About nutrition for 1 day

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To paraphrase the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, I will say: «Nutrition is what separates a champion from a non-champion!». So, nutrition is the basis of what separates those who have no results, there are good results and there are excellent results — this is a huge indicator that affects your physique and health.

Unfortunately, most people believe the myths around nutrition or simply have misinformation that holds them back. As a person who has built his own body, let me tell you that nutrition is crucial to your success. Moreover, it is necessary to remove any bad information before gaining new knowledge. I am asked so many questions about nutrition that I have come to the conclusion that most people do not have enough knowledge on this topic.

No matter how many times I talk about this topic, I keep hearing different «miracles», so I wrote this book. Every question you have regarding nutrition for building muscle, losing fat and getting a healthier body will be covered in this book — you can count on it. This is not a nutrition template to copy, it is a tutorial that will enhance your nutrition knowledge so that you can progress much faster and know when to make changes.

Chapter 1

10 Main nutrition rules

If you don’t take a step forward, you won’t budge. If you don’t ask, you won’t get an answer. If you don’t try, you won’t reach the goal!

There are 10 rules summarizing the importance of food and giving you recommendations. These rules should expand your knowledge about food and create the right level of understanding. This way you can use them at any time.

Muscle protein synthesis

Protein — from the Greek «protos» means the first, the most important.

Protein intake, in high amounts with significant amounts of leucine, is what really boosts muscle protein synthesis. The peak of protein activity in the body, according to available data, remains at a high level for 2 to 5 hours, depending on a wide range of variables, then a decline occurs, so it is advisable to eat every 3 hours. You just have to know that it’s critical for recovery, muscle retention, growth, and that regular, protein-rich meals support a variety of functions. Not all protein sources are equally strong in stimulating anabolism due to their amino acid profile. To maximize stimulation, it is better to choose animal protein, eggs and whey.


Characteristic features of the immune system are the ability to distinguish «one’s own» from «someone else’s».

A lot of bodybuilders, and people in general, will never talk about things like immunity, but it’s critical to your success. Did you know that 75% of the immune system is located in the digestive tract? This means that your immunity decreases exactly when digestion worsens. Proper nutrition sends a signal to the digestive system so that it works efficiently. Natural foods that are naturally rich in vitamins and antioxidants are the best way to support your immune system, which means lots of vegetables and fruits. Berries are a storehouse for the digestive system. But do not consume them by kilograms.

Intestinal Health

Intestinal cells produce the hormone serotonin, which affects many processes, and most of all it is known as the mood hormone.

Anyone who follows a high-protein diet forces the intestines to work harder, and if you follow a high-calorie diet plan to grow, it also puts stress on the digestive system. A favorable intestinal environment/function is important for your progress because it is the place where food is processed and nutrients are assimilated to help your body work at the highest level. Energy, strength and recovery are all carried out by digestion, which then has an effect on muscle growth. Just because you eat a certain food doesn’t mean that your digestion is normal at all –you should be able to process and assimilate nutrients properly.

Frequency of meals

Increasing the frequency of meals helps to reduce hunger and allows you to better control your appetite.

Eating frequent meals every 2—3 hours is usually the best way to eat to optimize muscle growth and fat loss. There are many reasons why this is true. Improving energy supply at a stable and constant energy level, which avoids large drops that can lead to a decrease in productivity. Digestion is more consistent, where the intestines do not have to process such a large amount of food in one go. Muscle protein synthesis becomes optimized, as already discussed, which promotes muscle recovery and growth.

Variability of nutrition

What is it for?

Diversity is really important in any diet because it means physically that you get a wider range of food; psychologically, your mind is not stressed by monotony. However, there is another reason why a wide range of your food types is important, especially when this spectrum is rich in proteins from foods such as meat, eggs and fish. The digestive tract is vulnerable to developing sensitivity and even lack of tolerance to these foods when they are consumed. Many people and athletes, including, begin to suffer from digestive tract problems when they eat only chicken and eggs, especially more often because they consume too much. It is easy to prevent this, with the help of a wider source of proteins in the diet. Thus, the digestive tract receives a wider range of natural digestive enzymes.

The speed of digestion

Fats, in general, are digested by our body the longest. Consider this!

At different times of the day, you will want food to be digested faster or slower. In the morning you are more exhausted and need nutrients that will reach the muscles quickly, so you choose a meal that meets these needs. After training, the situation is similar. Sometimes you want the food to be digested more slowly, so the energy exchange is prolonged, such situations are usually during a quiet day or before going to bed. By structuring the food and including certain nutrients in the food, you can influence the speed of its digestion.

Blood sugar control

If we divide it evenly among all the inhabitants of the earth, then each of us absorbs 22.6 kilograms of sugar per year!

Controlling your blood sugar level so that it remains more balanced throughout the day helps to get even energy, it eliminates energy dips, controls sugar cravings and also increases insulin sensitivity. It is easy to achieve this with the right structure of your diet, with the help of fiber from vegetables, a small amount of healthy fat and carbohydrates with a low GI (glycemic index) at the right time. Protein–rich diets are preferred to maintain blood sugar.

Regulation of energy consumption

What for?

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