Everyday English Conversations with Russian Translations

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Mastering Useful Phrases for Effective Communication

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Everyday English Conversations with Russian Translations

Mastering Useful Phrases for Effective Communication

Introducing "Everyday English Communication"

Dive into the world of everyday English with “Everyday English Communication,” a comprehensive guide designed to empower readers in various aspects of daily communication. Whether you're navigating social interactions, handling professional scenarios, or simply improving your conversational skills, this book offers practical strategies, useful phrases, and cultural insights tailored to enhance your confidence and fluency in English. Perfect for learners at all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers, “Everyday English Communication” is your essential companion for mastering the art of effective communication in everyday situations.

Dive into the world of everyday English with Everyday English Communication, a comprehensive guide designed to help readers with various aspects of daily communication. Whether you are learning the language or are an advanced user, this book offers practical strategies, useful phrases, and cultural aspects that can improve your confidence and fluency in communicating in English. Everyday English Communication is your indispensable assistant in mastering the art of effective communication in everyday situations.






— Russian: Hello / Hello (informal)

Good morning.

— English: Good morning.

—  Good afternoon

— Good afternoon.

Good evening!

— Good evening.

How are you?

— How are you?

Nice to meet you

— Nice to meet you

What's your name?

— What is your name?

My name is…

— My name is…

Good to see you

— Nice to see you.

—  Welcome

— English: Welcome



— Goodbye


— Bye (informal)

—  See you later

— See you later

—  Take care

— Take care of yourself

Have a nice day

— English: Have a nice day

Good night.

— English: Good night

See you soon

— See you soon


— English: Goodbye

Catch you later

— See you later

—  Safe travels

— English: Have a nice trip


Thank you

— Russian: Thank you

Thank you very much.

— Thank you very much.

—  Thanks a lot

— Thank you very much

I really appreciate it.

— I am very grateful

You're welcome

— English: You are welcome.

No problem.

— English: No problem

—  Don't mention it

— You're welcome

My pleasure

— With pleasure

I am grateful

— I am grateful

Much obliged

— I am very grateful

—  Thanks for your help

— Thanks for your help.

—  Thanks for everything

— Thanks for everything

I can't thank you enough.

— I can't thank you enough.

You're too kind

— You are very kind.

Thanks for your time.

— English: Thank you for your time.


Offering Help

—  Can I help you?

— Can I help you?

—  Do you need any help?

— Do you need help?

Let me help you

— Let me help you.

—  I can assist you with that

— I can help you with this.

—  Would you like some help?

— Do you want help?

I'm here to help

— English: I'm here to help.

—  If you need anything, just ask

— English: If you need anything, just say so.

—  Can I give you a hand?

— Can I help you?

—  I'd be happy to assist

— I'll be glad to help.

—  Do you need a hand?

— Do you need help?

Asking for Help

—  Can you help me?

— Can you help me?

I need some help

— English: I need help

—  Could you assist me, please?

— Could you help me, please?

—  Can you give me a hand?

— Can you help me?

I could use some help

— I could use some help.

—  Would you mind helping me?

— Do you mind helping me?

—  Could you do me a favor?

— Can you do me a favor?

I need your assistance

— English: I need your help.

—  Can I ask for your help?

— English: Can I ask you for help?

I'm looking for some help

— English: I am looking for help



I'm sorry

— Excuse me / Sorry

—  I apologize

— I apologize.

—  Sorry about that

— Sorry about that.

—  Please accept my apologies

— Please accept my apologies.

—  I'm so sorry for…

— I'm so sorry for...

—  My apologies for…

— Sorry for…

I regret…

— I'm sorry...

—  I apologize for the inconvenience

— Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please forgive me

— English: I beg your pardon

—  I take full responsibility

— I take full responsibility.


I'm sorry, but…

— Sorry, but...

It won't happen again

— English: This will not happen again.

—  I didn't mean to…

— I didn't mean/didn't mean…

—  There was a misunderstanding

— English: There was a misunderstanding.

—  I had no idea…

— I had no idea...

—  I was unaware of…

— I didn't know / wasn't aware of...

Please understand that…

— Please understand that…

It was out of my control.

— English: It was beyond my control.

—  I apologize for the delay

— Sorry for the delay.

I hope you can forgive me

— I hope you will forgive me.



You look great!

— You look great!

That's a beautiful dress.

— This is a beautiful dress.

You did a fantastic job.

— English:You did a great job.

I like your style

— I like your style.

You're so talented

— You are so talented.

—  You have a great sense of humor

— You have a wonderful sense of humor.

That was impressive

— English: It was impressive.

You're very creative.

— You are very creative.

You're so thoughtful.

— You are so attentive

You're an inspiration

— English: You are an inspiration


—  Congratulations!

— Congratulations!

Well done!

— Well done!

—  Congratulations on your success

— Congratulations on your success.

—  I'm so happy for you!

— I'm so happy for you!

Great job!

— Great job!

—  Congratulations on your achievement

— Congratulations on your achievement.

You deserve it!

— You deserve it!

—  Bravo!

— Bravo!

—  Congratulations on your promotion

— Congratulations on your promotion.

I knew you could do it!

— I knew you could do it!



—  Best wishes!

— Best wishes!

Good luck!

— Good luck!

—  Wishing you all the best

— English: I wish you all the best.

—  May all your dreams come true

— English: May all your dreams come true

Hope everything goes well.

— I hope everything goes well.

I hope you succeed.

— I hope for your success.

—  Sending you positive vibes

— Sending you positive vibrations

—  Wishing you happiness

— English: I wish you happiness

—  May you have a bright future

— English: May you have a bright future

—  Good wishes for your journey

— Best wishes on your journey.

Encouragements (Support)

You can do it!

— You can do it!

—  Keep going!

— Keep up the good work!

—  Don't give up!

— Don't give up!

—  Believe in yourself

— Believe in yourself

You've got this!

— You can do it!

—  Keep pushing forward

— English: Keep moving forward

—  Stay strong

— English: Be strong

—  You're making progress

— You are making progress.

—  Take it one step at a time

— English: Go step by step

You're on the right track

— You are on the right track.


1. Get well soon.

2. Take care.

3. Have a nice day.

4. Good luck.

5. Happy birthday.

6. Congratulations.

7. Safe travels. - Have a nice trip.

8. Enjoy your meal.

9. All the best.

10. I'm sorry to hear that.

11. How can I help you? — How can I help you?

12. Nice to meet you.

13. Excuse me.

14. Thank you.

15. You're welcome. — Please.

16. Have a great weekend.

17. I'm looking forward to it.

18. It's been a  pleasure .

19. Please feel free to contact me.

20. I'm fine, thank you.

21. Can you help me? — Can you help me?

22. Where is the nearest… — Where is the nearest…

23. How much does it cost? — How much does it cost?

24. Do you speak English?

25. I don't understand.

26. Please repeat.

27. I'm lost.

28. I need a doctor.

29. What time is it? — What time is it?

30. Can I have the bill, please?

31. Is this seat taken?

32. Can I have a menu, please?

33. What is this dish? — What is this dish?

34. Where is the restroom? - Where is the toilet?

35. I would like…

36. Thank you for your help.

37. Can I try this on?

38. Do you have this in a different size?

39. What do you recommend? — What do you recommend?

40. How do I get to…?

41. What time does it open/close?

42. I'm just looking, thank you.

43. Can you show me the way?

44. I don't feel well.

45. Can you call a taxi for me? — Can you call me a taxi?

46. Can I pay by credit card?


Come across: To bump into, to meet by chance

—  I came across an old friend at the store.

—  I accidentally met an old friend in the store.

Get over: To survive, to overcome (difficulties, illness, etc.)

—  It took her a long time to get over her illness.

—  It took her a long time to overcome the disease.

Look up: Find (information in a book, on the Internet, etc.)

—  You can look up the meaning of that word in the dictionary.

You can find the meaning of this word in the dictionary.

Put off: To postpone, to put off until later

—  They decided to put off the meeting until next week.

—  They decided to postpone the meeting until next week.

Turn up: To appear, to arrive (usually unexpectedly)

—  She turned up at the party unexpectedly.

She showed up at the party unexpectedly.

Bring up: To raise (an issue), to educate (a child)

—  He brought up an interesting point during the discussion.

He raised an interesting point during the discussion.

Go through: To go through, to experience (a difficulty, a process, etc.)

—  She went through a lot to achieve her goals.

She went through a lot to achieve her goals.

Bring down: To bring down, to reduce (prices, mood, etc.)

—  The new policy brought down the cost of healthcare.

—  The new policy has reduced the cost of medical care.

Take off: To take off (clothes), to take off (about an airplane)

—  He took off his coat when he came indoors.

He took off his coat when he entered the room.

Look forward to: Looking forward to

—  They were looking forward to their vacation.

—  They were looking forward to their vacation.

Turn down: To refuse, reject (an offer, request, etc.)

—  She turned down the job offer because of the salary.

—  She turned down the job offer because of the salary.

Break down: To collapse, to break down (about a mechanism), to examine in detail

—  His car broke down on the way to work.

—  His car broke down on the way to work.

Go on: To continue, to happen

What's going on here?

What's going on here?

Look after: To take care of, to look after (someone)

—  She looks after her younger siblings after school.

She takes care of her younger brothers and sisters after school.

Turn up: To appear, to appear (usually unexpectedly)

—  He turned up late for the meeting.

He showed up late for the meeting.

Take on: To accept, to undertake (responsibility, work, etc.)

—  She took on more responsibilities at work.

She took on more responsibility at work.

Put up with: To tolerate, to put up with (something unpleasant)

—  She can't put up with his bad habits anymore.

She can't put up with his bad habits anymore.

Get by: To get by, to survive (usually in difficult times)

—  They managed to get by on a limited budget.

—  They were able to get by on a limited budget.

Come up with: To think of, to find (a solution, an idea, etc.)

—  They came up with a plan to solve the problem.

They came up with a plan to solve the problem.

Go out: To go out (to the street), to switch off (about a light or fire)

—  They went out for dinner last night.

—  They went out to dinner last night.

Break up: To separate (about a couple), to take a break (about a meeting, etc.)

—  They decided to break up after five years of dating.

—  They decided to break up after five years of relationship.

Carry on: To continue (doing something)

—  Despite the difficulties, they carried on with the project.

—  Despite the difficulties, they continued the project.

Find out: Find out, find out

—  He found out the truth about the situation.

He learned the truth about the situation.

Give up: To give in, to quit (a habit, etc.)

—  She decided to give up smoking for her health.

She decided to quit smoking for the sake of her health.

Keep up: Maintain (level), keep up

—  He works hard to keep up with his studies.

He works hard to keep up with his studies.

Look into: To study, to investigate

—  The police are looking into the case.

—  The police are investigating the case.

Make up: To come up with, to compose, to make peace

—  She made up an excuse for being late.

She made up an excuse for being late.

Run into: To bump into (someone by accident)

—  I ran into an old friend at the mall.

—  I accidentally met an old friend at the shopping mall.

Take care of: To take care of someone or something

—  She takes care of her elderly parents.

She takes care of her elderly parents.

Wake up: To wake up, to awaken

—  He wakes up at 6 AM every day.

He wakes up at 6 am every day.



These phrases cover a range of symptoms commonly described when seeking medical assistance


—  I'd like to make an appointment, please.

— I would like to make an appointment, please.

—  When is the next available appointment?

— When is the next available appointment?

—  Do you have any appointments available this week?

— Do you have any free appointments this week?

—  Can I schedule a check-up?

— Can I make an appointment for an examination?

—  I need to see the doctor.

— I need to see a doctor.

—  Could you fit me in sometime today?

— Can you fit me in for today?

—  I'd like to arrange a consultation.

— English: I would like to schedule a consultation.

—  Is it possible to see the doctor tomorrow?

— Is it possible to see a doctor tomorrow?

—  What are your office hours?

— English: What are your working hours?

—  Can I book an appointment for next week?

— Can I make an appointment next week?


Take one tablet daily after meals.

— Take one tablet daily after meals.

Apply the ointment to the affected area twice a day.

— Apply the ointment to the affected area twice a day.

Take two teaspoons of syrup every 6 hours as needed for pain.

— English: Take two teaspoons of syrup every 6 hours for pain.

Use eye drops three times daily in each eye.

— English: Use eye drops three times daily in each eye.

Take one capsule with water before bedtime.

— Take one capsule with water before bed.

Take this medication with food to reduce stomach irritation.

Take this medicine with food to reduce stomach irritation.

Apply a thin layer of cream to the affected area as directed.

— English: Apply a thin layer of cream to the affected area as directed.

Take one tablet every 12 hours for 5 days.

— Take one tablet every 12 hours for 5 days.

Shake the bottle well before each use.

— Shake bottle well before each use.

Finish the entire course of antibiotics even if you feel better.

— Finish the full course of antibiotics, even if you feel better.

Avoid alcohol while taking this medication.

— Avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medicine.

Store the medication in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

— English: Store the medicine in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.

Take on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before meals.

— Take on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before meals.

Use a spacer device with the inhaler to improve medication delivery.

Use an intermediate device with your inhaler to improve drug delivery.

Take as needed for pain relief, up to three times a day.

— Take as needed for pain relief, up to three times daily.

Apply a generous amount of lotion to dry skin areas twice daily.

— Apply a generous amount of lotion to dry areas of skin twice daily.

Take one teaspoon of medicine mixed with water every morning.

— Take one teaspoon of the medicine diluted in water every morning.

Use the cream sparingly on the affected area until it absorbs.

— English: Use the cream sparingly on the affected area until completely absorbed.

Take two pills with a full glass of water after meals and at bedtime.

— Take two tablets with a full glass of water after meals and at night.

Apply a thin layer of gel to the skin once daily as prescribed.

— Apply a thin layer of gel to the skin once daily as directed.


—  I'm taking drips  .

—  I'm having bed rest  .

—  I have a fracture  .

—  I have a dislocation  .

—  I have bruises  .

—  I have  swelling.

—  I have a fever  .

—  I have a headache  .

—  I have a stomach ache  .

—  I have a cough  .

—   I have a sore throat .

—  I have a cold  .

—  I have the flu  .

—  I have an infection  .

—   I have an allergy .

—  I have a rash  .

—  I need an injection  .

—  I need stitches  .

—  I need an X-ray  .

—  I need surgery  .

—  I'm wearing a cast.  - I have a cast.

—  I'm using crutches  .

—  I'm on a wheelchair  .

—  I need a bandage  .


Doctor — Doctor

Nurse — Nurse for female, Nurse for male

Surgeon — Surgeon

Pediatrician — Pediatrician

Dentist — Dentist

Orthopedist — Orthopedist

Cardiologist — Cardiologist

Dermatologist — Dermatologist

Endocrinologist — Endocrinologist

Gastroenterologist — Gastroenterologist

Gynecologist — Gynecologist

Neurologist — Neurologist

Oncologist — Oncologist

Ophthalmologist — Ophthalmologist

Otolaryngologist (ENT) — Otolaryngologist

Psychiatrist — Psychiatrist

Radiologist — Radiologist

Anesthesiologist — Anesthesiologist

Pharmacist — Pharmacist

Paramedic — Paramedic

Physician assistant — Physician assistant

Medical technician — Medical technician

Lab technician — Laboratory assistant

Physical therapist — Physiotherapist

Occupational therapist — Occupational therapist

Speech therapist — Speech therapist

Nutritionist — Nutritionist

Midwife — Midwife

Chiropractor — Chiropractor

Emergency medical technician (EMT)


Syringe — Syringe

Cotton wool — Cotton wool

Stethoscope — Stethoscope

Thermometer — Thermometer

Scalpel — Scalpel

Forceps — Tongs

Gauze — Gauze

Bandage — Bandage

Gloves — Gloves

Tweezers — Tweezers

Blood pressure monitor — Tonometer

Otoscope — Otoscope

Sphygmomanometer — Sphygmomanometer

Defibrillator — Defibrillator

Scissors — Scissors (Nozhnitsy)

Medical tape — Medical tape

Alcohol swabs — Alcohol swabs

IV drip — IV drip

Surgical mask — Surgical mask

Eye chart — A chart for checking vision

Surgical gown — Surgical gown

Surgical cap — Surgical cap

Tongue depressor — Tongue depressor

Pulse oximeter — Pulse oximeter

Nebulizer — Nebulizer

Suction machine — Suction machine

EKG machine — ECG device

Infusion pump — Infusion pump

Hemostats — Hemostats

Speculum — Mirror


—  Check up : Health check, examination

—  Example: He went to the doctor for a routine check-up.

—  Check in : To register (at a hospital or clinic)

—  Example: She checked in at the hospital early in the morning.

—  Check out : To be discharged (from the hospital)

—  Example: The patient checked out of the hospital after recovering.

—  Operate on : Operate

—  Example: The surgeon operated on his knee yesterday.

—  Come round : To come to one's senses, to come to one's senses after anesthesia or loss of consciousness

—  Example: She came round quickly after the surgery.

—  Call for : To request medical assistance or to call a doctor

—  Example: His condition called for immediate medical attention.

—  Look after : To look after the sick

—  Example: Nurses looked after him during his recovery.

—  Treat for : To treat (a disease or condition)

—  Example: The doctor treated him for pneumonia.

—  Take care of : To look after or care for a sick person

—  Example: She took care of her elderly mother after surgery.

—  Fill out : To fill out (medical records or forms)

—  Example: Please fill out this medical history form.

—  Pass out : To faint

—  Example: He passed out from the pain .

—  Come down with : To become ill with something (usually an illness)

—  Example: She came down with the flu last week.

—  Stay in : To remain in a hospital for treatment or observation

—  Example: He stayed in the hospital for two weeks.

—  Settle down : To calm down (after a medical procedure or injury)

—  Example: The patient finally settled down after the surgery.

—  Turn away : To refuse to help or to refuse to receive

—  Example: They turned away patients because the hospital was full.

—  Come through : To survive, to go through a serious condition or operation

—  Example: He came through the surgery successfully.

—  Look into : To investigate (a medical condition or problem)

—  Example: The doctor will look into your symptoms and get back to you.

—  Pull through : To recover, to get better (after a serious illness or injury)

—  Example: He pulled through after a severe infection.

—  Pass away : To die, to pass away

—  Example: Unfortunately, her grandmother passed away last night.

—  Wait on : To serve (a sick person or patient)

—  Example: The nurses waited on him attentively during his recovery.

—  Send for : Invite (a doctor or medical assistance)

—  Example: They sent for the doctor as soon as she started feeling worse.

—  Bring around : To bring to consciousness, to return to consciousness after loss of consciousness

—  Example: The paramedics brought him around quickly after the accident.

—  Fill in : Fill out (a form, a medical questionnaire)

—  Example: Please fill in this patient information form.

—  Fall ill : To become ill

—  Example: She fell ill with a high fever.

—  Stand by : To be ready, to be available for help or support

—  Example: The medical team stood by to assist in case of emergency.



These phrases will help you ask for various products at a supermarket in both English and Russian, making your shopping experience easier and more efficient.

Asking for Products

—  Where can I find milk?

— Where can I find milk?

Excuse me, could you help me find the bread aisle?

— Excuse me, can you help me find the bread section?

—  Do you know where the pasta is located?

— Do you know where the pasta is?

—  Could you please show me where the fresh fruits are?

— Please show me where the fresh fruit is?

—  Is there a section for dairy products nearby?

— Is there a dairy section here?

—  I'm looking for coffee. Could you tell me which aisle it's in?

— English: I'm looking for coffee. Can you tell me which aisle it is in?

—  Where can I find canned vegetables?

— English:Where can I find canned vegetables?

—  Excuse me, do you know where the frozen foods section is?

— Excuse me, do you know where the frozen foods are?

—  Could you point me to the aisle with snacks?

— Can you show me where the snack aisle is?

—  I'm trying to find the bakery department. Where is it located?

— English: I'm trying to find the bakery section. Where is it?

—Where  can I get olive oil?

— Where can I get olive oil?

—  Excuse me, could you help me find the cereal aisle?

— Excuse me, can you help me find the cereal aisle?

—  Do you have any fresh vegetables available today?

— Do you have fresh vegetables today?

—  I'm looking for chocolate. Can you tell me where it's located?

— English: I'm looking for chocolate. Can you tell me where it is?

—  Could you show me where the household cleaning products are?

— Can you show me where the household cleaning products are?

UNDERSTANDING PRICES AND DISCOUNTS (Understanding prices and discounts in the supermarket.)

These phrases will help you understand prices, discounts, and special offers while shopping at a supermarket.

—  How much does this cost?

— How much does it cost?

—  Is there a discount on this item?

— English: Is there a discount on this product?

—  What's the price per kilogram/pound?

— What is the price per kilogram/pound?

—  Are there any special offers today?

— Are there any special offers today?

—  Is there a loyalty card discount?

— English: Is there a discount on the loyalty card?

—  Does this price include tax?

— Is the tax amount included in this price?

—  Are there any bulk discounts available?

— Are there discounts available for bulk purchases?

—  Is this item on sale?

— Is this item on sale?

—  Could you tell me the total amount?

— Can you tell me the total amount?

—  Do you price match with competitors?

— Do you compare prices with competitors?

—  What's the cost after applying the discount?

— How much does it cost after applying the discount?

—  Is there a clearance section where prices are reduced further?

— English: Is there a sale section where prices are even lower?

—  Are there any additional charges I should be aware of?

— Are there any additional fees I should be aware of?

—  Is there a minimum purchase amount for discounts?

— English: Is there a minimum purchase amount to receive a discount?

—  Could you break down the price for me?

— Can you break the price down for me?


—  I would like to return this item.

— I would like to return this item.

—  Can I get a refund for this?

— Can I get a refund for this?

—  Is there a return policy for this store?

— English: Does this store have a return policy?

—  This item is defective. I'd like to exchange it.

— English: This item is defective. I would like to exchange it.

—  Could I speak to a manager about returning this?

— Can I speak to a manager about returning this item?

—  I have the receipt.

— I have a check.

—  Do you accept returns without a receipt?

— Do you accept returns without a receipt?

—  How long do I have to return this item?

— English: How long do I have to return this item?

—  What's the process for returning an item here?

— English: What is the return process here?

—  Could you help me with the exchange process?

— Can you help me with the exchange process?

—  Do you offer store credit for returns?

— Do you offer store credit refunds?

—  Is there a restocking fee for returns?

— English: Is there a fee for returning an item?

—  Can I return perishable items like food or flowers?

— English: Can I return perishable goods such as food or flowers?

—  What are the conditions for returning opened items?

— English: What are the conditions for returning opened goods?

—  Is there a time limit on returning electronics or appliances?

— English: Are there any time limits for returning electronics or household appliances?


MAKING A RESERVATION (In the restaurant: Making a reservation)

These phrases will help you make a reservation at a restaurant.

—  I would like to make a reservation for (number of people) at (time).

— English: I would like to make a reservation for (number of people) at (time).

—  Do you have any tables available for (number of people) around (time)?

— Do you have any free tables for (number of people) around (time)?

—  Could I reserve a table for [number of people] on (date) at (time)?

— English: Can I reserve a table for (number of people) on (date) at (time)?

—  I'd like to book a table under the name (your name).

— English: I would like to reserve a table in the name of (your name).

—  Is it possible to make a reservation for (number of people) for (date) at (time)?

— English: Is it possible to reserve a table for [number of people] on (date) at (time)?

—  Can I reserve a table for (number of people) at (time) on (date)?

— English: Can I reserve a table for (number of people) at (time) on (date)?


—  I would like to order, please.

— I would like to place an order, please.

—  Could you recommend a specialty of the house?

— Can you recommend a special dish of your establishment?

I'll have the... (dish name).

— I'll take... (name of the dish).

—  What do you recommend for dessert?

— What do you recommend for dessert?

—  May I see the wine list, please?

— English: Can I see the wine list?

—  I'd like a glass/bottle of… (wine name).

— I would like a glass/bottle of… (name of wine).

—  Could I have some water, please?

— English: Can I have some water, please?

—  Is the dish spicy?

— Is the dish spicy?

—  Could I have the bill, please?

— English: Can I have the bill, please?

—  I'm allergic to…

— I'm allergic to...

Could I have some more... (bread, sauce, etc.), please?

— Can I have some more… (bread, sauce, etc.), please?

—  How long will the food take?

— How long will it take for the food to be ready?


These phrases will help restaurant workers efficiently receive bookings and take orders, ensuring clear communication with customers in both English and Russian.

These phrases will help restaurant staff take reservations and orders effectively, ensuring clear communication with customers in both English and Russian.

—  Phrases for Receiving Bookings:

—  Welcome to (Restaurant Name), how can I help you today?

— Welcome to (Restaurant Name), how can I help you today?

—  Would you like to make a reservation?

— English: Would you like to make a reservation?

—  For how many people?

— For how many people?

—  What date and time would you like to reserve?

— English: What date and time would you like to book?

—  Can I have your name and contact number, please?

— English: May I have your name and contact number, please?

—  Do you have any special requests or dietary restrictions?

— Do you have any special requests or dietary restrictions?

—  Your reservation is confirmed for (Date) at (Time) for (Number) people.

— English:Your reservation is confirmed on (Date) at (Time) for (Number) persons.

—  Thank you for your reservation. We look forward to seeing you.

— English: Thank you for your reservation. We look forward to meeting you.

—  Additional Phrases for Receiving Bookings:

—  Is there anything else I can assist you with?

— Is there anything else I can help you with?

—  If you need to make any changes to your reservation, please let us know.

— English: If you need to make changes to your booking, please let us know.


—  Phrases for Taking Orders:

—  Good (morning/afternoon/evening), I'll be your server today.

— Good (morning/afternoon/evening), I will be your waiter today.

—  Are you ready to order, or do you need more time?

— Are you ready to place your order or do you need more time?

—  Can I start you off with something to drink?

— English: Can I offer you something to drink to start with?

—  What would you like to order?

— English: What would you like to order?

—  Would you like to hear today's specials?

— English: Want to know today's special offers?

—  How would you like your steak cooked?

— How rare would you like your steak?

—  Do you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions?

— Do you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions?

Would you like any sides with that?

— English: Would you like anything with this dish?

—  Would you like to add a dessert or coffee?

— English: Would you like to add dessert or coffee?

—  Additional Phrases for Taking Orders:

—  Is everything okay with your meal?

— Is everything okay with your dish?

Would you like anything else?

— English: Do you want anything else?

—  I'll bring your order right away.

— I will bring your order right away.

—  Thank you for your order. It will be ready shortly.

— English: Thank you for your order. It will be ready shortly.

Enjoy your meal!

— English: Bon appetit!

DEALING WITH PROBLEMS (eg, wrong order)

Problem solving (eg wrong order)

—  Excuse me, I think there's been a mistake with my order.

— Sorry, I think there was a mistake with my order.

—  I ordered… (dish/drink), but I received… (describe what was received).

— English: I ordered … (dish/drink), but they brought me… (describe what they brought).

—  Could you please check my order again?

— Can you please check my order again?

—  This isn't what I asked for.

— This is not what I asked for.

—  Is it possible to have my order corrected?

— English: Is it possible to correct my order?

—  I'm allergic to... (ingredient). There seems to be… (mention the allergen).

— English: I am allergic to… (ingredient). There seems to be… (mention the allergen) in this.

—  Could you bring me what I originally ordered?

— Can you bring me what I originally ordered?

—  I understand mistakes happen, but I would appreciate it if this could be fixed.

— I understand that mistakes happen, but I would be grateful if this could be corrected.

—  Is there a manager I could speak to about this issue?

— Is there a manager I can talk to about this problem?

—  Thank you for your attention to this matter.

— Thank you for your attention to this matter.


—  Eat out : To eat outside the home (at a restaurant, cafe, etc.)

—  Example: We like to eat out on weekends.

—  Take out : Order food to go

—  Example: Let's take out Chinese food tonight.

—  Drink up : To drink everything (to the end)

—  Example: Drink up your tea before it gets cold.

—  Eat up : To eat everything (until the end)

—  Example: Eat up your vegetables, please.

—  Dig in : To start eating with appetite

—  Example: Dinner is served, so dig in!

—  Cut down on : To reduce the consumption of something (usually calories or unhealthy foods)

—  Example: I'm trying to cut down on sugar.

—  Wash down : To wash down something (usually food) with a drink

—  Example: He washed down his meal with a glass of water.

—  Bring in : To bring food or drinks (to a party or event)

—  Example: Don't forget to bring in some snacks for the party.

—  Finish off : To finish (food or drink, usually leftovers)

—  Example: She finished off the last piece of cake.

—  Top up : To add (a drink into a glass or cup)

—  Example: Can you top up my coffee, please?

—  Tuck into : To start eating with appetite (about food)

—  Example: They tucked into the delicious meal.

—  Whip up : To cook something quickly

—  Example: She whipped up a quick lunch for us.

—  Simmer down : To calm down (about food when it is cooked over low heat)

—  Example: Let the soup simmer down for a while.

—  Noodle around : To cook noodles

—  Example: I'll noodle around the kitchen for a while.

—  Whip into shape : To cook (into something)

—  Example: into She things quickly. scrutinize

—  Pick at : To eat something in small pieces or not very appetizingly

—  Example: She picked at her salad during lunch.

—  Slurp up : To drink noisily, especially soup or other liquids

—  Example: He slurped up the noodles noisily.

—  Chow down : To eat something quickly and with great appetite.

—  Example: After the game, they chowed down on pizza.

—  Wash up : Wash the dishes after eating

—  Example: I'll wash up after dinner. — I'll wash the dishes after dinner.

—  Cook up: To prepare something (usually something quick and easy)

—  Example: She cooked up a delicious stew for dinner.



These phrases will help you effectively ask for directions while navigating a new city or location.

These phrases will help you ask for directions effectively when navigating a new city or area.

Asking for directions

Can you help me find…?

— Can you help me find…?

Where is the nearest…?

— Where is the nearest…?

How do I get to… from here?

— How do I get to… from here?

Is there a...around here?

— Is there…?

Which way to…?

— Which road leads to...?

I’m looking for…

- I'm looking for…

Could you show me on the map?

— Could you show me on the map?

Is it far from here?

- It is far from here?

Do you know how to get to…?

— Do you know how to get to…?

Can you give me directions to…?

— Could you give me directions until…?

Could you point me in the right direction?

— Could you point me in the right direction?

Excuse me, where is the nearest…?

- Excuse me, where is the nearest…?

Which bus/train/tram goes to…?

— Which bus/train/tram goes to…?

Is there a taxi stand nearby?

— Is there a taxi stand here?

Could you tell me the way to…?

— Could you tell me the way to…?

How far is it to…?

— How far is it to…?

Is this the right road to…?

— Is this the right road to…?

Can you direct me to…?

— Can you direct me to…?

Which exit should I take for…?

— What exit do I need for…?

Where can I find a map?

— Where can I find a map?

BOOKING TICKETS / Buying tickets

—  I would like to book a ticket, please.

— I would like to buy a ticket, please.

—  Could you help me book a ticket to... (destination)?

— Can you help me buy a ticket to… (name of destination)?

—  Do you have any tickets available for… (date/time)?

— Do you have tickets for… (date/time)?

—  I need a round-trip ticket to… (destination).

— I need a roundtrip ticket to… (name of destination).

—  Are there any discounts available for children/seniors/students?

— Are there any discounts for children/seniors/students?

—  Can I choose my seat?

— Can I choose my seat?

—  What's the departure time for the next flight/train/bus to… (destination)?

— What time does the next flight/train/bus leave for… (name of destination)?

—  I'd like to upgrade to a business class seat.

— I would like to upgrade to a business class seat.

—  Is there a direct flight/train/bus to… (destination)?

— Is there a direct flight/train/bus to… (name of destination)?

—  How much does a one-way ticket cost?

— How much is a one-way ticket?

—  Could you confirm my reservation, please?

— Can you confirm my reservation?

—  I'd like to cancel/change my reservation.

— English: I would like to cancel/change my reservation.

—  Do you accept credit cards for booking?

— Do you accept credit cards for reservations?

—  Is there a fee for changing/cancelling my ticket?

— English: Is there a fee for changing/cancelling my ticket?

—  What documents do I need to pick up my ticket?

— English: What documents do I need to get a ticket?


Here are phrases for navigating airports and train stations, with Russian translations

At the Airport

—  Where is the check-in counter for flights to...?

— Where is the check-in counter for flights to…?

—  Could you direct me to the security checkpoint?

— Can you point me in the direction of the security checkpoint?

—  Which gate is my flight departing from?

— English: Which gate does my flight depart from?

—  Is there a lounge I can use before my flight?

— Is there a lounge I can use before my flight?

—  Where can I exchange currency?

— Where can I exchange currency?

—  How do I get to baggage claim?

— English: How do I get to the baggage claim area?

—  Excuse me, where can I find a taxi stand?

— Excuse me, where is the taxi stand?

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