EcoNoospherica. The Fourth Chapter

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From the Author:

Greetings, Eternal Wanderers among the stars!

In this chapter, we will define the main characteristics of energy-informational radio waves, study in more detail the resonance of emotions and magnetism. Using the example of simple and understandable illustrations, let’s consider how the information capture of a person’s mental resource takes place at the energy level.


It is very easy to be fascinated by the beauty of the spiritual world, as well as to be disappointed in it. Learn to direct your imagination always into the future and only into pleasant dreams. Don’t invent horrors for yourself. Don’t scare yourself and other people. If each of us begins to take responsibility for what he transmits to the outside world from the depths of his consciousness, this world will become much better and safer.

Energy-informational radio waves. Types and main characteristics.

Each person emits, transmits and receives energy-informational radio waves. The nature of the information carried by these radio waves depends entirely on the psycho-emotional state of the spiritual world of a person and his mood.

There are two types of radio waves — positive and negative energy. We marked them on the astral map: red energy location — negative, green energy location — positive.

The energy of hatred prevails in the red energy location.

The energy of love prevails in the green energy location.

We not only feel two mutually exclusive energy flows, but also see how their influence manifests itself in people, in their mood and moral appearance.

It is normal to know the spectrum of all feelings and emotions. But this is normal only if a person is able to control himself and understands that his only true ally in life is self–discipline.


ANGER: rage, rage, frenzy, hysteria, anger, irritation, contempt, indignation, resentment, jealousy, annoyance, envy, dislike, indignation, disgust, tension, nervousness, neglect, discontent, harmfulness, chagrin, intolerance, permissiveness, vindictiveness, bitterness, disgust, protest.

FEAR: horror, panic, despair, fright, stupor, suspicion, anxiety, anxiety, fear, humiliation, confusion, confusion, guilt, shame, doubt, fear, confusion, embarrassment, arrogance, remorse, hopelessness, superiority, arrogance, inferiority, apathy, indifference, uncertainty, indecision, disgust, concern, dissatisfaction.

SADNESS: sorrow, grief, despondency, bitterness, longing, sadness, laziness, pity, detachment, despair, hopelessness, helplessness, mental pain, alienation, disappointment, shock, regret, boredom, hopelessness, hunted, fatigue, coercion, loneliness, rejection, depression, indifference, indifference, depression, emptiness, discouragement, heaviness, inferiority, dejection.

The energy of hatred first of all arouses the desire for revenge.

The desire for revenge is the foundation of hatred. Every time a person thinks about revenge, it’s as if he intentionally and voluntarily returns to the red energy location. He’s thinking about how he can hurt another person. He is looking for ways to achieve his goal at any cost. Invents evil by tapping into his imagination. He deliberately enters into the negative flow of hate energy in order to rush with it to destruction.

That is why it is so important to start a positive reconstruction of the energy of your spiritual world with these two desires: the desire to hate and the desire to take revenge.

The energy of hate, this is a professional scammer’s game based on feelings and feelings!

Behind every negative emotion, feeling, or desire, there is a negative informational meaning or action that led to it.

If this is love, then these are pleasant words and deeds, concern for joint well-being and a desire to protect life. Hate is swearing, mutual insults, squabbles, gossip, physical violence and the desire to destroy life.


JOY: delight, exultation, happiness, joy, elation, animation, fascination, interest, care, expectation, excitement, anticipation, hope, curiosity, liberation, acceptance, acceptance, faith, amazement, satisfaction, confidence, contentment, elation, solemnity, cheerfulness, relief, cheerfulness, surprise.

LOVE: tenderness, warmth, empathy, bliss, trust, security, gratitude, calmness, sympathy, pride, admiration, respect, self-worth, love, self-love, charm, humility, sincerity, friendliness, kindness, unity, mutual assistance, empathy, belonging, balance, naturalness, love of life, inspiration.

The energy of love is the energy of life, blooming joy and well-being. It manifests itself in spiritual peace and satisfaction with life. The energy of love enlivens, inspires and inspires delight, gives hope. It instills a sense of confidence, security, security and self-sufficiency. People who love themselves and the world are charming, kind and polite. They radiate warmth and tenderness, calmness, humility, sincerity, friendliness. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with such people. They know how to preserve their spiritual wealth and respect the feelings of other people.

A man in love with life is a happy man!


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