want to get drunk, let’s go to the bar?» it seems to me that I’m damn tired.

«Alcohol clouds the mind, and you’re already without brakes» and when he became such a bore, «but you’re right, you need to relax a little. It’s time for you to take the girl off for the night.»

«Whiskey first, then women» he’s right, I need a woman today, but I want my woman.

We stopped at our own bar. He was the only one we had, we invested more in clubs. But this place was like an outlet. Only mafia members were allowed here, it was convenient. I used to come here covered in blood with frequent regularity. The bartender found me new clothes, and several customers quietly got rid of the old ones. All these people work for us and most of the time they are impressed that one of us can come here and have a drink next to his soldiers. This is how we keep in touch with them, besides, a tipsy person can tell a lot.

We had one funny story about how Adam was able to quell the rebellion with one bottle of whiskey.

Just today, we are here solely for recreation. Our appearance, of course, did not go unnoticed. Soon they will definitely start talking about it, the Black brothers, instead of relaxing in a refined company, fell into a bar. Maybe it’s for the best, many people will think that we are just ordinary guys like them.

We chose a far table and immediately took a bottle of our favorite whiskey, it was kept especially for us. But the dreams of a serene evening were shattered as soon as my brother opened his mouth.

«Chris, I’m your brother…» it started. I rolled my eyes, «and as your brother, I’m worried about you. You’re losing control and that’s a fact. I just can’t figure out the reasons. Is it really because of a girl?» who would explain to me what’s going on?

«I don’t know…» I decided it was time to admit at least to myself, «maybe. She just can’t get out of my head. I thought she was special, you know, just mine. The woman who is perfect for me. But I’m not a little boy and I know that doesn’t happen.»

«Alec and Kat did it. Why can’t you do it?» he was looking at me in such a way that I heard the question he hadn’t uttered. He wanted to know if our brother could do it, maybe we could do it.

«Do you have someone?» I asked the main question.

«no. You would know if I met my man. I would have clung to her and not let go.»

«It looks like our younger brother is smarter than the older ones.» I grinned.

Dane’s phone beeped. He read the message and looked at me intently.

«What?» if only the lovebirds didn’t kill each other.

«Someone broke into the penthouse. With the help of the key card, «I abruptly stood up, «did you give her the card?» one look from me gave him the answer, and he shook his head, not believing what was happening, «run Romeo. I

patted him on the shoulder and ran outside. Fortunately, I didn’t have time to drink and calmly got behind the wheel. I drove around the city at night like a madman. My body was literally shaking, of course I understood that there is always a possibility that it is not my girl there, but the enemies. You, running out of the car, I picked up a gun. With each step I took, the weapon in my hand became heavier and heavier.

I opened the door and went inside. There were no lights anywhere, but there were colored lights in the living room. Upon entering, the first thing I saw was the bare thighs of a girl who was leaning over the table trying to open a bottle of wine.

«Can I help you?» she didn’t even flinch, just turned around and handed me the bottle.

The girl was wearing only my shirt. Her hair was loose and she had a sexy smile on her lips.

«Did you miss me?» Did I miss you? Yes, damn it.

I threw the bottle to the devil and just picked up the girl in my arms, as I have dreamed about this for a long time, today I will enjoy her to the fullest.

Chapter 11

«Keep your fucking head down, Andrea.»

«Let’s drive, don’t distract.» I unbuckled and leaned out the window with a gun in my hand. «Keep it steady, I can’t aim.»

I turned my attention back to the truck in front. It’s dangerous to shoot at the wheels, but we have no other way out, another couple of kilometers and the car will cross the border, and there are already other people’s possessions. They’ll just chop us into small pieces. I can’t let the product get out from under my nose.

Two months of preparation went down the drain. I intercepted small shipments, but now it’s a valuable cargo. We can’t make a mistake. So I take a breath and shoot. I release the entire clip and the cherished clap is heard. Several tires burst and the truck starts to drive. Enrique slows down to keep his distance. Eventually, the truck slows down, flying off the road onto the desert gravel.

«You’re crazy» Enrique stopped the car and took the barrel «how did we even survive for so long?»

I reloaded my weapon and went outside with a smile. It was about time. Two idiots fell out of the truck, well, they could have stopped right away and there would have been no problems. The driver has a wound on his head, apparently from a blow, and the second has deep scratches on his arm, he hardly holds a weapon.

«Better throw it away, boy.» Enrique was already standing behind me.

«You don’t understand who you’re attacking. He’ll grind you to powder, so I’d rather fight. I’m going to die either by your hand or by his.»

«That’s the difference. My people stand by me to the end because they are loyal to me. My brother’s people are afraid of him. Put the knife away.» I looked at the second one. «You won’t have the opportunity to use it.»

«People are right. You’re the monster.» He pointed at me with a knife. «It’s all your fault! Everyone was happy that you died, anyone would be happy after the massacre that you caused.»

«Did I do it?» yes, I fucking can’t believe he’s saying this «Antonio told everyone that it was my doing?»

«Don’t deny» he sank to the ground, The blow was stronger than I thought. «You wanted power so much. I’m dead anyway, just answer honestly. Why did you do that?» I couldn’t believe it.


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