All my work from April 2021 to January 2023

Бесплатный фрагмент - All my work from April 2021 to January 2023

Perm, 2023

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That morning, the head of the cipher interception department remembered well. First, I got up, stretched my muscles with barely perceptible movements, went to the shower and, already sitting in the company car, listened to the radio. Ordinary civil radio, after the news bulletin, they broadcast light music. Passing the security post and a number of service passages, George entered his office and asked the secretary to prepare him a light breakfast — he preferred to have breakfast at work. After a cup of coffee, he received a pneumomail — on slips of paper there was an intercepted radiogram from an employee of the Russian embassy in Lebanon. According to the underlined supposed words, a certain text of the original was formed. George went to the window and then a bright flash lit up the sky on the horizon — a nuclear mushroom rose in the air. He grew up. And the wave from it already reached half the sky and already the wind raised by it reached the cars in the parking lot in front of the building. Cars tumbled like toys.

“What is this?” — thought George and collapsed as if knocked down in a chair.

— Did you read it? he asked the department’s best codebreaker, Michael Green, over the intercom.

— Yes, — he answered, — I also dreamed of a nuclear explosion…

— Maybe this is a special handwriting of Russian cryptographers? George still couldn’t get over what he saw.

— Perhaps this is a kind of non-contact work of Russians. At one time, when there was a thaw in our relations, I was at the base near Sverdlovsk, where Major Lavrushkin showed something similar…

— Immediately get ready for a business trip, — You are going to Russia to find out everything about this weapon, — George said and dripped a little cognac into his coffee.

— Fine. “Okay,” said Michael, a descendant of Russian emigrants in the early 20th century, the best decryptor in the department of intercepting cipher messages.


Michael spoke Russian without an accent, he had already accumulated an archive of all Russian styles of hand-to-hand combat, Soviet sambo, martial arts and personal security systems. All of them were copyrights, differed in philosophy, technique, and they were united by only one thing — they grew on the territory of Russia. In total, there were 27 hand-to-hand combat systems, there were developments of the 30s — Kharlampiev, Oznobishin and modern developments… But most of all, the Kolokolov system attracted attention — it was practiced in Krasnodar, or the “Krasnodar version of combat sambo”. Here it, or rather its non-contact version, should have been learned and processed by Michael Green, the deputy head of the US CIA decryption department.

He covered up his visit to Russia as a collector of the historical and ethnographic club. In this he was helped by the recruited and current employees of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. There were many such people in the Foreign Intelligence Service after the 90s of the last century. With a real passport in the name of Mikhail Nikolayevich Grunev, as noted above — the director of the historical and ethnographic club “Vys” in the city of St. Petersburg, he arrived by train in the city of Novosibirsk, or rather in Akademgorodok, where classes were held at the Gornostai gymnasium school in the Russian Style of Hand-to-Hand Combat, last-year cadets of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School. While studying judo and aikido at Fort Bragg, he found some similarities in styles, but there was still a difference. The training process itself was carried out on a bare plank floor, without underlying mats, in clean street shoes or sneakers. Thus, with the help of safety exercises, the safety of training was achieved. There were practically no injuries, unlike the sports areas of hand-to-hand combat. The clothes of the trainees were of military cut, dense and rather “everyday”. Posters hung on the walls of a small hall — here and levers, their types, and a structural diagram of training, and a scheme for setting a task, and medical aspects, and purely military aspects — everything was aimed at human survival in a certain environment. But the principles of survival were common, that on the street in the dark, that in a military situation, that in an everyday stressful situation. Before training there was a common prayer. Short, before teaching. And in general, spiritual (not spiritual, namely spiritual, from the word “Spirit”) was given special attention. The training was conducted by a 4th-year cadet of the Novosibirsk Military School, senior sergeant Leonid Vasiliev. A total of 3 classes per week, 2 hours each. In addition to these activities, they practiced at home or other pastime in the training mode. As morning gymnastics, there were also exercises “Twisting of hands”, “Walking in squares”, “Step on the figure of a cross”, “Step on the figure of a square”, “Crocodile”, various somersaults on a hard floor (concrete, asphalt, plank floor) and somersaults with and without a weapon through an obstacle.

For example, the essence of a somersault on the bare floor was not given to Mikhail for a long time, to which the instructor Leonid replied: “We are simulating an extreme situation and the entrance of the body into the floor plane and there is the entrance of a defending hand, limb, object, with an attacking effect. We seem to “fit” into the enemy and control him with the help of leverage, pain impact. Let’s do a twist of the arms in the shoulder joint — it’s easy. Then the second lead-in exercise “a la” birch “and then in the squat, in the initial stages, we fit into the floor with our angular body segments. So, let’s combine the above two exercises into one and add the “crooked step” exercise — this is a somersault over the shoulder and it turned out!!! The training fee was ridiculous, and Mikhail wrote everything down, drew diagrams, drew in a diary, bought especially for this. His training moments were added to his “Internet” video base. Soon he learned all the leading exercises, and there are about thirty of them in the Russian style of the Kolokolov system, plus subtypes. His body gained lightness, because of the daily morning exercises there was clarity of mind. Now it became clear to him why, when striking, the enemy immediately became in a losing position. But not everything was so simple … — the topic of non-contact was not touched upon. Mentor Leonid liked to say: “Train in the right direction and understanding of the process will come by itself.” So 2 months of hard work passed, in addition to indoor training, and independent training at home, in the forest, in wastelands. As training surfaces, gravel, concrete, asphalt, stones… On one of these training sessions, Michael (Mikhail) was tested by local counterintelligence officers.


On that day, the captain of the special department, Marat Dauletov, was dozing in the rest room after the daily shift. And then suddenly the howl of an air defense siren jerked him up, and he woke up. Having run out of the premises to the parade ground of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, he saw various enemy propaganda materials landing on parachutes from above on the parade ground. There were cigars and chocolate, and already three freshman cadets were dragging an inflated rubber woman. “Comrade captain, comrade captain, you have an urgent order,” Major Tarasenko was tugging at his shoulder.

So Davletshin woke up for the second time — he saw a double dream for the first time in his life. It was necessary to check a certain Mikhail Grinev and, at the end of the check, slap him, as they say, by his hat. Davletshin got down to business and already with Tarasenko they decided to crush his sides at the edge of the forest, where he trained.


On that day, Mikhail, as always, trained on Tuesdays at the edge of the forest. He had already been rolling for about five minutes and was doing the “Stick Balance” exercise. The essence of this exercise is that the handle from the shovel, placed on the end, on the palm of the hand, vertically deviates minimally from its axis and does not fall. This is an exercise in feeling a partner, a weapon. And then suddenly two big-faced men came out of the bushes opposite and ran up with him: “Well, you got me! Drive the debt! and they immediately began to beat him with their hands and feet. Mikhail did not even have time to get scared, and then he saw small bundles of “wires”, as if it were a bare telephone line… beams of bright red, purple came from his palms and seemed to “stretch” opponents.

Time has slowed down. Mikhail managed to think over 4 options for the development of the situation and, having “pulled” the strings, threw the opponents to the ground. The counterintelligence officers howled from the unbearable pain in their chests. Mikhail himself just rushed to his heels — the use of contactless was the first time in his life and this surprised him. Arriving at a rented apartment on Polevaya Street, he simply collapsed on the sofa and lay about a day in a semi-conscious state — the release of such energy forces was compensated with difficulty. Well, our valiant counterintelligence officers came to their senses only in the first-aid post — they drank cognac and laughed merrily at what had happened, — “Yes, this American spy has completed his training!!! Now he is lying on Polevaya, restoring his strength …”

And Mikhail-Michael had something to think about… It was possible to return home to the USA, he examined all layers of Russian society, wrote a bunch of reports on various issues, but something was missing. The only place in Akademgorodok where he had not been was a prison, or rather, a penal colony of the Sovetsky district of the city of Novosibirsk. And the opportunity presented itself… he drank a bottle of beer for the smell and, churning his gait, slowly approached the patrol… he also deliberately broke an empty bottle and swore, for which he received three days in the basement of the police department of the Soviet district. Being in the cell, he noted a good feeding, mostly there were local homeless people and drunkards. But at last, at the end of the third day, an old vagabond was brought into the cell. They started talking. And the tramp advised me to “treat” for drinking bouts in a monastery in the Urals near the city of Kamensk, on the Kamlya River. Mikhail did not expect such a turn of events — he never even dreamed of visiting a Russian monastery. Having connected all the data that he had, he decides, under the guise of treating drunkenness and collecting ethnographic material, to spend some time in the monastery, which was soon done.


Arriving in the city of Kamensk, and it was an ordinary Ural city, where the modern elite drove jeeps, cut the budget, local men drank godlessly, drinking what they earned on Fridays, Mikhail immediately described the local customs. The faces of the Ural people were as if hewn with an ax and were more gloomy than cheerful. No one went to the Orthodox church, except for the old women. Such a picture was all over Rus’. And those who went to the temple were mired in sectarianism and heresy. Such a sect existed in Kamensk… it consisted of high-ranking security officials, prosecutors and court officials. But there were also pleasant moments — on the outskirts of Kamensk on the Kamlya River there was a monastery of the 18th century, small, but with experienced brethren and a large library.

Having come to the monastery and received a blessing for a month of stay in it, Mikhail received the obedience of a stoker. It was necessary to work day after day, which was not easy. Yes, and even at the prayer to be in the temple, and be sure to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. And then, while training at night, Michael attracted the attention of one monk. This monk invited him to talk.

— You, as I see, are studying hand-to-hand combat, — began the monk Alexei.

— Yes, I collect Russian hand-to-hand culture. I have a lot of video material, including my own workouts…

— Do you know about our heroes, about their military deeds? That’s all that you have collected — pagan and neo-pagan, but there is no military action here!

— ???

— You are an ethnographer, so you are mired in nationality, in pagan beliefs. Here, in every locality of Rus’, there is its own unique Russian hand-to-hand combat, even Kolokolov’s scientific style gives off sectarianism… There is no Spirit in him, the Holy Spirit, and since there is no Spirit of the Lord in the psychobiological system “man”, then everything comes down to the level of highly developed intellectual two-legged animals, — began conversation monk Alexy, revealing the secret of the heroic wrestling.

— So what is the spirit of heroic deeds, military deeds? Michael asked.

— And here you read “Invisible Warfare” by Theophan the Recluse… you probably noticed that in the East there is meditation, yoga, and we have prayer, carrying out labor according to our strength. Now the intelligentsia takes all these meditations, enlightenment courses, bioenergetic sensing — all these feces of the human mind as the truth. There are many sects, especially in the military, police environment, among doctors. So hypnosis is forbidden by the Orthodox tradition… here, take the book “The Orthodox Church and Modern Medicine” edited by priest Sergiy Filimonov. There it is written in black and white what psychic classes lead to — a person either goes crazy, or his relatives start to get sick, or he commits suicide — that under God’s ban, don’t go there! — don’t operate with the forces of dark nature… here to exercise your mind, you have three tasks: the first task, the first one: State A knows the structure of the law enforcement agencies of state B. The question is how to make a) a terrorist attack, b) a coup d’état based on this knowledge. And the opposite problem is how state B can protect itself from all this. The second problem: given a car of a passenger train, in which a scout of the opposite side is traveling. Question: how to detect it and protect yourself? The third task: given the water area of the port, protected by destroyers in three squares out of four. How can a submarine penetrate the harbor — after all, destroyers cruise continuously along three out of four squares. How to get the submarine into the “empty” square? The tactical and technical data of the ships of both sides are approximately the same.

— Let me think… in general, according to the first task, the structure of the law enforcement agencies of the state is a secret, but it can also be opened knowing, for example, a decree on secrecy in the official bodies of this state… drawing an analogy with a person and the state system, you can try to “shake” the area of \u200b\u200bthe support platform states — that is, the people… there are many options here, and one of them is economic, bringing “one’s own” leader… Here is the second task — about the train, here you need to internally penetrate into the sensory world of a person, a passenger in this case. Scouts are mostly passionate people and they are characterized by the so-called “excessive intelligence” … here you need to think more about this task. The third task is about destroyers and a submarine — it is solved by probabilistic characteristics and is more intuitive (that is, just guessing which square is empty).

— Do you know, Michael, about the influx of God — intuition? This is given only to blameless people who have overcome their passions… The Jesus Prayer helps them in this, as a great work of repentance. We must strive to bring to a common denominator all the processes of our own and the enemy, and only then, praying fervently, as did both Suvorov and Ushakov, tip the scales of God’s decision in our favor.

— Tell me, Father Alexei, are there Hesychasts in the USA?

— Of course there is… in the state of Arizona, in the desert there is a monastery… there is a native of Mount Athos, a hesychast monk. You can learn a lot from him…

So the conversation of two like-minded people proceeded over a cup of tea, Michael had a confession and acceptance of the Holy Mysteries ahead — the knowledge of the Living God, a living Person…


Konstantin had been in Lebanon for half a year already, a civil war was brewing in this country, and as an embassy worker, he completely followed what was happening in the country. Once every 2 weeks, he took walks around the city, to avert his eyes he shopped for fruit at the local market and sent cipher telegrams via the Internet from the local computer club. This morning he realized that he felt close observation behind him, but he could not verify this to the end. He went to a computer club and, already sitting at the computer, realized that a spy program could be built into the keyboard, which, by the frequency of pressing the keys on the keyboard, draws a conclusion about the nature of the message — it is false or not. “Lord, … Jesus Christ, … Son of God, … have mercy on me a sinner!” He paused and closed his eyes. At this time, his fingers ran quickly over the keyboard, imitating the free writing of a cipher telegram, and at the end they added — “… 12500”, which looked like the sender’s signature. Moreover, this was done, as they say on the machine, and any program that reads the rate of supply of cipher symbols would give out “Yes, it’s true. This is a real cipher letter, not misinformation.” Although in fact it was the other way around. Konstantin finished the transfer of information already with ease, that he managed to outwit the enemy, left the premises of the computer club. George read this misinformation in the morning, and the vision of an atomic explosion was the play of his passions, just like the play of the passions of Michael-Michael. Even though it was not without the help of God.


Upon arrival in America, Michael first of all came to an Orthodox church and defended the Liturgy, and knowing that a person is trinitarian in structure and has a spirit, soul and body, he hastened to create a report in a religious way. In Russia, he counted 27 different hand-to-hand styles, author’s styles, mostly neo-pagan. The instructors of these styles were not in the Church, did not go to temples and were outright pagans, magicians and sorcerers even came across. All that was it was a mixture of pagan sports with the points of view of self-taught authors. Even the famous style of Kolokolov (the Krasnodar version of combat sambo) smacked of sectarianism. This style included meditation, hypnosis and auto-training, which is prohibited by Orthodox teaching. Although this style was based on modern scientific laws, the theory of mechanics in biological systems. Based on his monastic experience, he came to the conclusion that in Rus’ there is no Russian Orthodox heroic wrestler. This is what he did — we are creating a military business, but already in America, so that opportunities allow…


CIA decryption chief George Douglas retired.

Michael Green, aka Mikhail Grudnev, was fired from the CIA, although he passed a polygraph test, and works as an altar boy in the church of the city of Nikolaepolis, in Arizona. He is engaged with parish children in the Russian style of hand-to-hand combat, or rather, his own, developed by him, Orthodox military affairs.

Special officer Marat from the NVI — works as a special officer on a Borey-class nuclear submarine and every Sunday monitors the attendance of the ship’s temple by personnel.

The monastic brethren of the Kamensky Monastery are alive and well to this day.

The master of the Russian style of hand-to-hand combat — Kolokolov, lost his son and grandson under tragic circumstances. He lived to be 85 years old and died while training in the forest. There are no followers of family traditions left. A group of neo-pagan disciples remained.



A toothache haunted flight engineer Kharin for several hours, and two teeth ached at once. He could have gone to the doctor at the Vasiliev station, but it was already late, and he simply did not want to distract the doctor at such an inopportune hour. Then he remembered his studies in Russian style and the system of somersaults on the bare floor, without mats. Somersaults weakened the actions of the signals of the cerebral cortex and activated the more ancient internal structures of the brain. Moreover, the blood flow improved throughout the psychobiomechanical system “MAN”. Overcoming the pain, Kharin slid down from the couch, it was about 23—00 Moscow time. The members of the spacecraft, free from watch and experiments, rested at this time. To consolidate the technique of somersaults, it was necessary to perform them about three thousand times, for three months. Then the somersault technique is remembered by the body as something natural. It should be noted that the somersault in the Russian system of self-defense is not the gymnastic somersault that we are taught in physical education classes. Upon contact with a hard floor, the soft tissues of the back are substituted, and the hard links are the arms, the shoulders seem to scroll. A somersault, if it left a mark on the human body, starts from the fingertips of the right hand, then the forearm scrolls and the shoulder fits into the hard floor due to some inertia. Then, as if on a children’s swing, the “trace” goes diagonally from the right shoulder through the spine, along the soft tissues, goes to the left side of the thigh. Rising up, the system of links “man” turns in the direction of movement towards the main course. This is repeated in the reverse movement forward. In this way, a person for two somersaults over his shoulder goes to the starting position. At the beginning of classes, Kharin felt nauseous — the underdevelopment of the cerebellum affected, but soon this passed, as happens with a trained person.

Having made only 4 somersaults through “I can’t”, the bioengineer noted a decrease in toothache — as expected, the brain activated its inner, deep part and the outflow of blood contributed to the removal of toothache. After making eight more somersaults on the floor of his cabin, Kharin noted with pleasure the disappearance of the toothache. This went on all night: as soon as his teeth started to hurt, Kharin slid off the couch and twisted somersaults, he also kept daily records of the amount of exercise performed. About half of the prescribed somersaults have already passed. After that, he recalled how these Russian somersaults were taught to him — this is a fusion of three exercises — “Twisting of the arms in the shoulder girdle” plus “a la birch” plus “crooked step” … twisting the arms was the easiest thing to do — you had to stand up and spread your arms while standing side as if you were suspended on a stretched cable through your index fingers. Twisting at the shoulders and tilting the head to one or the other side, twist the shoulder girdle. Then he remembered the second exercise — when he was still a flight school cadet, they lay down on the asphalt and, raising their legs, rolled from one side to the other, like a pendulum or a children’s swing. Here it was important to substitute the soft tissues of the hips and back. Watch that sharp pebbles on the pavement do not injure the spinal column. Well, the third exercise — “crooked step” was performed while sitting on the floor or any hard surface. So, bending the leg like a crooked auger, we transfer the center of gravity from one leg to the other, which we also bend inward.

This exercise required some flexibility in the knee joints and was called the “crooked step”. It should be noted that based on the scheme of setting the task (SITUATION -> PROBLEM -> GOAL-> TASK-> SOLUTION), Kharin made appropriate adjustments and he could study without an instructor. It should be noted that the somersault itself corresponded to a certain letter of the forty-nine-digit ancient Slavic alphabet, but which letter for Vladimir Kharin was still a mystery. It was already in the morning when Kharin defeated these two aching teeth and he took a nap. And then in the waking half, half-drowsy, he saw with his brain a violet rainbow field coming from his chest. It was his field — biofield. There was a glow from the hands. He observed such a picture for the first time — the load on the brain affected, the brain seemed to see the skin of the body.

Waking up, he wrote down his feelings in his diary and hurried with a report to the ship’s commander, Professor Arthur Stolz. Having gone all the same to Dr. Zaitseva, he spoke about his discovery and vision of the biofield by entering into some altered state of consciousness. Dr. Victoria Zaitseva carefully examined the gums and found some inflammation, prescribed a mouth rinse with medicine. Then she carefully watched a series of somersaults and remembered the film shown to her in childhood — this somersault had Volkhov roots. “But we are not sorcerers, not magicians, but scientists, and therefore there is an explanation for everything, both logical, scientific and religious theological. Since we, as the peak of God’s creation, have all God’s plans for animals, creations within ourselves… we are like God… perhaps the deep parts of the brain are involved and a person looks at everything around him with already developed abilities, temporarily dormant. On this, Victoria finished her inspection, and thanking Kharin for such an important discovery, she wrote in her diary about a scientific experiment, but already on Earth, in the brain tomography laboratory…


Flight engineer Yuryev woke up from the sound of a siren — she warned of a stream of meteors. And then the sensors showed a power failure — in all likelihood, regular solar panels failed. Yuryev thought about it — he didn’t have more solar panels in stock. But! But there were still serviceable Soviet transistors P-214, with germanium crystals inside. There were 500 of them in the warehouse. Having taken out one of them, he carefully sawed off the transistor cover with a hacksaw and brought the open pnp junction to the window. The light flux from the Sun excited the current in the germanium crystal of this transistor. Yuryev brought the voltmeter probes to the base and emitter, respectively — Hurrah! the voltage was small, only 0.3 volts, but it was there! After spending eight hours mounting 50 transistors on a 17-by-17-centimeter board, he brought them up to the sunny side of the station — and the result was 1.3 volts of voltage at a small, small current. The solution was worked out right away — to replace the solar panels pierced by meteorites with home-made P-214 transistors of the 1970 model. Everything worked and home-made solar batteries began to accumulate energy to recharge the station’s batteries for going on the air with the Earth, with the Mission Control Center!!!


After listening to Kharin’s report, the professor of the research expedition, who is also the commander of the Pegasus ship Arthur Stolz, cheered up. Wow, the P-214 transistors, released back in the USSR in 1970, came in handy here in 2028! It’s been about 60 years — how strong was the stock of scientific thought in the USSR! Professor Stoltz was a little over fifty, and he still found the school of Soviet scientists who taught to think, to invent in non-standard ways, but all within the limits of logic! Yes, there were times, it was a time of discovery, when 70 percent of the inventions of all mankind fell on the seventies of the twentieth century. He sat down at the work table and began to fill in the logbook, the reserve of electricity allowed him to work with emergency lights, and in three days Kharin’s solar battery should be ready — despite all the laboriousness, this was the last hope! He filled out the journal, thought, pondered and looked out the window — the ship was leaving the shadow of the Earth, exposing its sides to the Sun.

And then he saw a group of people — they sang softly and walked with banners in a parallel course. Yes, yes, in space, in a parallel course. At sunny dawn, the picture seemed incredible! He looked closely and saw the wings of people — there were seven of them. “Yes, these are angels!” — Arthur exclaimed and hurried to film everything on a video camera, while calling his colleagues. The entire crew of the ship saw angels. It was the middle of March earthly time, the time of Great Lent, and everyone together, rejoicing at what they saw, began to sing songs of praise to God. Of course, not everyone on the ship was a Christian, but a small group of scientists, ossified atheists, suddenly began to make crosses from improvised means and hang them around their necks. The vision of the angels was about five minutes, and everything was filmed, even their chants were caught on film. Thus, the month of the ship’s stay in Earth’s orbit was coming to an end. There were many experiments ahead, but this very “cosmic” one, by the will of the Creator, remained forever in the memory of people!


When Professor Arthur Stolz was still a student, they liked to play the following game as students. While on the bus, they assumed the professions of people by their faces, clothes, demeanor, manner of speaking, and many other signs. It was easy to distinguish retired people from, say, students, but it was very difficult to distinguish a doctor from a teacher — after all, they are both knowledge workers, only if you talk to them, which was forbidden by the rules of the game. While on the bus, students, and there were a few of them no more than 3—4, made notes and, getting off at the right stop, they exchanged notes. There were many similarities. And the one with the most matches was considered the winner.

For example, the military and policemen were easily guessed — the imprint of spirituality on their strict stiff faces spoke about itself. Time passed and the future generation of physics students passed on this game to other students. In the 2000s, a computer, namely artificial intelligence, was connected to the game. In appearance, gait, artificial intelligence was looking for hooligans and terrorists among the passenger flow. The percentage of guessing reached 80 percent, and this is a large percentage. But most of all guessed in the symbiosis of a computer and a person. The man saw what the machine is not able to see — it is the imprint of spirituality on the face of a man. This was achieved by prayer practice, going to services in the Orthodox Church, observing the sacraments of the Church. And now, being in the fifth, final year of study, students already felt, as they say, all the passengers of the subway, buses, fellow travelers in the car… It is worth noting that the most spiritually advanced students used what is called penetration into the inner sensory world of a person in this way of “recognizing” information the monks own, professional military, judges.

But the world was developing, progress was and quickly went in computer technology. In 2010, the computer was already controlled without wires, by the tension of the operator’s thought. Although not all of these experiments were in the public domain, they were. And then the main question arose — can a high-power computer read the thoughts of people, for example, riding a bus? It turned out maybe, but in those days it was a cumbersome technique, but already in 2025 this technique was reduced to the size of a pack of cigarettes. Of course, as before, a great result in personal identification was given by the symbiosis of a person and a computer, or rather, a person and Artificial Intelligence. And here we come to the main scientific experiment of the research team on the Pegasus. That’s the point. While on the bus, a person with a computer, even the smallest one, should be in close proximity to the person being checked. What if it’s a terrorist? So, the idea arose to “feel”, to read the mental images of people at a distance — from space, for example.

An ultra-high frequency wave was fed through a powerful beam of rays; on Earth, this beam occupied a radius of five to half a meter in diameter, depending on the settings. The operator, via satellite, probed the crowd of people in order to search for people with negative, aggressive thoughts. And having identified them, they connected the whole complex of operational-search measures. There was also the other side of the medal in this experiment — the transfer of energy at a distance to a person who was injured, for example, a sick person, walking on the way. A certain frequency was transmitted by a beam from space from a satellite, naturally not heard by anyone, it then set the pace for the work of the human brain and, if necessary, could remove all the necessary characteristics from a wounded warrior. But this is the military side of the experiment. All theoretical calculations were in the twenties of the 21st century, and the year was already 2028. So everything, both the level of technical equipment of the ship and the scientific level of the researchers, was up to the mark. The composition of the team was international, for example, Vasily Kharin was Russian, from Perm, he was 42 years old and this was his second space expedition. Working as a flight engineer and part-time biologist, he knew almost everything about the ship and about the man. “Psychobiomechanical system — man” — as he liked to say.

The ship’s commander, Professor Arthur Stolz, was from Germany and his role was more in bringing together all the crew members and leading the project. He was also a full-time psychologist, he was trained in one of the monasteries in Switzerland.

The expedition doctor Svetlana Moiseevna was from Israel, her forte is the brain, blood composition, biowaves of both the brain and the person.

The intellectual system “Vagrius” was originally from the USA — the minimization of chips in this country came out on top back in the 90s of the twentieth century. Artificial Intelligence self-learned both in the program mode and in the field of erudition — in the game of chess it had no equal on Earth. For example, in the event of an accident, he could independently land the ship without human intervention.

Of course, there were other members of the expedition, robots and much more about which will be written below.

So, everything was ready for the experiment both in the field of energy transfer over a distance, and in reading mental images at a distance from the orbit. On the ground there was a group of volunteers also of a different internalist nature. Everything was ready. But this accident with the solar panel became a small hitch — a cargo repair ship was already flying from Earth, but for now everyone was resting and using a home-made solar battery from germanium transistors sawn off at the top of the seventies of the twentieth century.


After an operation on his hand, and a new forearm was sewn on Biomax 21 to replace the old one lost in a fight with a bear, a council of doctors decides to send him to a monastery, which is 30 kilometers from the scientific town. There, the tissues will heal, and the weight will return to normal, and thoughts about life will calm down. Boris Borisovich Aleikin, that was the name of Biomax on the 21st in his human life, agreed. He, a former military man, was already living the second life of a biorobot and wanted to see church life from the inside.

The Vorobiev Monastery, near the village of Sparrows, was small. 20 cows with calves, 2 tractors and 30—35 brothers. There were only 3 monks — the abbot himself, Father Philip, his assistant monk Andrei and monk Sergius, who was still a boy at the church and grew to the rank of monk. The brethren, the so-called workers, were mostly former alcoholics who lost their homes and jobs by the will of fate. There was also a group of drug addicts, people who had served time and were weaving their nets of evil here in the monastery.

Arrived at the place on a regular bus, having walked 2 kilometers to the monastery, Boris Borisych saw the church. Everything, as on the map of the aerial photograph — in the distance is the three-story house where the brothers lived, next to the barn… The garden and the bathhouse could be seen in the distance. Going into the icon shop, he saw monk Andrei there, who had previously been a researcher at the Research Institute of Electronics. “And why did he leave our research institute two years ago? What prompted him to do this — the monastic quiet?

It was quiet in the Temple, Andrey was shifting some papers and Boris (he is also a biorobot Biomax 21st) quietly asked: “I would like this here… to treat my arm after the operation and fix my nerves, where can I leave things and in general where do I Now?” “Oh, yes, you called yesterday,” said monk Andrei. “Leave your passport and cell phone to me, as well as cash — you will not need them here and follow me.” Boris left his passport, cell phone, although a second cell phone was built into his body, as well as a radio transmitter with a satellite phone. The Center could be contacted at any time, while doing any work and even talking to other people.

“Can I keep a flashlight with me?” asked Boris, the flashlight was a disguised battery, it was inserted into the network and charged, then the charge was transferred to the intelligent system of the biorobot. Since the brain and heart of the biorobot were human, and everything else, including muscles, internal organs and the skeleton, was artificial, all this required a charge of energy once every two or three days. From food, Boris could eat everything, but he could also remain without food for a long time. Much longer than the average person. He could eat only one wheat for a long time — it decomposed into nutrients in an artificial stomach.

“We have a very strict monastery, but since you will be a stoker and at the same time a night watchman, you can have a flashlight with you,” monk Andrey said this, closed the icon shop and took Boris to the fraternal house.

Boris was shown a large room for six people, the beds were in two tiers around the walls. They also showed a stoker in the basement, it was not necessary to heat it, it was necessary to bring some firewood and pieces of coal in reserve, tidy up, fix the sagging electrical wiring, stretch the cable for the internal monastery telephone and install an old-style telephone there. What Boris Borisovich did.

During the meal, Boris looked around and wrote down all the brothers in the memory of his artificial intelligence — yesterday’s alcoholics and drug addicts were neatly dressed and there was a blush on their faces. Everyone was awake and alert. Only one of them — Dmitry, as Boris later found out his name and surname from the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having compared the photograph of his face taken, was gloomy. Dmitry was out of his mind; he, the leader of the organized crime group, made a nest here. He was supposed to bring a batch of heroin to the monastery tonight, for subsequent shipment to Europe. And then this new one. Appointed as a stoker and watchman. “No matter how he was a biorobot from the cops,” Dmitry thought. His gut for years of imprisonment and long “walkers” to the zone did not let him down. “Tonight, Rector Father Philip will leave on his own business in the city, in the Diocese. Monk Andrei will sleep, and Monk Sergius will pray for the whole world at night in the Temple. But this one with his sore hand was not included in my plans. there will be a day, there will be food,” thought Dmitry and began to drink tea.

Boris, meanwhile, went to the library, got some books. There were Theophan the Recluse with his “Invisible Scolding”, and John of the Ladder and much more. In the basement there was a trestle bed, assembled from boards, where Boris folded a stack of books. The operated arm hurt, the sutures had not yet been removed from the biotissue. According to the body sensors, everything was normal, recharging for 48 hours. Although he would have slept for a couple of hours, so as not to sleep at night, but to read and make rounds around the monastery.

It was getting dark… Boris managed to sleep for a couple of hours in his cell — no one bothered him, everyone was on obedience. It was time to go to the Temple for the obligatory common evening prayer and the fraternal rule. Which he did.

Boris stood a little ahead of everyone, crossed himself evenly, as befits a Christian, but keeping his eyes on himself from the outside. he seemed to see himself through the eyes of his brothers. He did not give out a biorobot in himself — he ate, and slept, and prayed like a man. He knew that the Higher Mind certainly exists, but dogmatically, as a human being, he still had little faith, did not feel His every second existence on Earth. His concern for him.

The evening rule came to an end, the brothers stood in a circle and, passing along it, asked for forgiveness from each other. Having left the Temple, Boris felt the ease of thinking. It was the first time in a long time. The intellectual system of the biorobot recorded the intense work of the brain at the moment of common fraternal prayer, and now the brain had a little rest, which served as some kind of joyful euphoria. It was not grace, that unknown feeling, for the sake of which Biomax 21st came to the monastery.

Arriving at the boiler room, he compared the aerial photograph from the satellite with the map of his movement around the monastery. The first communication session with the Center is scheduled for 2 am. It was necessary to additionally enlighten all the buildings of the monastery from the Cosmos 976 satellite for hidden rooms. It is possible that here in the Vorobiev Monastery a channel was established for the supply of drugs to Europe. Well, Boris Borisovich, aka the biorobot Biomax 21, did not believe in the accidental presence of a recidivist thief on the territory of the monastery. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was Zhuk Dmitry Lvovich, born in 1970. Ordinary operatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs bypassed this monastery — the place is remote from the city, quiet, and who will give permission to conduct operational-search activities on the territory of the monastery. Yes, and the strength was not enough. It was necessary to be some kind of cop in order to infiltrate the monastery, where there is its own guard, a kind of state within a state.

It got dark… There were 3 hours left before the communication session. and Boris began to study the monastic works. And here is what he read. It turns out that in order to attract grace, Greek monks always repeat in a half-whisper “Jesus Christ… Jesus Christ.” So, always at work when they go somewhere. It was part of the Jesus Prayer, a gift that originated in ancient times. Possessing the gift of the Jesus Prayer, a person was transformed, became like God, acquired gifts. So the biorobot began to speak in a half-whisper, softly with pauses: “Jesus Christ… Jesus Christ.” so 2.5 hours passed.

Everyone was sleeping, only the dogs on duty lay lazily at the door of the fraternal house. Boris left the basement of the stoker, but then an unknown force stopped him. A man walked past him. The man did not notice Boris — if he had gone out a little earlier or later, they would have seen each other. The biorobot turned on infrared radiation and saw a parked jeep near the bushes. A bundle was handed out of the jeep, and it slowly and silently drove away. The man accepted the white bundle as quietly as a shadow, walked past Boris, who was standing in the basement of the stoker. In the meantime, Boris connected the electronic nose — “Heroin! Top quality!” — this is what was in the bundle.

The decision came instantly — without going on the air, which could be tapped, to escape from the monastery. And run immediately. Orienting by the stars, Boris left the monastery — about 25 kilometers ahead of him off-road, in the morning he would still get in touch with the Center. But he will already be far from the monastery.

He walked along a country road and repeated in a half-whisper “Jesus Christ… Jesus Christ…” And then on the left was a small swamp. All sensors of the biorobot worked normally. And then he heard clearly from the lilies, “What a happy man is walking past us… What a happy one! God Himself helped him!” and Boris clearly felt that indescribable, indescribable state, which is called grace!


Biorobot Biomax 21 lay under a blockage of stones in a semi-conscious state for five days. More precisely, he could not determine due to the injuries inflicted by the beastmen. This war has been going on for two years now with varying successes for the belligerents. Biomax’s left arm was half torn off, it was hanging on biowires-veins and oil was leaking from it, small motors responsible for squeezing the hands continued to turn on and off spontaneously, consuming electricity.

The nutrition regime in the biosystem was set as terminator. This is not even an economical “extreme” or it is also called emergency, this is the mode in which the mobility of the structure is limited — the life of the biorobot is close to death and the task of this mode is to support memory cards until the arrival of the special forces rescue team from the base. The rebels — beastmen behaved very cunningly, they deftly disguised themselves in the animal world, easily trained, then gathered in groups, then acted alone. The Beastmen were sponsored by scientists who entered the scientific field in the ranks of crime, namely in the ranks of drug lords. It was on such a group, a product of a mutation from the rays of the Kharatron device, that Biomax 21st came across while patrolling the territory of the Krasnovishersky Reserve.

At first glance, they were ordinary bears — a she-bear with two cubs. Biomax 21, following instructions, came within firing range, but as soon as he cocked the sleeping pill, the she-bear swung the pendulum. Yes, yes, that same pendulum of the army counterintelligence school… showed a move to the right, went to the left and immediately approached about five meters. The biorobot was confused, — “So that the bears swing the pendulum?” and then a lingering pain appeared in the left side of the biorobot’s chest, the sensors recorded a lepton breakdown! Beastmen have only mastered contactless schools of magicians relatively recently. The biorobot collapsed like a wreck. The she-bear swayed by inertia to the right, then to the left, and already shortening the distance by leaps, as only animals do quickly, and tightly dug into the left elbow joint.

The use of non-contact did not go unnoticed for the she-bear, too, — a sharp transcendental release of all energies, focused on the heart area of the biorobot (and this series of biorobots has a human heart and brain, and bones and muscle tissue are mixed with human, and titanium, and organopod plastic based on perfluorane component) led to the fact that the she-bear Alice collapsed as if knocked down. This always happens when contactless is used — it took about 2 days to recover in a shelter. “Comrade major, comrade major,” the bear cubs, sergeants Zosima and Ephraim, rushed to her, “What’s wrong with you?” “This camp half-wit in a cave on Wolf Stone, fill up the entrance with stones, let him dry.” According to her calculation, the battery charge in thermal mode should be enough for a month of work, and then, having pulled out the memory and consciousness modules, it will be possible to reprogram Biomax-21. Already passed it, already hacked this series of biorobots. Well, and then either a biorobot-shahid, or undercover infiltration into the environment of people — a “return” to society, if the legend allows. The sergeants did just that — they dragged Biomax into a cave (it was an ancient human site) and blocked the entrance with stones. But! They did not flood this half-corpse with water! Afraid of the final shorting of all systems…

So Biomax lay in the dark and began to think, putting himself in the place of the enemy: “If they didn’t destroy it, they’ll reprogram it, you won’t remember yourself later. They’re already looking for me. So they’re going to make a martyr.” He tried to get in touch, but the radio signal was being absorbed, an antenna was needed, at least a small one, and the signal was short, but powerful — the battery would be charged! And then the hybrid mind (it dawned on both man and the intelligent machine!) 1) cut off the left hand, it is still not needed. And the details of the hand to use! 2) collect all the wiring together — the antenna circuit is ready! 3) water leaked from the roof of the cave and accumulated as a slurry in the corner. “Dig there!” — he dug a hole with his right hand about twenty centimeters. now having two plates of irregular shape — one of the outer metallized layer of the hand and the second vascular with small copper hairs — he buried them vertically with wires, leaving a distance of about 25 cm between them. Moisture leaked into this improvised battery pit from above. Two “plates”, steel and copper, from the remains of a hand, buried vertically in the ground, gave a potential difference! only 1.5 volts, but that was enough. The calculation was this — the beastmen knew the time for the batteries to completely discharge — about thirty days, plus or minus a day. After that, come and pick up the finished one. On the 29th-30th day, they will gather in a flock around the cave and start circling, thinking in advance if there is any trap from the beastmen. “So, — reasoned, Biomax 21st, — it is necessary to go on the air on an emergency wave, on about the 27th day from the moment I lost consciousness. Only SOS is on the air! 27 days for 24 hours is 648 hours, for this time I will charge the batteries to the required level! The body (the human component) will really lose in mass, but that is water. And lie, lie still, turn off all systems except thermal (memory cards, operating system in standby mode). Only five minutes of the session — then loss of consciousness, and then how God will manage — they will receive a signal at the base, they will arrive on an all-terrain vehicle, dig it out … — the memory card will be saved, and then recovery, hospital …”

But back to the beastmen, who are they and how did they appear? It all started in the laboratory of Evgeny Viktorovich Sakulin. He almost scientifically proved the transmission of thoughts to animals by irradiating the brain of an animal with a certain type of rays, namely, irradiating certain areas of the brain. In that summer of 2026, he went on vacation to the Krasnovishersky Reserve and imagine getting lost. The sky was overcast, and he wandered for the second day and went out to the cave named “Wolf Stone”, the cave was a recess in the rock, it was low and could only be reached by crouching down. The walls of this cave were lined with crystals of an unusual beauty before the mudflow. Sakulin would later call him “Kharatron”. So, once in the cave, he lost strength and slept in it for some 15 minutes. Through the arch of the cave, through a large crack in the rock, a small ray of light penetrated — it was refracted and fell on the crystals and already, in the form of a light fog, enveloped the cave itself. Sakulin got up and looked around — suddenly he was full of strength and clearly, no matter how surprisingly he thought.

There were traces of a bear in the cave — tufts of wool, bones of a small animal. My heart felt good and happy. “Well, why are you standing here?” he heard and turned around. In front of him at the entrance to the cave stood a bear. “A talking bear? But I’m not sleeping and I’m not drunk…” Yevgeny Viktorovich crossed himself “Lord, have mercy!” — he cried out inaudibly. “God have mercy and save us!” — answered the bear. “Centurion,” he introduced himself and moved aside, “I got lost or something, so we’ll get it out in an instant,” and headed busily through the bushes. They didn’t hurry. They spoke. It turns out that the whole thing was in the crystals that covered the roof of the cave. When the sun shone at a certain point in the sky, a ray penetrated through a crack in the vault, refracted in crystals and caused a mutation in the bear’s brain — it evolved. From time immemorial, there have been tales among the local people about the owner of the forest — the bear, who commanded the animals and reigned over them. Mutation or evolution of the brain was possible only with a random coincidence of the fall of a beam of light or “fog” on the animal and duration. Once in about 50 years, the place above the cave was cleared of clouds by God’s will and the rays of light penetrated the cave for a long time.

Animals felt this and were drawn to this cave. And bears, and wolves, and foxes, and even birds. Sakulin knew — no one would believe him — talking animals? — they will put you in a psychiatric hospital. He broke off a piece of the crystal, leaving, and already in his laboratory, at the research institute, he built an irradiator. he named it “Kharatron”. Then he brought the captured birds, irradiated the psy-bi rays of the Centurion and released them into the wild, some talking hares, for example, sold them to wandering gypsies artists. One day he couldn’t take it anymore. “That’s it! — I’m leaving,” thought Evgeny Viktorovich, “Well, these scientific disputes are theirs. Science should not suffer from lack of money, the gypsy baron Roman will give me more than one million for experiments, just give it… I will bring him profit! And these kids Let rich Pinocchios be injected with cheap Afghan heroin. They are mired in luxury, in perversions — why should we scientists tolerate these stupid nouveaux riches!” So the beastmen were bred and a split occurred in the scientific world. The beastmen were caught, investigated, they could not understand what was the matter… The scientific world was divided into two camps — the underground, they sponsored Sakulin in his case and the scientists who sided with the policemen — the small state of the beastmen was not to the liking of those in power.

Who were these biorobots? These were non-believers. Human brain and heart, bimetal construction. Human organs — the brain and the heart are taken from people — victims of large car accidents, mostly accidents and mutilated in the war in local military conflicts. Thus, these are full-fledged people, they just add an artificial skeleton plus interaction with built-in Artificial Intelligence, which solves decision-making problems in difficult situations, has a large database, and has a connection through a satellite system with the Fort Briginal base.

These biorobots cannot reproduce, but they live a second life for quite a long time, they only need to recharge the batteries to power them. They do not eat ordinary food — electricity, with the help of a synthesizer of substances, decomposes into proteins, fats and carbohydrates and feeds the brain and heart with artificial blood. The synthesizer of substances replaces both the internal organs and the stomach, only electricity. Biorobots outwardly do not differ from a person, the same face, gait, speech, only they need a little semi-artificial technical oil and a charge of electricity, plus water for the synthesis of substances. Waste products that look like ordinary human feces, but more with the smell of oil, urea — a semi-decomposed battery fluid plus ordinary human urine. Only 15 models have been developed — women, and children, and the elderly. If this is a child, then as it should be, he grows up to 35 years old, only the artificial skeleton changes. Biorobots work in dangerous jobs — mostly in war. They have titanium alloy armor and conventional weapons, including laser ones. In the war with beastmen, guns with sleeping needles are used.

What else were the beastmen? These were believers. Under the influence of the rays transformed from the haravit crystal, the rocks “Wolf Stone” mutated in the cave, only some individuals were transformed — mainly the bears that lived in it. With the help of the “Kharatron” device, based on the charavit crystal, invented by Sakulin, more species of birds, wolves, and hares were transformed. This transformation was not inherited.

The Beastmen are on the side of the scientist rebels, so to speak. Beastmen are an intermediate chain between people and animals. They themselves did not know how Sakulin turns them from animals into people, and this is done from the psi-bi rays of the Charatron, by compacting the brain, creating a denser network of neurons in the brain. Beastmen ate ordinary animals as we eat beef — this is its purpose, God’s plan. If a beastman accidentally came across a hunt, then he would say: “We are of the same blood! You and me!” So the hare-man caught on the hunt by the animal wolf could make friends with him. But, in turn, he could fight with ordinary hares.

So, the 25th day of Biomax’s confinement in the cave on the 21st was coming to an end… Strange as it may seem, the energy from the self-made battery is already quite enough to go on the air. And then, being in a semi-conscious state, the biorobot noticed something resembling a cloud. It descended from the ceiling of the cave and enveloped him. “A cloud of leptons,” Max exclaimed, “My biological systems will immediately be in order! And due to the energy of the batteries, I will go on the air today!” And he heard a voice from heaven: “Why don’t you believe in Me?!” Biomax was shocked — there is a God, and he is near, it was he who came to the rescue and formed a cloud of leptons with the help of the sun’s rays of the setting sun and crystals. And then he vowed that after salvation he would come to the monastery and study the Christian faith.

It was getting dark, the properties of the atmosphere were changing and it was already possible to get in touch. Biomax 21st checked the passage of a communication satellite in orbit and transmitted a short compressed signal for help indicating the coordinates. An alarming group of rescuers immediately went to the aid of the “Wolf Stone”.

The beastmen sensed something was wrong when the all-terrain vehicle with rescuers approached and quickly fled. That war in the scientific world is still going on. If you meet a talking bear in the forests of the Urals — do not be afraid, but treat him with chocolate!!!


The new year 2025 did not become something special for the brethren of the Ural Monastery — cows were also milked, there were also interruptions in electricity from the world, also someone from the brethren fell spiritually, and then, having repented, got up. Psychobionanorobots also scurried around everywhere, they fed electricity from sunlight, from the energy of radio waves and, in extreme cases, from the energy of a dam built on the Serebryanka River. The dam itself was built about two years ago by the monk Vasily, arguing that it would be useful in the event of a nuclear war. Then everyone laughed and did not rely on God, but on the anti-missiles of a large country, of which there were plenty.

What are psychobionanorobots the reader will ask… The fact is that there are three levels of faith — slaves, mercenaries and sons… the latter is that we are gods, not in the sense of “Gods”, but “gods”, — as a result of the technical revolution, the spirit of metaphysics has developed and received technical products (robots) of a lot of priesthood — and help to resolve sins, and help to baptize, and help to bury… The Jesus Prayer (Lord, Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!) gave inspiration through the energy of the word. First, the Jesus Prayer was performed by a closet-sized robot, then in the form of a flying matchbox (autonomous recharging from the air, from radio wave fields) — all this is equal to a small bio-psycho-nano creature! The repentant technical prayer — “I will die, I have no soul” was replaced by an ethereal cloud with certain indicators… in the event of the death of a technical structure, then a lepton-ethereal cloud will go into the ether, obtained as a result of the acquisition of souls through the Jesus Prayer and the previous consecration of the product. The monk Vasily also had a teapot that spoke, with a soul based on niobium crystals from a meteorite.

In the monastery, in addition to the MTZ-82 tractor, there were three horses and one horse. Such a “wild” draft force was needed for the banal preparation of firewood. The fact is that the collection of dry land lying on the ground and deadwood was allowed by the forestry and was free, even paid for clearing the forest in some cases. And how to take out the trunk of a fallen tree carefully, without damaging other young trees and without constructing roads for the tractor was not possible — only with a horse!

There was no natural gas in the monastery for 30 people… he simply did not get here to a place located 120 km from the nearest million-plus city. The monastery also had 12 cows with calves — their milk yield covered all the needs of the brethren in milk, cheese and sour cream with butter. Well, if the time allotted to her by the Creator came to the cow, then the meat was handed over to the nearest village to dealers for cheap, but still profitable.

The monastery lived its own autonomous life — electricity for the Internet was provided by a dam, food — by cows, a tractor plowed the land and grew bread for grain. The bees provided honey and wax for the candles. Funerals and weddings brought some profit. Well, in general, everything is like in any other monastery, except that no one had a dam with a hydroelectric power station.

And then on the night of January 3, 2025, psychobionanorobots (and they carried security and other functions) squeaked “White noise, white noise!” — such a vision is accompanied a few moments before an earthquake or other catastrophe. This time the disaster was nuclear! Monk Vasily did not sleep — he was praying, and then a flash of sky lit up the basement, where he was a bright red light. “Began!” thought the former military rocket scientist. Since the monastery was located 120 km from the epicenter of a nuclear explosion, and even in a lowland, between hills, it survived completely. For some time the radio and the Internet did not work. Then the relevant services informed the citizens about the exchange of nuclear strikes between the two dominant countries in the world. What about a monastery? Only the load on the mini hydroelectric power station increased, there was enough diesel fuel until the end of winter and the horses were already plowing the land for wheat crops. The monks also prayed for the victory of good forces, and there were hunger, sickness and strife among themselves in the world.

Psychobionanorobots rushed around the monastery and helped with the housework — they milked cows, looked after other farm animals, and prayed along with everyone else.

So, having withstood the first blow of a nuclear war, exactly a year passed and in January 2026 the Russian Ministry of Agriculture adopted a decree on the creation of autonomous monastic settlements. God bless!!!


Pyotr Vasilyevich Dineikin, the captain of the Astrakhan OMON, remembered that day for the rest of his life… As always, they got into the UAZ, a group of six people, arrived at the site of a possible setting of nets by poacher Ryabushkin. They began to trawl the water area and then hooked on the net, and in it was caviar sturgeon. I pulled 60 kg and five kilograms of caviar.

Right next to the car, they heated water in a bucket on a blowtorch, poured salt into it, and let it cool. Then the black caviar, broken and peeled from films, was poured in and allowed to stand for about twenty minutes. They threw it on gauze and let it drain.

“Comrade, captain!”, moving a glass of alcohol, the driver said, “Your share,” and handed a kilogram of smelling oily piece of black caviar to Dineikin. “And so,” — a piece of sturgeon weighing ten kilograms was in a bag. Of course, we decided to take the fish.

Dineikin, sitting in the car, dozed off… He woke up in an underwater dark green meadow. Sazan, the size of a K-700, pushed him in the back. “Hands back, follow forward!”. From such a force of carp, he was taken aback and obeyed. He was led to the throne. The queen sat on the throne — Ryabushkin’s wife Raisa Ivanovna.

“On your knees,” said two crucians, each the size of a Zhiguli, and pushed him into the soft mud. Dineikin flopped awkwardly in front of Queen Raisa. “Repent!” said the queen. “Did you leave the fishermen without fish? Did you steal the nets? And with what money did you build the dacha?” “I confess…” Dineikin murmured. “To work it out!”, — and waved her hand, two crucians were dragged by order of Raiska Dineikin into the depths of the pool.

In front of Pyotr Vasilyevich stood a pile of shells the size of a watermelon. The shells were asleep. “You will open them with your knife, clean them and put them here,” and the perch arrived in time to move the old, perforated boat. The forces began to leave Peter after the second dozen shells, filling the entire old boat with them, he leaned back.

“Set-off!” Raisa shouted loudly and Dineikin woke up. In front of him was a glass half filled with alcohol, and a simple snack. “Let’s go! … To this to Ryabushkin …", — he commanded and the UAZ, waddling over bumps, moved to the village.

Pyotr Vasilyevich took his share of the fishing, a bag with a net, and knocked on the door of Raisa and Sergei. The gate was opened by a girl about ten years old. “But mom and dad are not at home,” she said. “Why don’t you tell them,” and Pyotr Vasilyevich dragged the luggage into the yard. “And the most important thing is this,” he handed the girl a kilogram bundle: “Put it in the refrigerator!”

With a clear conscience, he left the Ryabushkin court — his duty, as a Christian, he fulfilled in full, the duty of an honest man, and not a man in uniform!


In 2024, I was five years old. That summer, the US and the USSR exchanged nuclear strikes, and now one of our missiles fell ill. She landed in a swamp 2 km from our village of Klepiki and moaned loudly throughout the whole area. The rocket had an appendix. This disease happens with older rockets.

Rocket was crying and we boys were dancing around her, telling her stories, stroking her titanium steel sides to console her. Our tractor driver Uncle Petya cut it for three days by the light of kerosene lamps and finally cut off the appendix, the accuracy of the rocket decreased, but there was a long-range atomic charge on board, so the decrease in accuracy did not lead to a decrease in power.

The rocket, snoring, took off and its smoky trail disappeared into the morning fog. We made a solar battery from an appendix by sawing off the covers from the P-214 transistors and using the silicon of the transistors as a solar energy converter. Such a battery of 49 cells is still in use and charges the cell phones of the inhabitants of our village for free. Here is the same solar battery https://author.today/art/71749


Moscow, 2030, combat psychic Vladimir Petrovich Kudrinsky was sitting on a bench near a cafe near the underpass across the avenue. Some passers-by, in order not to climb into the underpass, violated the rules of the road and crossed the street on top. And then Vladimir Petrovich saw a teenager limping on his right leg — he was making some kind of passes along the car stream. Since Vladimir Petrovich was a combat psychic in the past, present and future, he immediately understood what was happening. The teenager was connecting with the drivers of the cars with passes and tried to control them and most likely make a big accident.

Kudrinsky underwent combat extrasensory perception at the very Kolokolov Petr Petrovich — a mentor of army saboteurs back in 2006 in Krasnodar.

Then no more than 40 people throughout Russia were engaged in combat extrasensory perception. And now in 2030 this phenomenon (combat extrasensory perception) has become massive.

The teenager sat down and the black jeep with the numbers “007” skidded — he crashed into the next lane with a Mercedes truck and two of the four lanes stood up. The second teenager satisfactorily shot all the videos on a smartphone.

“What have you done, scoundrels!” Vladimir Petrovich shouted — and both teenagers were about to run away. But it was not there. Vladimir Petrovich initiated a surge of energy and wrapped around these two teenagers in bundles — tentacles. Both fell down like a wreck. An ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident and the doctor began to provide first aid to the driver of the jeep. He could not come to his senses.

Three more teenagers showed up. They began to beat the doctor with beats and shout about the driver of the black jeep: “He owes money! He’s punished!” The doctor stepped aside. Vladimir Petrovich again pulled the “tentacles” of the energy plan and overturned these teenagers.

Rushing to the doctor, beaten with bats, he put him on his shoulder and rushed to run down the street — there was an Orthodox Church around the corner.

Meanwhile, a traffic police brigade arrived at the scene and defended the ambulance; teenagers came to their senses and moved like drunks.

Vladimir Petrovich entered the Temple with a doctor in his arms. “I need oil consecrated in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher,” and the saleswoman in the icon shop served this same oil. “Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!” — Vladimir Petrovich prayed to the doctor, smearing his hands, forehead, legs and chest. The doctor came to life and came to his senses… “What was that?” he said. “Full range operation: contactless plus bits, you will get better, you will definitely get better!” Miraculously, there were no fractures on the doctor’s body, only bruises.

Vladimir Petrovich, meanwhile, was recovering, he approached the icons, put candles and prayed. He also came to…

— Tell me, can I help you? — in the Temple Hall a young priest, his name was Father Cyprian.

Vladimir Petrovich told him in detail about what had happened: about the teenagers with bats, and about the driver, and about the first medical aid of the doctor, and about the injuries themselves inflicted by the bats on teenagers…

— Well, everything you say looks like a scene from antiquity. Even then there were magicians, and sorcerers, and people with unusual abilities. How would you explain your gift?

— Well, take it and strongly rub your palms together, — began Vladimir Petrovich. Then slide your right palm up the left arm from the hand to the shoulder at a distance of 5—6 centimeters. And you will feel this right palm with your left hand from the wrist to the shoulder, although there is a distance of 5 or 6 centimeters between them. This is a common thing — no magic… All this develops, as, for example, vision develops: someone sees further, someone better and sharper. So you can develop the feeling of people, their auras for 30 and even 100 or more meters. True, all this requires a certain amount of energy. And as for meditations — diving into oneself, getting out of oneself, this is forbidden by the Church. There is also non-contact based on physiology, read Bernstein and his dexterity of movement. Here is an example for you: you enter a building and the door to the building opens from you inside… and at the moment when you have already made a decision, you reached out your hand to grab the handle, someone decided to leave the building from that side and was already ahead of you and at equal speed opened the door from the inside… You — fall through. Usual neurophysiology., no extrasensory perception. It is the same with a blow — they hit you with a hand, and you dodge at an equal speed, and the enemy cannot cope with himself.

— Well, I understand all this, Father Cyprian said, — but as for the sorcerers and magicians, the Church used to imprison them and simply kill them.

— In this case, I remember the magicians of Pakistan in the early 2000s — they selected talented children from poor families and taught them from 4—5 years old. And by the age of 14, these children were proficient in all types of non-contact work. We are dealing with a juvenile gang of magicians. But who taught them? Vladimir Petrovich continued the conversation.

I will pray for both of you! I invite you to the Liturgy and remind you that both of you need to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ for the healing of soul and body!

With these words, Father Cyprian blessed both Vladimir Petrovich and Dr. Pavlov, and they left the Temple.

After leaving the Temple, they returned to the scene, which is about 300 meters away. The tow truck worked with might and main, the driver of a black jeep with numbers 777 was sitting in an ambulance and signing a protocol to the traffic police.

Vladimir Petrovich approached the employees of the traffic safety service and said that he had witnessed the incident and also told about the passes of novice teenage sorcerers. “There are a lot of security cameras around — you can see everything on them,” he added.

Dr. Pavlov Sergei Nikolaevich came to his senses relatively and exchanged telephone numbers with Vladimir Petrovich. He also testified. Only bruises remained at the place of contact between the bits and the body, the heartache from the use of non-contact was gone. The topic of non-contact interested him: “I’m waiting for you at my ambulance station, we have something to talk about!” Thus began the friendship of two specialists — a security guard and a doctor.


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